Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Next Cold Call Author (and Other Fun News : -)

The Next 'Cold Call' Author is....

You have until SUNDAY the 3rd to get YOUR questions in for Julie to answer. I'll take up to 8 and anything goes (within appropriate reason) :-)

Please remember to keep them fairly short since this is a "cold call" interview. Thanks!

Contest Alerts!!

Courtesy of
 The Writer's Alley hit 300 followers and to celebrate we are doing prize giveaways for TWO straight weeks! You still have a bit of time to go visit the posts from this week and get your name in the drawing. I'm giving away a copy of Home Another Way by Christa Parrish

AND in honor of Spring that isn't here yet, I'm doing a gift certificate giveaway for my jewelry! You can find out more about that on my Facebook page (if you're seeing this before 8 am pacific, then give me a few minutes and I'll get it up :-)

Did You See It??

I was given the priviledge to interview author T. Davis Bunn here on my blog!! I hope you saw it! It posted yesterday and you can find the link here.

I also posted on the Alley this week about my experiences in taking Margie Lawson's online class. (There is a giveaway :-)

And the Winner is....

The winner of Catherine West's Yesterday's Tomorrow is...

Samantha Cheng!

(you've been emailed Samantha. :-)

I got my copy this week! :-)

Ack, It's Gone...!

I sent in my Frasier entry this week (Monday to be exact) Eeeek! Can we say NERVES? Though I will say the most nerve-wracking moments were the ones directly after sending it in. SURE I would just go find a typo of some kind. I hold no high hopes...except learning something that will help my craft.

But (you writers can emphasize with me) you know how hard it is to send something off without being there looking over the shoulder of the one judging?? At least in the show ring for 4H I could be there

Figure that one out. Yeah, it's where my brain has been this week. ;-)

Coming Up Next Week...

I promised a series on purity and it's coming! All next week to be exact. Monday--Thursday I will have three guest posts and a post I have written. This series is about remaining pure before marriage, more than just body. But heart, mind and soul.

I hope you will join us, this is promising to be a very UPLIFTING set of posts.

I Dare You to Watch it Only ONCE!

When my mom showed me this, I KNEW I had to share it with you. You will be lololololololing for the rest of the day.

I know I was. :-)

Happy Friday!!

Don't Forget Your Cold Call Question(s) for Julie!!!


  1. Oh, I absolutely love Julie's books.

    here's my questions for her.

    What is your secret (if you dare tell us) to writing such long page turner books? Books that hold the readers attention and draw them back to the book

  2. I love Julie and her books!!!
    When/where will she be signing in GA this summer (if she knows for sure yet)!

  3. WHOO-HOO, I get to do COLD CALL!!!!! Although I tend toward "HEAT," this is a pretty exciting venture for me and I can't wait to answer some thought-provoking questions!!

    And, Case, the "Mommy's Nose" video??? ADORABLE ... my first big laugh for the day. :)


    P.S. Waving to Abi and sending my thanks for her sweet comment AND great question AND to Jackie -- I will possibly be in Atlanta for the International Christian Retail Show, July 10-13, so say one that I make it to ICRS because if I do, I hope to set up a book signing at Nora St. Laurent's LIFEWAY in Dacula!!

  4. APPLE BLOSSOM, great question. :)

    JACKIE, ooo, I think Julie has an answer already for you. :)

    JULIE, lolol! We'll see if we can cool you off a bit. :) And oh, isn't that hysterical? I had to watch it again just now for kicks. :)

  5. Hi Casey! Lots of fun stuff on your blog today!

    Thanks for the jewelry giveaway! I entered, of course. : )

    I've sent you my question for Julie!

    Praying that all goes well with your Frasier entry; no matter what the outcome.

    Looking forward to your purity series, too. This is something that my daughters and I talk about a lot.

    Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!

  6. Hey Casey, wishing you the best on your Fraiser entry!

    Can't wait to hear from Julie on your cold call. I really enjoy her books.

  7. OMiGosh!!!!! That baby video is the cutest thing EVER! :D

    Congrats, Julie! :D

  8. Hi Casey! I was so excited when I found this blog while at work, working on our store's website. I myself love reading and writing and I can't wait for a chance to browse this more!

  9. My question for Julie:
    Since you are all about passion, what is the most romantic location you have visited?

    I can't wait to read more of what Julie shares!!!!!
    I LOVE JULIE!!!!
    Still waiting for a good Southern book from her! Some day. . . right, Julie?!:)

    Charlotte Kay
    charlovesmark at gmail dot com

  10. MICHELLE, it was a great question too. :) I'm looking forward to her answer. And thanks for entering!! And thank you for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated! :)

    FAYE, thank you!! Her interview will be fun! :D

    CARMAN, isn't that fun????? I laughed so hard! Good to see you around. :)

    MARGARET, it's wonderful to "meet" you!! Thanks for coming by and I hope you enjoy your visits. Lord bless you today!

    CHARLOTTE, ooo, good question! Love it! I know, Julie would do Southern fiction well, wouldn't she? :)

  11. Im a little late on commenting, but I was reading the posts that I missed over my busy weekend and had a few comments for ya! ;-)

    I know how you feel about the Fraiser. My entry went out six hours before the deadline. I hate clicking the SEND button. Like you, I feel sure I will re-read it and find some way I could've made it better or some correction that it needed.

    I watched the video - and laughed SO HARD!!!!! Wow!! How cute! :-P

    ~ Katy


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)