Friday, January 6, 2012

Homeschooling? Best and Worst Memories via Vlogging!

After my debut vlog post last month, I asked you if you had any questions for me. Something about me, my faith, the way we raise our food, homeschooling. You name it!

And Jodi Janz asked me what my favorite and worst homeschooling memory is. So....this is my answer. ;-)


(I apologize for the length. I couldn't seem to get it under 3 minutes)

I'd love if you share your best and worst homeschooling memories in the comments. And if you have any questions for next month's video, leave them! They just might be come a vlog post.

Don't say I didn't warn you. ;-)


  1. You are so cute and bubbly! I love it. One thing I noticed at the Christian Writers Guild conference last Feb. was all the young people with completed novels, or WIPs and there for feedback. They had a good handle on what they wanted to do with their lives and who they were. All were homeschooled. I'm so impressed! :)

  2. LOL Jessica! With as long as it turned out to be, that's better than being boring I guess. ;-) Isn't it interesting how many homeschoolers are out there now?? It's not as strange a thing as it used to be. :)

  3. Great vlog, Casey! I just let my 8-year-old daughter watch it, as she has a personal interest in homeschooling and its joys. :-)

    That was an encouraging message for her to hear.

  4. Hello Rosslyn, thanks so much for watching and sharing. Don't you homeschool? For some reason I seem to think you do...I love to share about my homeschooling journey! That and books, you won't get me to stop talking about, as evidenced. ;-)

  5. Casey, I love it!! Thanks for posting on this! You are such an encouragement on this to me since I am beginning. I love your ideas about encouraging your children's passion. How old were you when you found writing was a passion?

  6. You are just the cutest little thing I've ever seen. I want to put you in my pocket and carry you around!!!!! I love your positive attitude and over all "awesomeness" can't wait to meet you soon Casey ;)

  7. Do you have any encouragement for us as parents as to how to find out what our childrens' passions are so we can help them walk in it?

  8. Awesome vlog, Casey! The more I get to know you, the more and more I admire you. :D

    Even though I don't homeschool my kids, your words are inspiring to me because we still face the homework challenge in my home, and it's like you said, "you can't fit kids into cookie cutter boxes." We're facing that with my middle one right now with her 8th grade math, as we wait for things to "click" for her.

    Thanks for sharing, Casey, and I hope you have a great weekend!
    Michelle : )

  9. Okay....I LOVE your vlogs. And if you're going to be that uplifting and fun and personable in your vlogs, then girl, you can go past the three minute mark anytime you want!

    I never did homeschooling and never knew many people who did homeschooling growing up. But as an adult, I'm meeting more and more people and I see some definite benefits!

    As a former public school teacher, I totally agree with you about the cookie cutter. Kids definitely do not come in (or fit in) a nice, neat, labeled box. One of the huge benefits of homeschooling, that I can see, is exactly what you said. It gives parents the ability to teacher their specific, unique child. Wherein public schools, even though we try to differentiate and meet kids where they are at, we'll never do that as well as could be done by a parent whose doing homeschooling the right way.

  10. As a mother of a little girl (just 18 months) looking to homeschool in the future, it's always encouraging to hear people talk about positive experiences growing up homeschooled! And I'll have to file your story away in the future, because I'm sure we'll hit a point of frustration and need to make changes.

    Loved your vlog; thanks for sharing!

  11. As a current homeschool student, I couldn't agree more. Being homeschooled is amazing, and I get to study what I like--for the most part! Thanks, Casey, for showing others that homeschooling is awesome :)

  12. Thanks for the fun vlog Casey! And thanks for answering my question.
    I had the privilege of homeschooling my oldest daughter for two years a long time ago. There were some circumstances that made it so I could not continue but I had envisioned a life of homeschooling. After it ended I prayed that God would allow the opportunity again some day but He hasn't yet. So I count my memories as special and cherished. It was fun. Now that she is grade ten it would a little scary if God finally said yes again.
    It was so fun watching you. You are so sweet.

  13. Sooo enjoyed the vlog, Casey! Of course, it made me miss you more.
    I was the mom who said she'd never homeschool her kids -- never ever ever.
    And then ... I did. For a season. Well, for several seasons for different reasons.
    And I am thankful I did -- and I think my kids are too.
    I learned a lot when I homeschooled ... but most of all, it was a good way to have my kids home with me so that I could understand them better and meet their needs at that time in very special ways that fit their personalities.

  14. JULIA, I think I was probably about my first year of high school. Maybe second. And that point I was writing my historical and it seemed to be something I really wanted to do. So I stuck with it. ;-) (And let me think on your question. )

    RACHEL, LOLOL! I think I would spill out of that pocket. ;-)) That moment of meeting can't come soon enough!

    MICHELLE, math can be so hard at 8th grade, I well remember that! Be your wonderful encouraging and supportive self and I'm sure that will mean everything to her!

  15. Oh KATIE! I could easily say the same thing in all honestly for you as well. :D It's great to hear your perspective coming from a public school setting. I get the impression you would be one of those rare teachers that all the kids would remember and have fond memories of. It must be challenging in those kind of situations to be all a child needs in his learning for him when there are so many of them who need help! That kind of overwhelms me just thinking about it! ;-)

    MICHELLE K. the great thing about homeschooling is, yes you are going to have set "start and end" dates, but LIFE is homeschool. And you can start training and teaching your little from the start in the way God wants you to guide her. :)

    FAYE, homeschooling IS AMAZING! No betters words for it. ;-)

  16. JODI, but what a great opportunity you had and like you said, wonderful memories! The thought of homeschooling a teenager does daunt me as well, you'd have to pray and trust your way through that one. ;-)

    BETH, probably like my watching you made me miss you?? We should call and talk sometime...that would be pure awesome. But anyway...I loved what you said about meeting their needs and getting to know them. I definitely think it has given me a stronger relationship with my mom and dad!

    Thanks for the great comments everyone! We'll see what next month's video brings. ;-)

  17. Great vlog post, Casey! Love your joyful personality! I am currently a home-school student and would love to know which curricula was your favorite and what worked for you best?

    God bless you,

    P.S. I have begun a new blog devoted solely to books and currently have an offer to whoever follows my blog before January 31, 2012. One random winner will have their choice of either a book from my library OR a $10 Amazon gift card. Hope to see you- and anyone else- there!

  18. Sounds like you have awesome parents who really inspired you to follow your dreams.

    Love your vlogs! Keep 'em coming. :)

  19. AIZESS, always so good to meet other homeschoolers! It's an incrediable gift, isn't it??

    JOY, I did and do! They continue to support me on my dreams, which is such a blessing I don't take for granted. Thanks so much!!

  20. Casey, I've been wanting to pop over to see this vlog and am just now getting around to it! *blushing* I love your passion for your education, and I think it's awesome that you were able to explore your love of writing at such a young age. What a cool story! :)

  21. How fun to get to know you and hear about your homeschooling experiences! I homeschooled my kids for about 6 years and hope they remember the good times and have your perspective later on! Now I teach the craft of writing to gradeschoolers and teens, many who are homeschooled! Love to see how creative kids can be!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)