Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blogging Break...

You're probably snickering, because who can take a blogging break when she has posts still going up?

Wellll...those are pre-scheduled and this one isn't. ; -) And right now I am in the midst of plotting (as well as a seat-of-the-pants writer can) my latest novel.

It's exciting to plot the story and discover these characters. Nearly as good as sharpening a brand new pencil and cracking the textbooks for the first time of the school year.

Plus I get to get on the phone with writer friend Carol Moncado in a few hours! Watch out, girl...

I would love to know what you are doing this Wednesday! Please share with me and I'll draw a name from the comments to pick a book from my Swap List for me to send to you!


ACK! Change of plans. And no time to write another post. This has been a drama-filled week. I'm working today, so no plotting, but I will be tomorrow and Carol and I will have to wait to chat until Friday. BUT please still comment and I'll draw a name. Gotta know what you're doing while I'm taking blood pressures and helping patients. ; -)


  1. mammogram, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, home schooling two teens, and the list goes on :)

  2. I'll be selling insurance all day, and taking a break to read at lunchtime. Keep up the good work on your novel! :o)

  3. Anne, have a great day!! Sounds like you will be more than busy, but enjoy yourself!! :D

    Christy, now THAT sounds like my kind of lunch break. I do the same thing. ;-) Have a awesome day!

    I'll check back in later today, gang, have a great day!

  4. Sounds like an interesting week, Casey! I hope life slows down soon so you can get to plotting! :-)

    I know what you mean trying to plot a book when you are a seat-of-your-pants writer! For the writing contests I entered this year, they needed a synopsis of the book and I was kinda like "Well, I'm not finished writing it yet, so I'm not sure!" :-P That was very interesting having to plot out everything so I could write a synopsis. :-P

    Today I plan to do stuff around the house, help teach my little sisters school, write my blog post, and (Lord willing) get another chapter or two done on my WIP. :-) So, yeah, not too hectic a day.

  5. Casey, I hope you enjoy your blogging break, your talk with Carol, and your plotting.

  6. Today, housework, housework, drop daughter off at pre-school, waste two hours on the web, pick daughter up, Wal-Mart, home, housework, fix supper...

    I'm currently at the end of "waste two hours on the web."

    To redeem some of that time, I'm gonna go do some online banking.

  7. Andrea - you're supposed to be using that time to WRITE young lady!

    Katie - oh I understand your pain! Trying to write a synopsis for a book that's not even begun?!?! What's a pantser to do?!

    Casey - so sorry we didn't get to talk today! Am hoping Friday will work out after all /biting nails/. Forgot the kids will be out of school, but should be fine. Will tell them to leave me alone. Go in my room and lock the door. Go in my bathroom and lock the door. Go in the closet and shut the door [no lock]. Bet they won't find me in there ;).

    But I did get some edits done and Hello, Hollywood read ;).

  8. I worked at the elementary school today (I'm a special ed para) and tonight I'll go to a meeting at church for those of us who are volunteering to help with our Wednesday night kids program that begins next week. I also read my daughter's paper (via e-mail)that she wrote for one of her college classes, while talking with her on the phone. Thankfully no major editing was needed. I will hopefully have some reading time before bed. I did get to read a little during my lunch break. I hope your week settles down so you get the writing time you want.

  9. I'm hoping to get back into writing again soon, too! :)

    As for today, I just got out of my last class (first day of school!). I had "Civil War Era" (history), "History of Modern Africa," "Pilates/Cardio," and "Shakespeare" today. I think it's going to be an interesting semester!

    And guess what came in the mail??? My Bug's Beads order!! :D Oh, Casey, the bracelet is lovely and just right for fall! And thank you for the sweet note. :)

    Love ya!


  10. Lets see, I worked, came down with a splitting headache (the worst I've had in years), came home and slept for an hour & now it's time to relax by blogging.

    Hope you can get your plotting in tomorrow Casey!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  11. Hello gals! Love hearing what you all did today! (and Cindy no better way to relax, imo!)

    Carol!! We'll make it work. Last time and Pepper and I talked Phoebe was busy chatting in the background. ;-) It's all good.

    Thanks all on the warm writing wishes. I get to go back to it tomorrow, but it was a good day at work! Busy, but it made the day go fast and I like it that way. :)

    Have a good evening!!

  12. casey...good luck w/ your writing :)

    i had a great day at work it's time to relax and read a little.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)