Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Review ~ Shadow in Serenity by Terri Blackstock

I have to admit I wasn’t as taken with “Shadow in Serenity” as I honestly thought I would be. While portions of this novel drew my attention and had some great insight into the human condition, the novel itself, entire story arc and how it was put together, failed to truly move me.

            I knew full and well going into the story it wouldn’t be the typical suspense/murder mystery and I was perfectly fine with that. Where I ran into some snags was how the story came together. Much of the dialogue felt weak in places and a great deal of “info-dumping” (a fancy term for too much information too fast) took momentum away where story acceleration should have been.

            Now. That being said and my personal opinion shared, I do have this to say: it’s a great story of redemption of characters. I can see why this novel holds a special place in the heart of the author – as a reader I wanted to see the characters redeemed and given a new life in Christ.

            It’s an interesting story angle with a con man, something you don’t read about often and obviously well researched.

             Please realize this only my personal opinion and I can still honestly say I am looking forward to the next release – I just hope it’s more along the usual story lines.

            This review is my honest opinion. My thanks to Shelby Sledge, PR director for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Carny Sullivan grew up in the zany world of a traveling carnival. Quaint and peaceful Serenity, Texas, has given her a home, a life, and a child. Logan Brisco is the smoothest, slickest, handsomest man Serenity, Texas has ever seen. But Carny Sullivan knows a con artist when she sees one---and she's seen plenty, starting with her father. As far as Carny Sullivan can tell, she's the only one in town who has his number. Because from his Italian shoes to his movie-actor smile, Logan has the rest of the town snowed. Carny is determined to reveal Brisco's selfish intentions before his promise to the townspeople for a cut in a giant amusement park sucks Serenity dry. Yet, as much as she hates his winning ways, there is a man behind that suave smile, a man who may win her heart against her will. Shadow in Serenity is a modern-day Music Man, penned by a Christy Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author.


  1. I appreciate honest reviews so much! Thanks Casey.

  2. They are not always easy to write, but I know readers want to hear them. Thanks for coming by, Jessica!

  3. I also struggled with this book, too, which was so unfortunate because Terri is one of my favorite suspense authors. This one just didn't grab me.

  4. I know what you mean, Christy. It just hasn't been her best work. I was told her next one is a suspense and we'll be back on track. ;-)


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