Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Promised, Here They Are! Meeting a Fellow Blogger and Friend!

Ever had one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities? The kind you KNOW you can't turn down??

I got one earlier this month (late June to be exact).

When I found out Amber of Seasons of Humilty didn't live too far away from me during the school year I knew I just had to meet her and we talked about it several times, but each chance fell through.

UNTIL just a few weeks ago while her family was on vacation in Sunriver (Oregon) I drove down and got to MEET her.

Let me just put it this way: this better not be a once-in-a-lifetime only meeting, because Amber is one of the sweetest people I have had the pleasure of meeting. We had a crazy fun weekend and it ended all too fast! Here are a few pictures of our adventures...

Yes, we did more than read. We got on the same side of the computer screen to eye book covers. ;-)

We visited for over two hours at a local park and tried to take self-portrait pictures. Why does the one holding the camera always get the double chins???
We rode the rental home's bikes along several paths and stopped at this bridge for some scenery, more talking and more pictures. I think that pretty much sums up the entire weekend actually. :-))
One of the places we visited was the Lava Cast Forest not too far out of town. When hot lava flowed through the valley it hollowed out the trees, but left the outer trunk empty and hardened. Quite interesting to see!
Here Amber stands in the mouth of a cast.
With Amber's mom and grandparents.
But probably the best part of the weekend (beside meeting Amber) was spending time getting to know her wonderful family. We laughed and visited...and took lots of pictures!! :-))

One with her lovely mom. I can see where Amber gets her kindness and sweet spirit!

Amber, I had a GREAT weekend and it was fantastic to meet you! Let's plan to do it again soon and thank you and your family once again for being so warm and gracious!!


  1. Had to hop over from the email for this one. Love the pics! You guys are adorable! So glad you were able to connect and share in person. I can't wait until I'll be featuring you both as best-selling authors who knew each other when:) Blessings!

  2. That is so awesome that you and Amber got to meet each other! Looks like you had a great time!

  3. How very fun! I love getting to meet writer friends!

  4. RENEE ANN, LOL! Thank you. :-)) But the same could be said about you too! Thanks so much for coming by today!!

    RUTH, it was more than a great time, it was awesome! :D

    KATIE, I completely concure with you! And this only makes September wildly more exciting. :)

  5. Oh Casey, thanks so much for this lovely post!! It was an honor and a joy to get to meet you in person--and I'm all for doing it again!! ;D

    Your family is super sweet, as well! I'll have to show these pictures to my mom. :)


  6. How exciting! So glad the two of you got to meet in person! Special memories, indeed. : )

    Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Sweet Blessings,

  7. What a cool opportunity. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I love meeting and talking to other book lovers. Especially christian book lovers. :)

  8. Hi Casey! Thank you for the sweet comments. We so enjoyed meeting you!!! Loved how you and Amber posted some of the same pictures, soooo cute! I want to thank you again for my lovely earrings, your moms delicious cookies and your dads pork chops,(the girls and my mom & dad enjoyed the pork chops, they said they were the best ever. Floyd and I went fishing that evening and caught 4 trout, wish they would have saved me a bite!!!) Anyway, if you're up for a drive, you are welcome to come to our home. We will show you all the amazing sites to see here in the redwoods. Let us know, the summer is still with us for awhile!
    Blessings to you and your family!
    Love, Brenda

  9. AMBER, thank YOU for sharing your post. Hopefully it won't be too awful long and we can meet again. Just think Thanksgiving. ;-)

    MICHELLE, one of the things we talked about is we HAD to get pictures and post them on our blogs. Thanks for joining on the conversation today! ;-)

    CANDY, me too! Don't get me started, you won't get to shut up. LOL!

    BRENDA, awe, thank you!! I couldn't have had a more wonderful time, you all were so fantastic to welcome in a complete stranger! I would love to come and visit you, hopefully that can be something that can be worked out. :)Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  10. What fantastic pictures! You girls look like you had an awesome time! Thanks for sharing!

  11. JOY, oh we did! So glad you could pop over to share in the joy. Would love to someday meet you too! :)

  12. Oh, you two are SO ADORABLE and I am SO jealous you got to meet!! I am beside myself that I get to meet Case in Sept., but Amber, it would be doubly nice if you would be there too!! In fact, I wish we could have a blogger convention so I could meet and hug on ALL of you guys!!!


  13. I second Julie's suggestion for a bloggers convention. DO they have those? I'm pretty sure there's a book blogger one but a Christian one would be super cool too! It looks like you gals had a blast and took some great pics. Thank you for sharing!

    XOXO~ Renee

  14. Aww, you're so sweet, Julie!!! You know I would LOVE to be there--maybe someday, if it's God's will (perhaps as an author or editor...???)!


  15. JULIE, you would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Amber, she is so absolutely wonderful. And it would be fantastic if we could all meet in St. Louis. Someday!!

    RENEE, wouldn't it be fantastic?? I would so love to meet more of my favorite bloggers in person. Who knew just a little thing would turn so big??

    AMBER, oh you will someday. You've got the drive!

  16. Casey and Amber,

    I love the pictures. It sounds like such a fun time and I hope you gals will be able to do it again. So not surprised you turned out to be "kindred spirits" in real life.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)