Friday, August 19, 2011

A Blog Award and Special Message from Colleen Coble!

My many thanks to Elaine at E.J.'s Library for passing on this blog award! I wasn't even aware it exsisted and I'm honored to be included. :-))

The goal of the award is to spotlight up and coming bloggers who currently have less than 200 followers. The rules of the award are:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all - have fun!

I don't follow very many blogs, so my awards might seem repetitive, but it doesn't make them any less sincere!

Katie at Katie McCurdy ~ Whenever I visit Katie's blog I always feel so welcome. And I love "bumping" into her around the web. :)

Michelle at Sweet Treats and Inspiration ~ Love this woman, love the name of her blog! And it holds it's own in the blogging world. Michelle has a unique blog with a godly touch I love.

Amber at Seasons of Humility ~ You already know how much I love Amber. Check out her blog and see if you don't agree with me. ;-)

Sheri at Sheri Salatin ~ I love the entire theme of Sheri's blog. Unique and fun to visit! (and oh, a fun fact to know and tell: we farm very, very closely to how the Salatin's farm and my dad has devoured her father-in-law's books. ;-)

Dawn at A Passion for Pages ~ I will stop in once in a while and read one of Dawn's book reviews, love them! She has a unique way of writing them that is all her own and works so well. Looking forward to meeting you in September, Dawn!

Again, my thanks for the tag, Elaine! And I'll be letting my fellow bloggers know I've sent the award their way as soon as I can today. :)

And now for your reading pleasure...a special message from Thomas Nelson publishers and Colleen Coble.


From Thomas Nelson:

One of the highlights of our days in the Fiction department at Thomas Nelson? Receiving reader letters—either directly addressed to us or passed along from our talented authors. It’s critical to be reminded that at the end of our long days acquiring, editing, designing, selling, marketing, and publicizing books, those stories are reaching readers, striking nerves, changing lives. We want readers’ feedback. How stories have given you hope. Which authors’ series you can’t help from sharing with everyone you meet. We want to know what makes you stay up late in the night to finish a story, and conversely what turns you away. 

We’re conducting a series of surveys—seeking answers from readers who love Christian fiction. Up for grabs is a free ebook for every respondent who completes the survery, as well as a $10,000 prize for one entrant. The responses we gather will help shape the future of the books we publish for years to come. As well as the data we’re collecting here, we’ll also seek more in-depth feedback from a panel we’ll develop over the next year. More details to come. The note below from one of authors gives a specific picture of how reader feedback shapes her work. In short, your opinion matters! We thank you for your time and appreciate your responding. 

--Thomas Nelson Fiction

Dear Friends--

Your opinion matters. It really does. I love hearing from readers about what worked for them in a story and about what doesn’t work. Reader feedback changed the balance between romance and suspense in my novels. After the Rock Harbor trilogy, I wanted to write more suspense in my novels because that’s what I personally like. But readers really wanted more relationship and romance in the books so I moved back that direction to about the same mix of 50/50 that the Rock Harbor novels contained. I write for you even more than for myself.

I had no intention of setting a whole series of books at Bluebird, Texas. It was going to be only one book, but readers sent me requests in droves for more books. The fourth book in the Lonestar series, Lonestar Angel, will be out in October. The Rock Harbor novels were going to be complete at three. There are now five and I’m thinking about another one! All due to reader demand.

I’ve often asked for reader input on names and locations too. When I was struggling for a name for my hero in The Lightkeeper’s Ball, I turned to my readers. Harrison really fit my character, and my readers told me. Love that! When I was trying to decide on a location for the new Hope Beach series I’ve started, I asked readers. Their overwhelming response was for a series set in the Outer Banks so guess what I’m writing?!

That’s why we’re coming to you for answers. We want to give you what you really want! Don’t be afraid to let us know what you really think. We value your honesty and the time it will take to share with us. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

Your friend,
Colleen Coble


Casey here again: I would not be posting this, if I did not believe this was legitimate. Thomas Nelson partnered with Christian Fiction Blog Alliance (CFBA) and asked me to bring this to my readers. I have even filled out the survey, and in this day in age, publishers are incrediably aware of what their readers want. It is not taken lightly. We have the chance as readers to share our voice and it's worth it!

Friday's Winners!!

The winner of Sarah Sundin's Blue Skies Tomorrow is....

Lisa Nelson!!

And the winner of Michelle Sutton's Letting Go is....


Congratulations ladies, be haunting your inbox!!


  1. Congrats on the award Casey, you deserve it. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Awww, love you, too, Casey!! :D Thank you for passing this award on to me! I'll hopefully be posting about it soon!


  3. Thank you for the award, Casey! You are too sweet, and have truly brightened my day! Thank you, thank you!

    Love & Hugs,

  4. Oh, wow. thank you so much, Casey! :) I didn't know that you all have a farm! That is awesome!! :)

  5. Ahhh, thanks RENEE! You're sweet. :)

    AMBER, ;-) (((hugs)))!!

    MICHELLE, you're welcome! Appreciate you, lady!

    SHERI, we live on a *small* farm (just under 10 acres) but we make it work! Whey fed pork, pastered poultry, grass-finished beef. Daddy does it all. ;-) Couldn't live anywhere else, but under God's creation on a farm!! :D

  6. I'm glad you like the award and thanks for the link to my blog in your post! ;)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)