Friday, September 30, 2011

Cold Call Friday with Kim Vogel Sawyer!!

Welcome Kim, to your “Cold Call” interview!! For those of you who don’t know what the “Cold Call” feature is, at the beginning of the month I have a poll, the winning author YOU then get to interview!! Kim Vogel Sawyer won this month’s vote and I am thrilled to present her here with YOUR questions. Without any further ado, heeeerrrre’s Kim!

How many cats do you have and how do they help/hinder your writing?

 Four cats allow me to share “their” house. Most of the time, they provide company while I’m writing, which is nice, because I spend so much time alone. If a fly finds its way into the house, they can be a hindrance, because they are so entertaining. It’s awfully hard to write when they’re being uber cute. :o) 

I’m a Taco Bell Addict. Do you have a favorite fast food place? If so, what are you most likely to order there?

Every now and then I get a craving for a Subway Meatball Marinara...mmm!

With the same maiden name as I have, I am wondering if you have relatives in Germany?

My father’s family came to America from Russia, so the Vogels in Germany are less likely to be related to me. I might be related to Voths or Klaassens, through, since my mom’s family immigrated from Germany to Russia in the 1770s and then to America in the 1870s.

Do any of your novels really stand out as a favorite? If you had to pick one… could you?

I have favorite elements in each of my novels--whether a main character, a situation, or a supporting character. But if someone has never read any of my books and asks where to start, I usually say MY HEART REMEMBERS because it’s written to honor a very dear person whose gone on to her eternal reward.

You refer to your grandchildren as the “Sweeties”, “Bugaboos” and a “Wugmump”. Is that so you can mention them in your writings without having to use real names, or do these names have special meaning?

In part it is a safety issue. But the first time I held my first grandchild, I cooed, “You’re such a sweetie.” So all of my oldest daughters became “the sweeties.” When my middle daughter gave birth, my grandson had such an ornery look on his face, I teasingly called him a Bugaboo. So it became my nickname for middle daughter’s two boys. As for the Wugmump, I sometimes referred to my youngest daughter as Mugwump; so I turned it around a bit and thought of her baby as a Wugmump even before the baby was born. (If I call my 4-year-old grandson by his name, he says, “No, Gramma. Call me Bugaboo.” <g>)

What is your favorite scripture or life-verse and why?

I’ve chosen Phil 4:4-8 as my life verses--“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Those verses are not only good advice (as well as offering a wonderful assurance), but when I follow them, I experience a much better attitude toward life.

I have a totally off the wall question for Kim….Do you “frost” or “ice” a cake?  

I frost a cake with icing.

And for the ever so joyous fans, eager to get their hands on your latest book, where can they find you online?

Please join me at :o)

Thanks! This was fun!

Friday note:
Thank you for being patient with me as I was running late on announcing a few of these winners. I have them now, so if your name is on the list, be haunting your inbox!

The winners are...
Love Finds You on Christmas Morning by  Trish Perry and Debby Mayne:

To Die For by Sandra Byrd:

A Vision for Lucy by Margaret Brownley:

Congratulations ladies!!


  1. I just finished reading Whispers of Peace this week. Kim masterfully tells the story of a good-heart missionary and a stoic Indian woman who longs to belong.

  2. I always enjoy an interview with Kim, as much as I enjoy her books!!
    Thanks, Casey. Loved the explanation of mugwump,etc......cute! Just finished A Whisper of Peace...fantastic!!

  3. Fun interview! I can't wait to read her latest book. I love "Cold Calls" :) Thanks Casey and Kim :)

  4. Thanks for your interview with Kim. It was fun to see that you used a question I submitted. Kim is one of my favorite authors so it's always enjoyable to read more about her.

  5. That was so cool to see a picture with you and Kim next to the interview ;)

    I love the colors on the cover of A Whisper of Peace...beautiful and just makes me want to move West.

  6. VICKIE, Kim tells all her stories masterfully. ;-) I saw you from afar at the conference but for some reason never got over to say hello. Hopefully next time!

    JACKIE, I was thrilled when that particular question was asked, because I was very curious. ;-) Kim is a wonderful lady, not only in her books but also in person.

  7. FAYE, I'm glad you do! I do as well. :)

    PAM, I'm glad your burning question was answered. ;-) Always fun to see what readers such as yourself come up with.

    JULIA, Kim was a pleasure and a thrill to meet. I've read so many of her books, it was a joy to meet the person behind the name on the cover.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)