Friday, March 30, 2012

Cold Call Friday with Jessica Nelson!!!

Welcome Jessica, to your “Cold Call” interview!! For those of you who don’t know what the “Cold Call” feature is, at the beginning of the month I have a poll, the winning author YOU then get to interview!! Jessica Nelson won this month’s vote and I am thrilled to present her here with YOUR questions. Without any further ado, heeeerrrre’s Jessica!

Okay, I gotta take the first question: what made you set a book in Harney County, Oregon??

I was researching the path of the influenza and saw that it didn’t quite hit as hard in certain areas. When I googled Oregon, I somehow came across pictures of Harney County and thought it was so gorgeous that I wanted to set my story there. J

You've taken some way cool trips with your adventure-lovin' hubby. Which was the most fun so far, and why?

 I haven’t been able to go with him as much as I’d like but Costa Rica is definitely my highlight. I love practicing my Spanish and the people there are very friendly.

Friend Katie Ganshert asked this question on her blog a while back and I loved it: if you could relive one day of your life, which day would you revisit and why?

Oh boy…wow. That’s a good one. I think the day after I had each of my sons was pretty awesome. Holding them and stuff…having kids really opened my eyes to how I think God must feel for us. It’s an amazing kind of love, completely unconditional and unexpected.

I read in Jessica’s bio she got married almost immediately after she graduated high school. Since I’m getting married while studying for my university degree, I have to ask—what was it like planning a wedding while still in high school? I can imagine it’s just as crazy as planning one at college. : )

Uh-oh. Well, let me say right now that I’m not much of a planner and I never dreamed of my wedding so I did whatever was easiest. Thankfully a lady from church helped plan things and showed me what I was supposed to do. I do remember crying in church one day when they started asking me a bunch of questions about what I wanted. LOL My advice to you is be flexible and don’t overly worry about it. The day passes SO quickly and you’ll probably barely remember most of it. Enjoy yourself. J

A quicky fun one: how do you like your days: served with coffee and ice cream… or M&M’s with Iced tea?

Oh my goodness, DEFINITELY coffee and ice cream!!

And allll the places the wealth of new readers can stalk you:

Heeheee! Here they are:

Friday/ Saturday's Note:
The winner of Vannetta Chapman's A Perfect Square is...


Congratulations! Be watching for an email from me!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Chase by Diann Mills ~ Review

I, as a reader, got the distinct sense with “The Chase”, how dangerous our streets…and our world has become. But how hope in Christ completely saves us from such sin.

            Drug cartels, a small child’s safety, and the conviction and career of one novelist ride on the line in this novel. There were several different angles to the story and the plot and suspense of each moment. Often times I felt my attention was torn in different directions and left me a bit scattered. Other moments the plot was clear and directed, each thread weaving in to connect to a larger conspiracy buried deeper within the pages of the novel.

            It’s not an easy ride, thus the title fits the book aptly. This hasn’t been my favorite of such suspense novels. I thought several scenes were unnecessary and slowed the pace. The book does leave the room for continuing the series and I think readers are going to become more invested with Kariss and Tigo in subsequent novels. Several plot twists took me by surprise and keep me wondering what would happen next. But I did think there was a bit *too* much happening.

            I also might not be the perfect audience for this book and I’m sure other readers of high-octane suspense will find this book perfectly to their liking. It just wasn’t completely for mine.

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through CFBA for my copy to review.

More about the novel and author...

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
The Chase
Zondervan (March 27, 2012)
DiAnn Mills


DiAnn Mills believes her readers should “Expect an Adventure.” She is a fiction writer who combines an adventuresome spirit with unforgettable characters to create action-packed novels. Her books have won many awards through American Christian Fiction Writers, and she is the recipient of the Inspirational Reader’s Choice award for 2005, 2007, and 2010. She was a Christy Award finalist in 2008 and a Christy winner in 2010.

