Monday, June 13, 2011

A Delightful Novel! ~ Spring for Susannah by Catherine Richmond ~ Review

Some books are just plain good! Some books are so engrossing, it’s easy to stay put for 3+ hours. And some books are so enjoyable you can’t help smiling when you think about the story.

“Spring for Susannah” fits that bill for this reader. I think what I loved the most about the novel, were the characters. Yes…all books have to have characters, but Susannah and Jesse were so loveable and completely charmed my heart- Jesse especially. Talk about a loveable hero! Susannah had so much growth to do and started out the book as a very meek heroine, but my goodness as the story progressed you saw HER progressing. The author trusted her reader to get it and I loved seeing the little subtleties all through the story that crescendoed into a character that could stand on her own two feet.

I sat in one place until this book was finished and I never once tired of reading. I snorted and giggled over the little bits of humor that added spice. The secondary characters are the perfect mix of level-headedness and quirky. I hope if there are more books we get more of them!

A sweet faith message, a loving romance and characters I won’t soon forget, this historical romance is that perfect antidote for cold days, the kind you want to curl up with and become lost within the pages.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Litfuse Publicity for my copy to review.

To celebrate her debut novel, Catherine and her publisher, Thomas Nelson, have teamed up to give away a Spring For Susannah Prize Package worth over $150!

One grand prize winner will receive:
* A brand new Latest Generation KINDLE with Wi-Fi and Pearl Screen
* Spring for Susannah by Catherine Richmond (for KINDLE)
To enter just click one of the icons below and then tell your friends! But hurry, giveaway ends on June 27th. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, June 28th at 5 PM (6PM MST, 7PM CST, & 8PM EST) during Catherine's Spring for Susannah Book Club Party on Facebook! Catherine is rustling up some fun for the party - she'll be chatting about the story behind her novel, hosting a book club chat, testing your mail-order bride trivia skills, and giving away some GREAT prizes! Don't miss the fun and tell your friends!

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter


  1. Casey, Thank you so much for your wonderful review! My next book, Relying on Sophia, comes out summer 2012. Sophia's no where near as shy as Susannah, but she's a lot of fun - I hope you enjoy her, too! Blessings!

  2. Cathy, oh fantastic! I will look forward to it's arrival. Thanks for coming by today!


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