Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Some Things...

Some things can't fully be expressed in words.

Some things are better left with just these two little heartfelt words.

Some times we just have to take them at face value and understand the heart of the person penning the words

Gratitude is too often over looked as over rated and should just be pushed to the way side.

I wasn't raised that way.

No kindness is gone unnoticed and at a moment like this, when I can give nothing but my thanks, I must stop and ponder what this means.

It's more than just a number.

It's more than just knowing you've been a small success.

It's the people.

It's you. The person sitting on their computer and taking their time to read this post.

You see, this week I hit 400 followers.

Something I never expected when I started a blog. Just a little something I wanted to do. Something God has used in innumberable ways in my life.

And sometimes all a person can say (and I hope you truly know the depth of my gratefulness) is...



  1. 400 followers! That is wonderful!

    With all the love you pour out though, I must say I'm not surprised people keep coming back here. ;)
    ~ Wendy

  2. In the immortal words of the movie Field of Dreams...

    "If you build it they will come."

    Your blog is a sweet blessing and reminder of who we are as writers.

    Blessings sister in Christ.

  3. Congrats on 400 followers! I agree 100% with Wendy and ML!

    Sweet blessings to you always, Casey!

  4. Congratulations, Casey!

    Keep up the good work. Your blog is very enjoyable and inspiring!

  5. Wooohoo! Congrats on 400 followers, that's awesome but honestly I'm not surprised, you being such a nice person with such an entertaining and thought-provoking blog and all. ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. WENDY, that has blessed me this morning, thank you for your kind words. You are a dear!

    ML, lol, I guess in this case you could say that couldn't you?? It's great to meet you here, thank you for stopping by!

    MICHELLE, Oh I always enjoy your visits, thanks for stopping by!

    SUSAN, thank you. I am humbled and blessed by your comment!

    RENEE, you are so sweet! Your blog was one of the first I found and got me started on this AWESOME journey!

  7. Congrats Casey! Pretty soon you'll be at 1000! :)

  8. LOL, Joy! Somehow I think that is probably a long ways off yet. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)