Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Was Hooked! Fairer Than Morning by Rosslyn Elliott Review

“An author to watch” has become an oft-used and over-rated phrase and because of that I try to avoid using it my reviews. I am making an exception in this case, because Rosslyn Elliott is truly an author “to watch”.

I was hooked from the very first line and the momentum didn’t end with that last line, each successive word blossomed into a novel I thoroughly enjoyed from beginning to end.

I was concerned for the plot at the first. With novels that abound in lyrical prose the story can often be lost in all the phraseology, but I was continually propelled through the book. Changes in pace and plot, character growth and development, even a few twists to where I thought the book was directed. The author maintained one story thread clear to the end in such a manner I couldn’t have quit reading even if nothing else happened until that thread was resolved.

Aside from a few places where I thought description was a bit heavy and I didn’t pay as close attention, I can say with complete conviction that I will be watching this author. Her writing is not only a treat to immerse myself in, but her plots, characters and story telling ability will lend her a place on my bookshelves indefinitely.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.    


  1. I was really impressed by this one too! It had a very Dickensian feel which I totally adored and it's not a style you see everyday so I pretty much didn't quit reading this until I was finished, plus it was partially set in Pittsburgh so that was another reason for me to love it! Hahaha! Nice review Casey.

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. I know, beginning to end it was a great story. I liked the tone and feel of it, but it didn't abandon good story principles either. Yes, you would like the Pittsburgh thing, wouldn't you. ;-) Thanks Renee! :)

  3. Good comments. We should get Rosslyn's book tomorrow.

    Rosslyn did a review for my blog on Family Fountain that was very interesting and well received.

  4. WARREN, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :) Thanks for coming by today!

  5. Im a guy, so i admit not knowing much about those Amish fiction novels, but they are very popular with alot of folks. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon county.

  6. I saw that at the book store, I'll have to look into it.


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