Wednesday, May 25, 2011

God's Timetable

A child's wonder.

I’m an impatient person. Always have been. When I was little and bopping to the music of our stereo and the song ended I would crank up the music dial in the silence between songs.
Over the years it’s taken a lot of patience to curb this impatience. Just like growing up, I’ve wanted to get there quicker than the days it would take to get there on time. Because seriously, who wants to wait for the “right moment”??
But our timetable is not God’s timetable. And about two and half years ago I stumbled across site after site about this annual Christian conference called ACFW.
Well, my goodness I need to go! And I need to go next year, because seriously this is too good to wait for. Plans laid out like a golden ticket to the horizon and a restlessness in my spirit that cajoled that the sooner the better.
But I wasn’t relying on what God’s plans were. I wanted to do it in my time. In my way. Right now.
Can anyone say miserable?
Impatience doesn’t do anyone any favors except for the person that has to live with themselves. And let me tell you, those days were not fun.
But of course hindsight is always 20/20. In those two years I have grown so much. I’ve learned to trust in incredible ways. I’m still learning, but it’s a learning that is willing to wait on God’s perfect timing. Can’t…won’t say it’s easy.
But when you give your dreams to God, release those inner desires into His hands, He will do incredible things! He knows the perfect timetable and He knows what you need… needs you probably have no idea about. And when it’s time He will grant those wishes with a heaven-sent kiss of approval.
I believe I have been given such a gift. For you see…last week I registered to attend the ACFW conference in St. Louis, Missouri. And while so much within me wants to shout to the world, all I do is smile at the heavens and thank Him for putting His hand in my life. Because the only peace I want is found in the palm of His love.
Because His plans are perfect.

**photo courtesy of Flickr


  1. Oooh congrats Casey! You'll have to give all my favorite authors a big hug when you get there. I'll give you a list before you go. LOL.

  2. LOL! Joy, I am seriously going to make a list of all those I would like to meet and I'll take yours too. :-))


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