Friday, December 9, 2011

*Tapping On Your Computer Screen* Hello!! Look Here for a Sec, Will You?

Thank GOODNESS it's Friday!!!
IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!

Just had to get that out of my system. ;-)

I've got a QUESTION for you--my readers who stop by my blog, but don't often comment.

Yes, I see you over there. In your pajamas and cereal on your chin. (okay, maybe I can't see you, but I can imagine you.)

Your visits make a HUGE difference to me, but I need your HELP now!!

What do you enjoy MOST about this blog and why? This is not an ego rub, so I'll also ask: What do you like LEAST about this blog and why?

Why do you visit and what makes you stop and take a second look at a post?

AND THEN I would REALLY like to know: what would you LIKE to see on my blog.

You are a HUGE reason I blog, so do share! I wanna know and help me be creative for the new year. It is almost here, you know. ;-)


  1. Casey, I like having the opportunity to connect with you, learn more about you, and find out what you have to say about life, writing, books, etc.

    I enjoy your reviews and have found some fun books that way.

    If there's one thing new I'd like to see it would be a vlog post. You have such a vibrant, dynamic personality wrapped up in a layer of sweet, and I think your visitors who haven't had the privilege of meeting you in person as I have would enjoying getting a glimpse of you in action.

  2. Oooo Keli you have a great idea there, a vlog would be sooo cool!!! I'm not brave enough to do a vlog but maybe someday...LOL. Personally though I love your blog the way it is. :-) Keep it up!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  3. Casey,

    I love that your blog is so "you," even though I've never actually met you in person. I've gotten a sense of who you are through your reviews, interviews, and the occasional therapeutic post. :o)

    And even though I may not comment on all of your posts, your blog is one I read regularly (maybe not daily, but I do make sure that I catch up with back posts). Your content is always relevant and exciting! I wouldn't change a thing, although Keli's idea was pretty darn good!

  4. I'll have you know that it is 6am and I am fully dressed with coffee in hand!
    What I love about your blog is really the obvious... The reviews!
    I love Christian Fiction and Christian Historical Fiction. You have a lot of my favorite Authors on here! Your blog is fast becoming one of my favorites due to that fact.
    So many blogs these days are only posting Paranormal, Vampires, and Dystopian books, and while I have read a few, it gets old.
    I love the pools.
    I love the interviews.
    I love pictures, i am a visual person.
    More giveaways!

  5. What do I enjoy MOST about this blog and why? EASY ANSWER!! I enjoy YOU, Casey Herringshaw -- as Keli said, your "vibrant, dynamic personality wrapped up in a layer of sweet" ... and I will add your "passion" for God, for the truth and for people.

    What do I like LEAST about this blog and why?

    Can't think of anything, seriously.

    Why do you visit and what makes you stop and take a second look at a post?

    The main reason I "remember" to visit since I do not visit a lot of blogs on a regular basis is the e-mail I get every day (because I signed up to get it). It usually piques my interest SO much that EVEN when I don't have time to visit, I will often minimize the e-mail to remind me to come back later. And after I come back, I'm ALWAYS glad I did because you are just flat-out a really good writer who has a definite knack for "hook" headers that lure me in ... :)

    AND THEN what would I REALLY like to see on your blog? I love the interviews and giveaways and unique perspectives you give on writing subjects, so I would just say KEEP IT UP, CASE!!!


  6. I love your blog, but what I love most about it are the book reviews. The author interviews, etc. don't interest me quite as much, but I'm always hunting for a new interesting Christian romance or Christian suspense novel, and you have listed quite a few that I have really enjoyed! Keep it up, please!

  7. Yep, you sure caught me with cereal on my chin!! lol Casey, I love your blog because everything about it is perfect. I have no improvements to suggest!
    Thanks for giving us such a great blog and Merry Christmas to you!

    (I subscribe via E mail)

  8. OK, yes, I am still in my jammies.
    No cereal on my chin.
    Actually, I haven't eaten my breakfast at all.
    Your blog is most definitely you.
    Your encouragement shines through in all your blog posts.
    Love that about this blog.
    I enjoy the interviews/reviews ...
    sometimes I have to skim them when they're a bit long ... but other than that, it's all good.

  9. Oh KELI! Goodness, you know what you've done to me now?? NOW I'm trying to mess and figure out my computer's recording features. Something I said I would never do. Sigh. I've got you to blame now. ;-)

    RENEE, we'll see if I actually DO IT! Ha! Thank you. :)

    CHRISTY, thank you. That is the BEST compliment I could ever get in that you think my blog is me. That's just what I want it to be. I can honestly say the same thing about your blog as well!

    WALL, LOL! Good comeback. ;-)) Reviews is one thing I've always got more of for sure!! :D

    JULIE, remember, I said this wasn't an ego brush?? LOL! You're the best. :)

    KANDRA, love your thoughts!! Thanks so much for sharing them with me. :D

    LOL JACKIE! Too funny. :D Thanks for stopping by to share today!

    BETH, I seriously love hearing that. It means I don't have to work at anything but just being who I already am. ;) Have a good day, my friend!

  10. I would love to see some weblogs from you! :)

    I love how refreshing your blog is. Uplifting, cheerful, interesting.

    Can't think of anything I don't like about this lovely place. :D

  11. Oh goodness, I think I'm going to be doing a vlog someday soon!

    Thank you ERICA, I love it even better when you visit. :)

  12. Casey, your blog was one of the first I started reading regularly. Like Julie, I receive it by e-mail each day so it's easy to keep up with. I enjoy the book reviews, author interviews, and book giveaways. I've even won! You are probably about the age of my daughter (she is 21); it is fun to see you "blossom" over the last couple of years in your writing and life. It was especially fun to see your enthusiasm (and photos) when you were able to go to the conference (ACFW?)this fall.I hope you will keep on writing this blog and that we will soon see a book authored by you!

  13. One more thing: I really like the title of your blog. It tells me a lot about your values. For one so young, you are wise.

  14. PAM, thank you for your sweet comments, they so blessed me when I read them. I'm so glad to know that what I'm doing here is enjoyed. Not because I want the attention, you understand, but because I love to connect with so many of you and share my enthusiasm and passion for life.

    Have a happy Saturday!

  15. I stop for the book reviews and whenever a book cover catches my eye --but since I'm subscribed via e-mail, I usually scan every entry anyway.

    Vlog posts sound neat if you decide to do it ... =)

  16. Thank you LADY! I always enjoy when you can stop by, however often that is! :)

  17. LOL I meant polls!!!! not pools, although I would love it if your blog had a pool. Do you think you could arrange that?


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)