Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do You Live Like You Were Dying?

I’m not trying to be morbid, just trying to get you to think.
We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. We aren’t given the next five minutes or even the next five seconds. Too often I know I forget this fact. I argue with my siblings, I let a hurtful phrase leave my lips. I don’t take a chance I should have.
And I forget that I could not be here tomorrow.
It’s just a fact of life. As Christians, we have a great hope that when we die, if we have lived our lives for Him, we will spend eternity with Him. But have you thought of the legacy you would leave?
I want to be remembered as someone who loved the Lord and you could SEE that a thousand miles away. I want to take those chances: be it spreading God’s word or stepping out in faith. Speaking softer, loving deeper.
Living deeper.
We can so often live on the edge of life. Have you ever thought maybe your life would be changed if you went beyond your comfort zone? Have you ever thought maybe there was more to life then the finite before you?
Have you ever thought about how you would be impacted if you fell deeper in love with Christ?
If you were going to die (and KNEW you were going to die) tomorrow, what would you do? Would you go hug your children one more time? Would you stop the homeless man on the street and tell him about God’s love? Would you take that step out in faith? Would you take that second to sweeten your words?
We need to live deeper. We need to go beyond the superficial. I can’t answer what is for your life. But I know what it is for me. And I’m not sure I would be satisfied if I knew tomorrow was the end. Strike that. I KNOW I wouldn’t be satisfied.  
Live your life. Don’t just let life live through you. You only have this one moment.
What are you going to do with it?
This post was inspired by the song Live Like You Were Dyin’ by Tim McGraw. I have the music video here, the quality isn’t the best, but the song is fantastic.


  1. Incredible thought provoking post. And so true. A few years ago a close friend was diagnosed with cancer and given 6 months to live. I remember being shocked. (Among other emotions.) Guiltily, I also thought, six months? That's not enough. I've got so much to write.

    That dear friend taught me so much about living and dying...and writing...without ever saying a word.

    I am blessed to have known her.

  2. Beautiful post and I'm right there with you.

    My goal is to try to take a risk every single day I'm alive. Risk caring. Risk sacrificing. Risk giving.

    Risk letting go.
    ~ Wendy

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is a wonderful post Casey. Really made me think.

    I love this song by Tim McGraw!

  5. ANNE, my heart goes out to you in the loss of your friend. You were handed a gift though and I know your life must be impacted now becuase of her gift.

    WENDY,amen. A risk to let go can be a challenge on the mildest of scales. Thank you for visiting today.

    LEAH, I am glad. It's a great song, isn't it? :)

  6. I really like that song too!

    I knew I was going to die tomorrow I don't think I would change too much. I would be myself, but try to take more time for the needs of others.

  7. I really needed to read your blog and hear Tim's song today. It's been one of those "poor me" days that I hate being in but just can't seem to get myself out of. You have given me much to think about tonight. Thank you Casey!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  8. FAYE, wonderful setiment! I agree with you and stay grounded in that faith. :-)

    CINDY,awe, then God was in the midst of it wasn't He? It certainly wasn't just me. I hope your day was better today! :-)


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