Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Special Guest Post (and Giveaway) with Lindi Peterson

Hi. My name is Lindi Peterson and one thing you should know about me is I love the idea of love.  My husband gave me a birthday card a couple of years ago and on the front, in big letters it said:


And I loved that card. (And my hubby, of course!)

I get all starry-eyed and goose pimply at stories of people finding love. I think it’s one of the most rounded actions we can do. Because love isn’t an emotion-it’s an action. It’s something you do. Sometimes it’s something you do when you don’t want to. But that’s another story for another post.

Beth Moore has a 4 part DVD series titled Loving Well. She says in there that when we know we are loved well, we can love well. And I agree. By knowing that Jesus loves us and modeling that love, we can love with a depth that can’t come from anyplace we can draw from. It comes from the Lord.

It’s my fascination with The Great Love Story that I write love stories myself. The message that the love that Jesus has for us is ours is amazing. There are so many aspects to His love countless stories have been and will continue to be written around the subject of love.

 I asked my soon-to-be- daughter-in-law how my son first asked her out. I settled my mind for a heartwarming story about how they met and that first date.  She looked at me and said, “Well, I was sitting in my apartment and I got a text and it was from Alex. It said: Lunch?”

I smiled. “That’s it?” I asked? That’s all it get?

Okay, so my son’s not a romantic but…..

Love comes in all sizes, shapes, forms and texts apparently. This love we know from Jesus serves us to love our family and friends and whoever else comes into our lives for certain reasons.

The title of Casey’s blog is so appropriate-The Audience of One. When that One is the center of our lives, when all we do, say, and think centers around Jesus, our lives can’t help but be an extension of who He is and what He has in store for us. And He certainly loves us.

There are so many great love stories—I’d love to hear some of your favorites.

Casey here again: I had the chance to read Lindi's debut novel, A Great Catch a month or so ago and so enjoyed this sweet novel! I would love to pass it on to one of my commenters today, answering  Lindi's question above. I'll announce the winner on Friday. :-))


  1. Don't enter me for the draw 'cause I have read Lindi's book and loved it! Just wanted to stop by and say she is a great author, and I look forward to reading more books by her! Thanks, Casey, for interviewing Lindi.

  2. I would love to read Lindi's book. They sound very good. I love romance novels and I am a hopeless romantic. I love the romance between Edward and Bella from Twilight, Romeo and Juliet, Vincent and Catherine from Beauty and the Beast and Titanic. They are my favorite love stories. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good.

  3. Jackie--Thanks for your kind words! I'm so glad you loved HBC. It was great fun to write.

  4. Tor--we both love the same love stories! All those you mentioned are some of my fav's as well. I kept waiting for Jack to show up in Titanic when Rose was sitting on the rescue boat at the end of the movie. Ha! But Jack and Rose are still a fav couple of mine.

  5. My hubby isn't a romantic person either. We've been married 25+ years and I've yet to get flowers or chocolates, etc.

    He proposed to me setting in the car at a restaurant. real romantic.

    I'd love to win this book thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. My husband is the hopeless romantic. Even after 48 years of married life, he still loves to surprise me with flowers or jewelry or even just taking me out on a date.


  7. Sounds like a wonderful book.

    One of my favorite stories to hear is of my Grandma and Grandpa- they were set up on a blind date and they ended up getting engaged just a few days later. So sweet.


  8. I'm a hopeless romantic too. Sigh. Fortunately for me, I'm married to a guy who smiles and indulges my romantic ideals. :)

    My favorite love story is of Mary and Joseph in the Bible. I love how Joseph kept Mary even though she was expecting another "Man's" child. Reading between the lines, I would guess that Joseph was quite a guy. :)

    I would love to be entered for a chance to win your book, Lindi. Sounds like fun!


  9. a wonderful posting...i love the simplicity of love...a look...a caress...a smile.

    thanks for the opportunity to read this beautiful love story.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  10. I m nto sure abt my self.. but my frns call me hopeless romantic...

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

    gfc follower

    vidishamun at gmail dot com

  11. There are so many terrific love stories: true stories of how our parents or grandparents met and fiction stories such as those by Jane Austen, Julie Lessman, and Mary Connealy. We could go on and on, listing writers of love stories!
    I'd enjoy the opportunity to read your new love story in your book.

  12. Would love to win!


  13. apple blossom--hey--25 years + is awesome. I don't get flowers either. But I bet there are many things your guy does for you.
    Congrats on all the years of marriage.

  14. Jo---I'm swooning at your post--how wonderful! I bet your date nights are great. :)

  15. Krista--love the grandparents story. Must have been love at first sight. And that is very romantic.

  16. Sheri--I agree-the Mary and Joseph story is a great love story. Joseph was quite a man of God.

  17. Karen--I like what you said. Love is so many things. And it certainly doesn't have to be complicated. Simple is better.

  18. Vidisha--I bet your friends know best. :)

  19. Pam K--You've listed some of my fav authors. And yes, true stories of our loved ones are great to hear.

  20. Sarah--thanks for stopping by.

  21. This looks like an amazing book. I would love to read this. Thanks so much.


  22. Goodness! I'm sorry to have missed today's post! I've been gone all day, checking out a new job opportunity, but have seen the comments and thanks Lindi for being here on the blog today!

  23. Hi Rebecca--thanks for stopping by.

  24. Casey--thanks for having me. You've got a great blog going here. I appreciate being a part of it.

  25. Rose and Lord Hamlin from 'The Healer's Apprentice' by Melanie Dickerson! Please enter me!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. Lindi and Case!!! What a great interview this was -- VERY romantic!!

    Lindi said: "Beth Moore has a 4 part DVD series titled Loving Well. She says in there that when we know we are loved well, we can love well."

    Oh, AMEN to that!! In fact, that fits right in with my Journal Jot blog this week, so great minds ...

    And I LOVE Beth Moore!! Just discovered her about two months ago when my daughter started her "Breaking Free" workbook -- HOLY COW, what a blessing!! It's helped to change my life, seriously.

    Lindi, can't wait to read your book. I hope you are going to be at ACFW this year because I would LOVE to meet you, sweetie.


  27. Julie,
    I am a huge Beth Moore fan! She can teach the Word in a way I can relate to and understand.

    Thank you for always being so supportive!!
    I won't be at ACFW this year (son getting married in Sept!) :) but maybe next year.

    And for anyone reading this a Julie Lessman read = an awesome read!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)