DiAnn is a founding board member for American Christian Fiction Writers, a member of Inspirational Writers Alive, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and is the Craftsman Mentor for the Christian Writer’s Guild. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops.

DiAnn and her husband live in Houston, Texas. Visit her website or find her on Facebook at


To the FBI it's a cold case. To Kariss Walker it's a hot idea that could either reshape or ruin her writing career. And it's a burning mission to revisit an event she can never forget. Five years ago, an unidentified little girl was found starved to death in the woods behind a Houston apartment complex. A TV news anchor at the time, Kariss reported on the terrifying case. Today, as a New York Times bestselling author, Kariss intends to turn the unsolved mystery into a suspense novel. Enlisting the help of FBI Special Agent Tigo Harris, Kariss succeeds in getting the case reopened. But the search for the dead girl's missing mother yields a discovery that plunges the partners into a witch's brew of danger. The old crime lives on in more ways than either of them could ever imagine. Will Kariss's pursuit of her dream as a writer carry a deadly price tag? Drawing from a real-life cold case, bestselling novelist DiAnn Mills presents a taut collage of suspense, faith, and romance in The Chase.

Watch the book video!

If you would like to read the first chapter of The Chase, go HERE.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Giveaway! Twin Hearts by JoAnn Durgin

Welcome to Writing for Christ JoAnn Durgin, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

I’ve shared a number of quirky and fun (or maybe just plain weird) facts with readers on my website. One of my mottos is, “I’ve been around in the nicest sense of the word.” Meaning I’ve lived in several states and traveled a fair bit. But, if you’ll indulge me a minute, here’s an interesting tidbit I haven’t shared before (so, it’s a Casey Herringshaw world exclusive—stop rolling your eyes, please, and cue the drumroll!): I love to wrap packages, and make them a work of art—especially wedding gifts. I’ve had brides tell me they didn’t want to open the gift because the box was so beautiful! It’s all in the presentation, dahling (Martha Stewart would be very proud). I buy really good quality paper and ribbon, but the most important element? Silk flowers. If I know the bride’s choice of colors and/or flowers for the wedding, I try to keep with the same theme. Then I create a unique design with the ribbon and silk flowers, arranging them along with some greenery on the top of the package and trailing (or even cascading) them down the sides of the box. Voilá!  

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

 I much prefer reading Christian romance, either contemporary or historical. In order to be soul-satisfying, I need a good dose of humor to go along with the conflict and emotional upheaval. Think about it. The movies most romance lovers adore are the ones that touch their hearts and evoke a response so that we remember the characters and their journey. Sure, we might shed a tear along the way, but we’ll also laugh and share their triumphs. Some mystery and suspense thrown into the mix works for me, too, both to read and write. Just give me a great, involving story!

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

A very wise, multi-published author friend (and favorite of this blog) told me recently not to compare my work to other writers or I’d go crazy. The good Lord gave us all unique and individual talents and gifts. My focus needs to be to utilize those gifts to the best of my ability and shine the light He’s given me for His glory, not my own (thus my theme verse of Matthew 5:16). Through my characters and their stories, I try to plant a seed of truth from God’s Word. The second, equally-important part of the equation is this: when I sit down to write, I always need to pray first, and then write the kind of book I personally like to read, from my heart and the passion I have for my characters. If I honor the Lord with my story, write it the best way I know how, and can hold my head up high at the finished work, then I’ve done my part. In other words, He gives the inspiration, I write the books, and then I move on to the next one and allow Him to open the right doors and get my books into the hands of His choosing. It’s a great partnership!

5 things you love?

