Sunday, October 2, 2011

ACFW Journey (complete with pictures!!)

It's crazy what can happen when you trust your life in God's hands. Two years ago I had a dream to attend the national ACFW conference.

But God's timing wasn't my timing and He kept telling me to "wait". Not. Easy.

But I can now say, 2 years down the road with my first ACFW conference behind me, God's timing was perfect and in the waiting and growing in Him I have been exceedingly blessed.

In the people I have met. In the experiences I had. Even in the moments of God-ordained meetings and appointments. I've laughed and loved, grown and challenged.

I have too many photos to show in entirety in one post, I will probably break them into two or three. Just tell me if you get tired of them. ;-)

My dad and I leaving early Monday morning. It would take two and a half days to reach St. Louis, Missouri. That is how commited my family is.

I got to meet 9 of the lovely 15 Seekers of Seekerville. Let's just say these ladies are larger than life in person

Back L-R: Debby, Sandra, Mary, Myra, Audra, Janet
Front L-R: Julie, Me, Cara, Ruthy

The sweet and uber funny/talented dynamo, Mary Connealy. Woo-hoo, where's the celebrity magazine to sell this baby to?

Julie. Lessman. Two words, 'nuff said. Well, not really. Julie and I got several chances to chat over the weekend and I miss her already!!

What a moment from God! I walked out of the ACFW bookstore, reminded I needed to watch for Laura Frantz...and there she stood! Seriously...this moment was a gift from God, like the lovely woman herself.

Keli Gwyn and Candace Calvert! Both were such an encouragement to me that weekend. Both inspire me and I'm eager for BOTH of their books soon to be released. :D

 I met our lovely Renee Ann Smith of Doorkeeper! I would know the woman anywhere and when I saw and met her in person it was fantastic! A true keeper, she is! :)

 But the biggest highlight of the weekend was this picture. 6 of the 10 Alley Cats were able to make it to the conference and I treasure their friendship, now deeper because of our face-to-face meeting. God is SO good and we saw His amazing hand in these women's lives all weekend long.

 One of the people I was most anxious to meet was the lovely Beth Vogt. My heart fills to overflowing when I think of Beth. Her hugs warmed my soul and I'll be craving them--I just know it! A prayer warrior, she stopped and prayed with me twice. I know those prayers kept me calm during my agent appointment!

 There is such a spirit of God through the entire conference. I ran into Kim Vogel Sawyer in the appointment waiting area. Once she found out why I was there, she pulled me aside to pray for me. Not a single moment have I taken for granted, each one is a treasure I hope to pull out again and again like a faithful friend. There was not a single person I met that did not totally live up to their glorious expectation. Kim is just one of them. I am blessed!

 Pinch me now! I attended Tamera Alexander and Deborah Raney's workshop and learned much, but it was the warmth of the ladies themselves that blessed me. I told Deb I am *this* close from idolizing them (not that I can since it's not biblical) and few people make me star-struck.

I was star struck! ;-) I treasured those few minutes chatting with them both.

The Frasier Finalists and our inspiration, Susan May Warren. There were 6 finalists but we never could seem to track them all down for a photo. These ladies inspire me!

I've got more if you're interested! The story isn't over yet. ;-)


  1. Oh, Case, HOW FUN to relive the ACFW Conference through your pix!!! It was definitely the best I have ever attended and one I will never forget, and YOU are one of the biggest reasons why!

    Hugs and more hugs,

  2. I've got lots more too Julie! I so appreciate you taking me into your home and heart that weekend. I know it's one we'll talk about for a long time...what a gift from our lovely God!

    AND say pictures of Rory this morning!!! I'm not lying when I say that is one beautiful baby. Congratulations Grandma JuJu!! :D

  3. Oh, Casey - what an amazing experience! Sounds like you have some wonderful memories to cherish. :) And how exciting to have met all those lovely authors!! Thank you for sharing these pictures and some of your experiences with us. I'm sure there's lots more to tell! :)


  4. Casey,

    What a thrill to meet you! You are just as cute in person as you are on-line. I was so lucky to attend this conference for the first time as well - as so enjoyed it.

