Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Who Can't Help Loving a Heroine Named Georgie?? ~ Love on the Line by Deeanne Gist ~ Review

Some novels I just don’t want to ever end. But at the same time, I am practically screaming to find out how. In. the. World. This is going to end!

            Do you see my dilemma? But I’m not going to complain, it’s a good..and fun one to have.

            “Love on the Line” is a masterfully written tale with excellent wordsmithing, characters that I just fell in love with and sizzling moments of romantic tension. The writing of a Deeanne Gist novel always pulls me by the throat into the story. It’s descriptive, sometimes even funny, charming, beautiful, paints a picture in your mind’s eyes with so few words needed.

            I loved the switchboard setting for Georgie. I looked over her shoulder the entire novel watching her take those calls and defend her birds. And when she pulled the splinters from Luke’s hands and arms…oh my. I loved, loved, loved the romance and restraint Georgie and Luke must walk through. I did have to chuckle a few times though when Luke was…ahem, especially thick.

            The twist at the end! I literally gasped at a conclusion I never saw coming. Talk about a surprise; I bet you will be too.
            This novel has so much going for it. A bit of humor, fascinating history, charming characters (who can’t love a heroine who can pull off the name Georgie?) heart-thumping romance. All…oh my. I want to go read the book one more time now…
            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Litfuse for my copy to review.

More about the book...

In 1904 Texas Ranger Luke Palmer arrives in Brenham, Texas, with one goal—to capture the gang of outlaws led by Frank Comer. Undercover as a telephone repairman, he uses his days on the range to search, not realizing there's another pair of eyes watching him.

Georgie Gail, switchboard operator and birder, heads out on a birding expedition, but instead of sighting a painted bunting, her opera glasses capture her telephone man, armed and far away from telephone lines. Palmer is forced to take this alluring troublemaker into his confidence and unwittingly puts her in harm's way. The closer he comes to the gang, the further she works her way into his heart—and into trouble. Soon it's more than just love that's on the line.

Contest News!!

Deeanne is thrilled to introduce Georgie and Luke to the world in her latest novel, Love on the Line. To celebrate Deeanne's publisher, Bethany House, is hosting the Love on the Line iPad2 giveaway an Author Chat on Facebook! Enter today and follow the link below to RSVP for Deeanne's rip-roarin' Facebook Party!

One fortunate winner will receive: 
  • A Brand New iPad2 
  • A Signed Copy of Love on the Line by Deeanne Gist 
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on November 7th. Winner will be announced at Deeanne's Author Chat Facebook Party. Deeanne will be wrapping of the Love on the Line celebration by chatting with friends new and old! So grab your copy of Love on the Line (it's okay if you don't have one yet- you might win one!) and join Deeanne on the evening of November 8th for a rip roaring book chat, a little trivia, a sneak peak at her next book, and lots of giveaways (books, and Amazon, iTunes & Starbucks gift certificates)!

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter

Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends. Hope to see you on the 8th!


  1. I read this book and I loved it! I gave it 5 Stars. I love these kinds of books anyway.
    Nice review.

  2. This is a book I've been interested in reading! I'm so glad to hear its good! Thanks for your review Casey :-)

  3. Great review, sounds like a great book! Thanks Casey :)

  4. WALL, I love a great deal of Dee's books and I think I've read them all...yes I think so! :)

    GWENDOLYN, YES it was a good book! I've yet to be really disappointed in a book by Deeanne. Except for one of her earliest ones. ;-) But this was excellent! Love her writing style.

    FAYE, you're welcome, girl! :)

  5. I just finished this the other day, the first CF book I've read in over a month.

    There seemed to be a couple of twists at the end. The big twist I saw coming. But the little twist, the one in the epilogue, I didn't see at all, and it made me smile.

  6. JOY, yes I agree with the little twist, but I gotta admit I'm not the quickest on picking up details like a "twist" coming and didn't see the big one at all. Guess that's good new for the author though,right? :)


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