1.      Seeing the A+ grades in biology and algebra on my 16-year-old son’s report cards (he’s diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome). Even better? The well-deserved look of pride and accomplishment on his face when he shows his report cards to Mom and Dad.
2.      The smell of fresh-brewed coffee in the morning. I’m spoiled, and I admit it since my husband, Jim, makes it and even brings it upstairs to me before I get out of bed. What a wonderful, thoughtful way to put his love into action on a daily basis.
3.      Climbing into bed at the end of a long day and relaxing with a good, satisfying Christian romance.
4.      Days when I can stay in my jammies all the livelong day (it’s rare, but does happen on occasion).
5.      Movie theater popcorn—with layered butter. Is there any other way? I’ve been known to go to the theater for the express purpose of buying a big old bucket and then taking it home (without even seeing a movie!). It even tastes good day-old, too. Don’t worry; I don’t do this often.

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

Fan mail! Who knew? I don’t mean to sound boastful, and I give the Lord all the credit, trust me, but I will never ever tire of getting sweet messages of encouragement from readers. One of my newest readers is in Australia! One thing I love about e-books is the immediacy; someone across the continent or in another country can download and start reading a book immediately instead of waiting for a book to ship from the States. Now I ask you, how cool is that?

Places for readers to learn more about you?

My website at, and I’m on Facebook. Feel free to stop by anytime and leave me a message. I love getting acquainted with readers of Christian fiction.

Thank you for being with us today!

 It was my honor. Thank you, Casey, for your wonderful blog; it’s such a ministry and a work of heart.

Many blessings, my friends.

Readers here is your chance to win JoAnn's latest book!
Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on April 6th.
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fun Friday! Tagged...(maybe a learn something you didn't need to know about me ;-)

Photo credit Microsoft Office
All rights reserved by Microsoft
First day of snowed. Ah the county I live in! But yesterday was gorgeous and the daffodils are starting to peep their little heads above the soil.

Maybe? Hopefully? Spring will actually be on time this year... 

Fun blogging friend, Melissa Tagg (who had a much cuter post title for her tagged post) tagged me in a post earlier this week and thus provided a last minute blog post for me on a day I overslept and didn't schedule ahead. ;-o

1: Book of movie and why?

Book! Most definitely. We recently lost our antenna TV, so I've had more time to read a book at night and found I don't miss television as much as I thought!

2: Real book or e-book?

This is a harder one, because I love how at-the-tip-of-my-fingers an e-book is, but there are some authors, that I will always have a hard copy of their books. And my library shelves will always have company.

3: Funniest thing you've done in the past 5 years?

Do you know you can't plug your nose and hum at the same time? know you're trying it. ;-)

4: How would your best friend describe you?

I would hope that my BF would say I'm loving, kind and energetic. Eager to listen and fun to be around. Charity? Are you reading this? Do you agree? ;-)

5: How do you put yourself into the books you read/write or the movies you watch?

I look for some way to identify with the character in whatever situation. Not overtly most of the time, but on a minute level, I look for the little things that I could see myself doing, it's those books that seem to stick the longest with me.

6: Favorite car and why?

Volkswagon Bug! Because my nickname as a baby was "Bug". Thus the business, Bug's Beads.

7: Would your choice party be a catered meal or a BBQ out back?

I've always wanted to have at least one catered meal, just to see what it's like. But my down-home roots, say BBQ out back. With alllll my friends. 

8: What's your favorite season and why?

Summer. Because everything is green and growing. Like my allergies, but I'll ignore that. 

9: What specific lesson have you learned - Spiritual, educational, occupational?

Spiritual? That trusting God with my heart's desires is truly the best course of action.
Educational? Don't make things harder than they need to be. It's a lesson I have to apply to life too.
Occupational? Take a deep breath...and laugh. Because when you only have 3 exam rooms and one is full all afternoon and you have a waiting room stacked with people and those waiting outside to get can only shake your head and...laugh. Medicine for the soul! ;-)

10: Besides writing, what's your favorite thing to do when you have extra time?

Read! Oh, that wasn't one of my options? I love to get on the phone and talk with my writing friends. But above all, spend time with my family.

11: What's the one place you can be found at least one time every week?

The clinic? Oh? You were wanting something fun? What makes you think I actually know how to do fun?

You'll find me on Hulu watching Biggest Loser. But I don't eat ice cream while watching. That would be just wrong. Wrong.

