Friday, January 27, 2012

I Knew This Day Would Come (New Blogging Schedule)

I admit I've put this day off for a long time. But now I'm being forced into it.

I've always blogged 5-6 times a week. I love blogging and it's never been a hardship for me. But I realized something recently: I can't do everything. SURPRISE!

Oh I know I've had posts like this before, but really, I can't do everything. Even the things I love to do and don't find as work. So here goes:

I'm only going to blog three times a week.

Gulp. Now I've said it. So I've gotta do it.


(yeah, I know. Whatever.)

Those weeks I have to post more than three times a week because of the posts that have to go up on a certain day. new blogging schedule will be:

Giveaway Monday (same as always)

Devotional Wednesday (also Conversation Wednesday once a month)

Book Review Friday 

Fridays and Wednesdays will be interchangeable as far as their blog topic as more often than not I am required to post a book review on a Wednesday and can't wait for a Friday.

I will still post my Up and Coming Fiction! posts on Saturdays as I find a great work of fictional art 'cause I plain love those posts and can't live without my fiction. 

I'm also toying with the thought of combining my vision and love for Operation Encourage an Author and putting it into Writing for Christ. This blog is obviously more off the ground and has an awesome readership ;-)) and I can encourage an author once in a while here instead of a second blog (that unfortunately is slowly dying--still toying). Thoughts?

The times they are a changin' and I'm not sure I'm super excited, but with age does come more responsibility and in this case a part time job that wants more of me. (how dare they. ;-) 

What say you?


  1. As a fellow three-times-a-week blogger, welcome to the club. :) No, but seriously, I think sometimes when we're force to look at our schedule, reprioritize and reorganize, we actually come out on the other side renewed and refreshed. I hope that's where you find yourself, even if it does sting to cut down on blogging frequency at first. :)

    1. I'm hoping for that Melissa! As much as I adore blogging, my life can't be completely centered around the computer. Bummer. ;-)

  2. Candace Frost SmileyJanuary 27, 2012 at 5:21 AM


    Encourage an author merger sounds great! What seems to be important is that, what you publish is true to Him. How much and when you decide to make the gift possible and share is your decision- I believe an authentic one. I will look forward to your you say 'you are worth waiting for'. thank you for all that you do!!

    1. Thank you Candace! I think with only blogging three days a week I'll be able to really put more time into my content and make it that much better.

  3. I understand and agree, Casey! I love your blogs; have learned so much. I am just a reader and sometimes get "behind" in reading and keeping up. So I think the new schedule will be good for all of us. Blessings!!!

    1. LOL, good point Jackie. ;-) I agree with you on that as well. :)

  4. What say I??? Oh, honey ... what took you so long??? I started out five days a week, went down to three and am now at one, which at times, STILL seems like too much!!

    I think 3X a week is absolutely PERFECT for a review/writer blog (you gotta write sometime, after all if it's a writer's blog, right??) and incorporating OEA on say, a monthly basis, is the perfect solution to keeping it without killing yourself -- all your eggs in one basket, so to speak, so you can fry them all together and feed more people a more nutritional meal. (Stupid analogy, I know, but I just woke up, so what do you expect??? Where are my eggs ... :)).

    LOVE your blog, Case, and LOVE you ... but hate burnout!!


    1. I love you Julie! And no your analogy made perfect sense. And I bet Keith makes a KILLER batch of scrambled eggs. ;-)

  5. Good idea! I am a reader. Here is something that you may not have thought of -there were be less e-mails for me! I think there needs to be a balance in life and you need to take care of yourself.


    1. I could never give up blogging, I just love it and all of you so much! Thanks Carol. :)

  6. Casey,

    Good for you for prioritizing. And good for you for recognizing what you needed to do. Its all about seasons, right? I miss my personal blog, but I really think it was one of the things hindering me for now in writing my book.

    Always look forward to writing with you :)

    1. It is. And I think the season for OEA has come to a stop. It's been a great run, but I'm excited to bring it in just a bit into this blog. :)

  7. I hear ya! I went from blogging 5/wk to 3/wk, and after the first couple of weeks, I was so glad I did. And I scaled that back even more by making my Wednesday post 'Wednesday Whimsy' where I post a funny picture or two I've found while roaming the 'net during the previous week. You'll soon feel at home with your new blogging schedule, and I like the idea of combining the blogs. Simplify your life, and in the bargain, simplify things for your faithful readers. :)

    1. I hope so Erica! I just don't want to miss, because I LOVE the conversations, like this. I know it's the right thing to do right now though.

  8. Whatever you decide, I'm with you :) Do as God is leading you and He will help you adjust to whatever that entails. You have our support and prayers in the meantime :)

    Blogging is supposed to be fun, not stressful, and attaining that balance is crucial. I am proud of you for your diligence and know you will get this figured out. You are a blessing in all you do with your blog(s) and I know that God has many more great things in store for you!

    1. I sooooo appreciate you Kara! Right now my Friday posts are hard to dream up, so going to 3 times a week will really help with that. It's actually got me a teensy bit excited. ;-)

  9. Blogging is great, but less isn't always know? I've started and failed with blogging so many times, so when I decided to start blogging when I published my novel, all those failures were screaming at me that I'd fail again.

    So, I decided to blog just once a week; I can always find something to say--hopefully of value and encouragement--at least once a week.

    Seasons change, and that's okay...wonderful, even. I hope you find joy in your job and keep blogging (even if it's a bit less)! :D

    1. I know Michelle, I've thought of that SO much in this change of plans, etc. I believe, especially in blogging, as long as you are consistent and the content is valuable, readers will come.

  10. Oh, Casey - how crazy and awesome that our most recent posts are about similar things! I wasn't sure my post made very much sense, but from the wonderful comments I'm guessing people understood what I meant. :) I used to be able to blog all the time with themed weeks and giveaways and different posts galore - but now it seems more difficult to keep up with even a few posts a week. But "to everything there is a season," as the Bible says, and we are blessed with such great friends here in the blogging world! Thank you for being one of those dear friends for me, and know that you're not alone in feeling like you need to trim back your posts a bit.


    1. Really?? I haven't read your recent posts yet, but I get what you're saying. It's not to say I love blogging LESS, it just seems a wiser decision of the things I need to be doing now. Thank YOU for being such a friend. :-)) ♥

  11. I say you are very wise to know you can't do it all! You have to do what is best for you; priorities must be set. Too often we try to do too much and end up not doing anything well.
    Thank you for all the time you put into blogging. I enjoy reading your blog.
    Blessings to you,

    1. Agree with you Pam. Very true words and I've decided the best decision is to be proactive in the direction I need to go with my writing and life right now. :)

  12. I know how you feel, Casey. I'm going to be having to cut back on my blogging, too, soon...and I don't want to!! :-p

    1. I hear ya, Katie. Except I'm already going through withdrawal, lol! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)