Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Emotional Ride- But a Good One. "The Heart of Memory" by Alison Strobel Review

An emotional roller-coaster ride! That is the easiest way to describe “The Heart of Memory”. The entire book was a ride through emotional highs and lows.

I was intrigued as I read this book and it grew as the plot developed. The book held my attention quite well, especially since the story was based mainly on what was happening within each of the characters. The story walks through the faith journey of Savannah primarily, but includes the struggles of her husband and daughter. The book had several surprising turns in the plot and several times I was quite shocked at the actions of Savannah (though given her circumstances they made sense.)

The book covered a lot of tough issues. Faith struggles, financial problems that are quickly falling apart, relationships, trust, throw in a heart transplant with miles of baggage and there are layers of tension riveting their way through the story.

I thought the ending was great closure for the book. With so much going on through the story, not every single thread was 100% sealed, but the closure of the story worked the best for the characters and their growth. I was satisfied.

I thought “The Heart of Memory” was a good story filled with many elements, but underlying messages that readers will easily relate to.


  1. Got this on my Kindle. Good review.

  2. Sounds very good, I will have to get this one.


  3. BECKIE, thanks! Glad to see you here today. :)

    TERRI, it is free right now on almost all sites for ebook. You'll have to check it out! ;-)

  4. FAYE, I would probably say so. :)


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