Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Will Not Leave You Unchanged ~ Edge of Grace by Christa Allan ~ Review

“Edge of Grace” is one of those titles that does not leave you untouched. Even if you don’t completely agree with everything written, you have to agree, this book will make you think and be prepared to be a bit uncomfortable!

            The novel has a fantastic literary quality. One of my favorite lines: “…like tap dancing on mud”. What a visual! And there were many such images through the story. I just had to pause often and dwell on the image the word painting evoked.

            The novel isn’t so much about Caryn’s brother’s gay relationship, but how Caryn chooses to accept that relationship. I could sympathize with her, because while I don’t have gay relations (that I know of) I could understand her confusion and trying to deal with it.

            Where I struggled, is I don’t believe gay and Christian can be synonymous. The Bible clearly states that relations between the same sex is wrong. But we are also clearly told to love and minister to those around us. And this book walked that very fine line.

            The ending was very open ended, maybe even a bit abrupt. But can such a story be tied up in a neat little package? Hmm. Not likely.

            I think with what had to be tackled, it was done well. Very well written and engaging.

            If this book does nothing else, I think you (and me) as readers will not be so quick to judge and faster to show Christ’s love. May they see Him through us.

More about the novel...

When her brother becomes the victim of a brutal hate crime, a woman faces her hypocrisy and begins to rebuild their relationship only to discover her decision may result in losing her business.


  1. Casey,
    I so appreciate your insightful review of my novel. Not everyone who is conflicted about the issues it raises are as honest or as thoughtful as you.

    As the sister of a gay brother, I am deeply touched by your wanting him to see Christ through you. Thank you for that.

  2. This is a really honest and insightful review, Casey. Well done, my friend. Christa is a beautiful writer, isn't she?

  3. Good review, Casey. I'm not sure if I'll read this book or not, but I do like your honest opinion on it.

  4. I posted before I was done. I have a close family member who is now a Lesbian and it has been very difficult. I still love her, but hate her lifestyle. Unfortunately, not all of the family feels this way and it has caused quite a bit of division. Very difficult issues.

  5. CHRISTA, you have an amazing ability to write, one I fall in love with over and over. While I can't agree with *everything* I respect your stand and I DO hope that those who are in the gay struggle will see God's true and shining light.

    KATIE, yes. Yes she is. I had this book on my Kindle and highlighted several sections I really liked.

    SHERI, Oh I can (and cannot) completely imagine what that must be like for you. Being a godly example is so very critical, no?


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