Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Conversation Wednesday

Conversation Hearts
Photo Credit ~ All Rights Reserved

I'm a coveter.

There I said it. 

I covet our conversations. I covet the chance to get to know you a bit better. I covet fellowship, friendship, laughter. 

I put a lot of myself on my blog and I do it in the hopes that I might give something to you. But I also want to get to know you

So I'd love to have a conversation. With YOU! And so I ask a question. It will take what you put into it--it's up to you.

And my question (you've already read my answers. ;-)

What do you covet?


  1. What do I covet? Big question. Sadly, I covet more then is probably holy, but I do, and I try to train myself not to. I think I probably covet good opinions that others get. Or wait, let me explain.
    I have an acquaintance who does photography like I do, however(I can say this truthfully, as I'm not the only one who says it) mine is better then hers. But, she broadcasts her second level work, and flaunts it before people's faces, so they naturally praise her pictures. I covet that. I feel like that is my place of honor she stole, and, the outcome is, I poke fun at her work whenever it's not around.

    Wow, that little question squeezed that much out'a me? Seems you got a heart poured out, when all you asked for was an answer, Casey.

    1. And the heart poured on the page is perfectly fine, Ashley! You're amongst good company here, for sure.

      It can be so hard when those who seem to do a poorer job than us get the higher praise. In those situations it seems so important to hand every covetous wish back to our Creator and give our dreams one more time to Him. He gave them to us. He desires our best. We owe Him no less.

      Wow, I just preached to myself. :-)

  2. I covet intimacy in friendships and the privilege to see beautiful sunrises. One keeps me real, the other keeps me in awe of our Creator.

    1. I love this comment. No I covet it! Wish I'd wrote it. ;)

      I covet my mornings with the Lord. The time no one else holds a candle to, when He shares with me most intimate things and molds me softly into a more Christ-like woman.

    2. Donna, I have to go with Jessica on this. I have to sit back and sigh in contentment at such a thought. To be REAL in our relationships. Yep, something I covet.

      Jessica, those moments when we kneel before the cross and beg to be molded into the person He wants us to be. Covet isn't strong enough in that case, is it?

  3. I covet conversation as well. When I taught, I taught thinking and conversation. I covet my students, now in the past but still present in my heart.
    I covet this blog. I share and extend a recommendation to and from this blog into a conversation about Him.

    I covet peace, hope, faith and of course love...since I covet the Word.

    thank you Casey

    1. We often think of covet as something bad, don't we Candace? But what I wanted to do with this post is show it isn't always a bad thing. It's all about where our heart is.

  4. I, too, covet connection with others. I treasure the friendship and fellowship I share with my writing buddies, including a dear, sweet, awesome woman up in Washington state. :-)

    1. Oh my goodness, friendship is something I can't drink enough from. I've been so blessed and all I can do is thank God over and over again. And I do. Every day.

  5. This is a hard one. I think I covet acceptance, and feeling at peace about who I am and what I'm doing.

    1. I think we all do, don't we Erica? I know I do. Too much. Too often. It can be so hard to surrender!

  6. I love my children and grand children but I have to say that after having children in the home for the past 29 years ( and I still have at least 5 yrs to go), I covet quiet, alone time. Whether that time is spent in bible study, pleasure reading, blogging or whatever, I seek it daily! Saying that makes me feel like a bad mother but it really has only been that way since I turned 45. I used to never like being by myself. I just tell myself I must be getting old ;)

    Casey, you might be getting more info than you wanted asking a loaded question like that!

    1. LOL, no Anne, far from it. God covets our time too. To give it to Him is so freeing!

  7. What a perfectly delightful blog post.
    I covet ... being at peace with who I am in Christ. Not striving against others' expectations ... or even my own.

  8. I covet - What a dangerous question. What am I willing to admit to? I covet more time to write and more clarity to write well. I covet affirmation that my work means something to someone besides myself, confirmation that I am, or at least someday will, make a difference in my world for Christ.

    1. It can be, can't it Andrea? But look at the way you crafted that comment. When I was reading it again this second time around, it just completely connected with me. I hear everything you're saying.

  9. Friendship and renewed relationships.

    1. Hmm, absolutely yes. And friendships that go beyond the superficial.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)