    Great pictures and wonderful memories!


  5. Love the pictures! Love the stories! Keep em coming!

  6. Love the pics! I was so glad to meet you in person, Casey. I must admit to feeling a bit overwhelmed at times so I didn't visit as much as I would've liked to. Next time!

  7. AMBER, when we get together next weekend I'll get on Facebook and show you the multitude of others I have!

    SUSAN, God is good, isn't He?? I LOVED meeting you too, I would have known you anywhere. :)

    JULIE, you got it. ;-)

    RENEE, what time we got to visit was fantastic. I'll be sharing your good news in one of the forthcoming posts. ;-)

  8. Great pictures! I am so glad you took so many--it's kind of like being at the conference for me. Can't wait to see more :)

  9. Oh wow, you got to meet all those amazing ladies! What a fabulous and fun opportunity. I'm jealous! ;)

  10. What great pictures, Casey! Wow, your camera stayed busy all weekend, didn't it? :) It was great to see you in person and hopefully I'll see you again next year!

  11. CINDY, I did take many! I will share more on Friday--I know what you're saying. When I couldn't go, I lived through the pictures and recordings. ;-)

    SARA, it was a fabulous chance-- a gift from God in every sense of the word. And all the people I met are just as wonderful as you would expect them to be.

    SARAH, I certainly hope for that as well!! And I'm excited for the year all TEN of us can be there. :)

  12. I'm so happy for you, Casey!!! What a truly FANTASTIC experience!!! Love all of your pictures and descriptions -- definitely look forward to seeing more!!

    Sweet Blessings to you!

  13. Hi Michelle!!! Wouldn't it be fun if we both could have done this?? Wish you were a writer so you could have an excuse to go. ;-) I'll have more on Friday!

  14. YES!! That would have been something, wouldn't it!?! I can live vicariously through your photos, lol. ;-)

  15. I'm happy for you, Casey, that you were able to go to ACFW this year and meet (and be photographed with) so many authors. Thank you for sharing those photos with us. I pray you will be seeing some good results from the connections you made, all in God's time. I also pray you will be patient in the waiting and let God continue to grow you during this time.
    Blessings to you!

  16. What a fun post, Casey, and what a treat it was to meet you in person. I knew you'd be special, but you were so much more than I expected--in a good way: bright, encouraging, spirit-filled, vivacious, sweet, charming. . .and I could go on. I would love to get some one-on-one time with you at Dallas and bask in your glow, girl. =)

    Keep the pics coming. They're great!!!

  17. KELI, you are SO sweet to me. It's no wonder everyone loves you and has nothing but good things to say about you, I can certainly think of many!

    I hope if I can make it to Dallas, that we can meet for a bit of time. This time around there always seemed to be something going on. :) (in a good way!)

  18. Oh goodness, I missed MIchelle and Pam's comments. :)

    MICHELLE, I have at least two more posts for you to live through. ;-)

    PAM, thank you, thank you for your kind words and prayers. They mean more to me than I say, and all the things I pray for myself!

  19. I'm star struck just looking at those photos!!! Do you have more?! Post them, post them! How did your agent appointment go??? Who did you meet? Can you say? If so, send me an email. :)

    How awesome that your family drove you there. What did they do while you were in the conference?

  20. Hi Joy!!! I was hoping you would make it over. :) I'll post more on Friday, promise!

    I met with Rachelle Gardner and it went well. I asked if I could ask for her opinion on my story instead of pitching and she was very gracious and let me. She gave me great tips and pointers and now I just need to go put them into practice!

    Yes, my dad was awesome to take me down! He taught a field day on farming and visited with a fellow farmer while I was busy at ACFW. :-)

    When you make will LOVE it! :D


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)