Friday, March 11, 2011

The 'Stuff of Life' Friday!

It's Friday!!!!

Thanks for stopping by Writing for Christ today!! I hope you'll take a moment and visit, it is Friday after all! I have a few thoughts that have touched me this week and a bit of fun news. I look forward to "chatting" with you and getting to know you all better!

Taking it One Day At a Time

We aren't gaurenteed tomorrow and I have become especially aware of that this week. What are you doing TODAY to make a difference? Are you making wise choices? Giving God your all? It's more than just getting to the destination, it's about the journey.

Something I posted on Facebook recently that has really stuck with me: Don't let the distance of today, affect the journey to tomorrow's dream. Whatever it may be.

We are so often overwhelmned by the DISTANCE we must travel, when we forget that God has put us here for a reason. And it's a JOURNEY to His PERFECT ending.

I hope you'll join me.

Interested in a Critique?

If you are interested in having a bit of your work read by me (standard excuses apply, I am not published and I offer this only because I love to edit and share my time and what little knowledge I have :-), then leave a comment saying so.

On My Nightstand

I started this book by Christa Parrish earlier this week and immediately loved it! If you are a women's fiction reader/writer, this book (and author) is a must pick-up-now read. I read her second book as well, Watch Over Me and was blown away by the story. Check them out!

**Grab the Polish!**

I've been very busy this week taking a writing class from Margie Lawson and getting my Frasier entry ready. I've had less time this week to work on my other WIP, but there is something about actually KNOWING how and what to fix on my work while editing that is just so encouraging!


And the winner of Singing Over Babylon is...


And the winner of a tote bag or mug with the image of Lady in the Mist printed on it is...


When Life Takes An Unexpected Turn
(or One Question Friday courtesy of Wendy at Thoughts that Move)

You know when something happens, when you didn't expect something to happen? Sorta hits you out of the blue and takes you by surprise?

What do you do during those moments?

Have a GREAT Friday!!


  1. I've heard GREAT things about Home Another Way.

    At those moments (can you tell I love asking and answering questions like these?) I usually find something--anything to paint. It calms me. I've also been known to write about it.

    ~ Wendy

  2. Hey Wendy! I'm really enjoying it, though the MC is kind of hard to like. It's going to be interesting to see how Christa brings her around.

    I'm known to write about what such events in my life too. It seems calming in so many ways. :) Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Speaking of surprises, a very nice card showed up in my mailbox and blessed me! I'm adding STN to my list, thanks to you, Casey dear! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. What type of genres do you critique? Would it matter to you?
    Do you charge for your editing services?
    (Sorry I have to ask, but I'm not financially able to use paid services just yet. Would love to, though. Good editing is worth every penny. And I would love to help support my editor friends.)
    If you need payment, I certainly understand. But if you want to offer an opinion on something, I could always use another set of eyes. :)
    Great site, btw. As well as your other one. And thanks for your thoughts on the Fraiser. Very helpful.

  5. @Laura, so glad it made it to you! You have a wonderful weekend as well. :)

    @Kenneth, no. Though I don't read sci-fi or fantasy, I can still look at them as far as structure goes. No, I don't charge for my editing, this is just something I do because I love to do it and find great pleasure in reading other's work.

    So glad the Frasier info was helpful, it's a great contest! Thanks for stopping by today!!

  6. Hopefully draws me to my knees. I'd like to say immediately, but unforunately sometimes its not my first thought.

    That's great that the course is helping you know how to fix. That's what I feel like I need at this point. Thanks for spreading the word.

  7. I agree with you Julia. I had to hit my knees hard this week and God's peace has been such a sustaining beacon.

    I hope you and I can take a course together sometime.I think it would be so helpful and enjoyable to work together on it. (Margie has us work with edit partners.)

  8. hey! new GFC follower! love the blog and i'm lookin forward to reading more! a great thing to remember that i read in my bible study today is

    "It is not OUR strength, but GOD'S that should carry us through each day."

    so often i forget this! God bless and have a great week!

    follow me?!

  9. Hello Lindsay, welcome!! I'm so glad you stopped by and will definitely look forward to getting to know you!

    Wonderful reminder, thanks for sharing that!!

    Have a fantastic week ahead! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)