Wednesday, September 21, 2011

God Has Given Us Dreams for a Reason

I don't believe any dream is ever wasted. When we reside in the middle of God's perfect will, and we have given complete control of our lives over to Him, we know our dreams come straight from His heart.

Because once we start giving our lives to Him, His dreams for us become our dreams in tandem.

But sometimes we can get too close to our dreams and forget Who gave them to us in the first place.

Dreams are so important. A dream becomes a goal, a goal becomes a reality and a reality can be used by God to speak to His children.

Everything we do in this life should be looked through the glasses, "how can this further my Father's kingdom?"

Sure our dreams ultimately start out with something we want. I want to marry a cowboy and live happily ever after. I want to see my name on  the cover of a book. I want to be the daughter, sister and friend I should be.

But when our dreams become WANTS, they aren't worth dreaming after anymore. Because we are forgetting who gave us that dream in the first place. You don't think you just woke up one morning with a new passion, did you?

God gave that to you. I don't want to forget that. Every single one of our dreams deserves a special place in our hearts...because they wouldn't be there unless God wanted us to use each one for His kingdom's glory.

Our dreams have a reason, a purpose, a beauty in living. It's exciting to think of partnering with our Creator in this exciting endeavor!

**I am currently traveling to St. Louis, Missouri. Rest assured your comments are seen and so appreciated, but I won't be around to respond. Thank you for understanding! I appreciate each and every one of you so much!!**


  1. Great post, Casey! Beautiful perspective!

    Enjoy your trip, you lucky girl! ;-)

  2. I love the top picture of the cowboy and his son, it's so cute!

    Have fun :)

  3. May I recommend a great book by Scott Shafer called 'What Every Dream Means'? It is a book about dreams from a Christian perspective that is so balanced and informative. I loved it

  4. Casey, what a wonderful post. Hope you have a wonderful, awesome time in St. Louis. Looking forward to what you bring back to your blog!!!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  5. MICHELLE, I did enjoy it. God is VERY good!

    FAYE, isn't that a treasure of a picture?? Love it!

    TRACY, thank you! I will have to remember that title, it sounds like something I would enjoy. :)

    CINDY, I should have something up soon, within the next few days. :D

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