Friday, September 2, 2011

Have A Question for Kim Vogel Sawyer? She's Our Next Cold Call Author! (and other fun news)

Our Next Cold Call Author...

REMEMBER! You have to leave your questions (fun, quirky, serious, you name it, ask it!) for Kim by SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH.

I'm so excited Kim won the vote as she is one of my favorite authors and I know she is very popular with many of my readers as well!  Please realize this is a "Cold Call" interview, so keep your questions as short as possible. Kudos are always enjoyed. :-)

If you would like to email me your questions, that will work too.

What the mail lady brought me this week!!

I've been so anxious to read Jody Hedlund's latest book, The Doctor's Lady and it FINALLY landed in my mailbox!

But before I can start the book (this is killing me, killing me!) I have to finish up more pressing reviews/matters. But it will be SUCH a reward!!

AND look what else came this week!!

I am the proud new owner of a KINDLE and I LOVE it!! Wow, I had heard how great they are, but until I had my own I was only going on research and what I had  experienced on my aunt's device. This DOES read like real paper. Very impressed and I can't wait to read through my already extensive library.

AND just in time for my ACFW trip!!

Celebrate with a friend of mine!!

A writing friend of mine, Wendy has been taken on by her dream agent! I know Wendy through our group blog, The Writer's Alley and I'm SO excited for her! You can check out this super exciting news on her blog TODAY! Say hey and congratulations. :-))


I have a winner from my post on Wednesday and a winner for Marlayne Giron's book! And they are...

Winner of their choice of any one book on my Swap List is....Amber!!

And the winner of Marlayne Giron's book Make a Wish is...Tore!!

Be haunting your inbox's ladies!

Fun times

Today I'm chatting with Carol Moncado!! We get to talk writing for a couple hours (at least I assume it will be that long. We're talking writers here. ;-) Going to be fun!!

And I'm working on plotting my latest story. If you are a writer, you need to check out Myra Johnson's excel plotting methods on her website. It's free and it's AWESOME to write/ plot with! Absolutely love it. It's my new toy. :-)

Happy Friday!!

AND DON'T FORGET Your Cold Call Questions for Kim!!


  1. Oooo! Congrats on the Kindle! I've got KINDLE on the top of my Christmas list in capital letters.

    Cold Call Question for Kim: How many cats do you have, and how do they help/hinder your writing. :)

  2. Congrats on your Kindle! I've had mine for about a year and I love it! Plus, I love the idea that I'm carrying around a book shelf in my purse cause it can hold so many books. :)

  3. LOL, Erica, I hope you get your wish. :) I saved up Amazon gift cards and then used B'day money. So glad I did!

    SARA, I love that too! I carry so many books with me when I travel and that is one thing I am really looking forward to with this device. :)

  4. Congrats on the Kindle, Casey. Have fun with it. There are so many great inspy novels free on Kindle right now, including Jody Hedlund's first book and one of Julie Lessman's.

    You're in for a treat when you can finally crack open The Doctor's Lady. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    Cold Call Questions for Kim: I'm a Taco Bell Addict. Do you have a favorite fast food place? If so, what are you most likely to order there?

  5. Cold call question for Kim....: With the same maiden name as I have, I am wondering if you have relatives in Germany?

  6. Thanks Keli and great question for Kim too, btw. :) YES, even though I own both of Jody and Julie's books I went ahead and got them for my Kindle. Hopefully it helps the ratings. :)

    MARTHA, love that question! :)

  7. Congrats on the Kindle! I love mine! Last year for Christmas my parents gave me a digital camera and my kiddo's and husband gave me a digital camera. I took one back and bought a Kindle! If you have facebook "like" Pixelofink for daily updates of free kindle books. Also Renee at Doorkeeper posts free kindle Christian books. I have fun scoring free stuff! Enjoy!

  8. Hi Julie! Thanks so much for that tip! And YES I love Renee Ann's tweets about new books up for free. She's a doll! :)

  9. Hey Casey! Here's my question for Kim! "Do any of the novels you've written really stand out to you as a favorite? If you had to pick one...could you?" (Feel free to rearrange my question however ya need to! ;-)

    Congrats on getting a Kindle! I just got one last month. It is REALLY cool and, while I still prefer own the actual book, it is nice to use for when I grab a free Kindle book on Amazon! Really cool!!

    Oh, The Doctor's Lady looks really good, doesn't it?! I am SO eager to dive into that book! Can't wait!!

  10. Questions for Kim:
    You refer to your grandchildren as the Sweeties, Bugaboos, and now a Wugmump. Is that just so you can mention them in your writings (blogs, newsletter, Facebook, etc) without having to use their real names or do these names have special meaning?
    You write historical fiction. Are you planning to stay with that or also write contemporary fiction?

  11. My favorite question is: What is your favorite scripture or life-verse and why?

    Casey, I'm a relatively new kindle owner too, and I have to admit that I am a complete convert. I still love the look and feel of a book, BUT the kindle is GREAT!

  12. I have a totally off the wall question for Kim :0) Do you "frost" or "ice" a cake? I know...weird

  13. Thanks for the question for Kim, Katie! And yes! I love that about my Kindle too. :)

    PAM, I am so glad you asked that question, I've wondered that myself as well! :)

    MEGAN, I completely agree with you! I'm lovin' it!

    ANNE, LOL, LOVE that question. Can't wait to read the answer. :D

  14. Just got home from a short vacation, hope I get this in on time.

    Kim - Who were your favorite Authors when you were in high school? And who are your fav. Authors now?


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)