Plus there isn't ice cream in the house.

Now I'm supposed to tag 11 other bloggers. I loved Melissa ideas and will tag those who stop by my blog. But no pressure, ladies! Use the post or lose it...hey, you might it some morning when you realize you had a blissful morning of sleep....and then didn't schedule a blog post.

Michelle Tuller...Kara...Susan Anne Mason...Anne Payne...Jessica R. Patch...Christy Janes...Amber Stokes...Keli Gwyn...Renee Chaw...Jodi Janz...Wall-to-Wall Books

Have fun ladies!! ;-)

Join the conversation! What are you doing this Friday?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Treasure ~ Heart of Gold by Robin Lee Hatcher ~ Review

The latest addition to the “Women of Faith” fiction line is a treasure, just as the title assumes. I fell in love with the cover first, but the story quickly measured up to how lovely the outside promises.

            A western romance, it brings so much into the story, angst from a Civil War still raging, affecting relationships and emotions even states away. I loved how the historical culture affected and played a role in the characters and their growth.

            Characters were likeable, even though Shannon starts the novel with a stuck-up mentality, she quickly becomes a giving and loving character, growing and changing with the flow of the plot. The romance presses upon the characters, due to circumstances, but I loved seeing Shannon and Matthew find attraction in the other…almost without realizing it.

            The actual writing of the book is warm and inviting me to indulge in “just one more chapter”. It’s the kind of story that nearly left me in tears at one point and anxious for the characters to work out their differences and struggles.

            Finely crafted, well written, it doesn’t have a great deal of suspense or I guess, for lack of a better word “worry” for the reader, but I nonetheless found enjoyment within its pages. Characters and situations alike made for a quick, welcoming read.

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.


More about the novel...

The truest treasure is found deep in the heart.

Back in her beloved Virginia, Shannon Adair loved nursing injured soldiers back to health. But in Grand Coeur, Idaho-the rough-and-tumble place where her father has been called to lead the church-she's not sure where she fits in. Then a critically ill woman arrives, and Shannon knows her place at last: to care for this dear woman and ease her pain.

Matthew Dubois is the fastest and most reliable stagecoach driver on Wells Fargo's payroll. But his widowed sister is dying and he's about to inherit his young nephew. So he takes a job at the Wells Fargo express office in Grand Coeur until he can find the one thing he needs to get back to driving: a wife to care for the boy.

What neither of them knows is that God is at work behind the scenes-and is lovingly bringing them together to discover the true desires of their hearts.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Giveaway! A Perfect Square by Vannetta Chapman

Welcome to Writing for Christ Vannetta Chapman, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

As a child I was allergic to most things. They would do those allergy tests with the board on your back ... I'd be allergic to 200 out of 250 items, every time. I did grow out of most of those allergies, but my childhood illnesses probably led to my love of books.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

So far I am only published in Amish, though that includes Amish mysteries, Amish romances, and Amish novellas. I read absolutely everything. As far as favorite--if you give me a likeable character, I'll follow you into any genre.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

Only one? I've spent 15 years studying the craft, so it's hard to narrow that down, or maybe that is my nugget. Study the craft of writing, same as a baseball player would study the art of pitching a ball. Repetition and hard work are key.

5 things you love?

my family, my Lord, words, Texas, music

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

That moment of connection with readers--when I know that I've passed on a little bit of hope, a small amount of God's grace. THAT is the very best part of being published and worth all the work.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

Thank you for being with us today!   
Thank you!

Readers, here is your chance to win Vannetta's new novel!

Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 30th.
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Capturing the Encouragement Spotlight...

Photo Credit ~ Microsoft Office
I have a cup of tea sitting by my computer as I write this. Bigelow Peach and it tastes like friendship. Smooth and subtle with a welcome taste for the tongue like a warm hug in an insecure moment.

And it reminds me of the friend who sent the tea (and the three other packets waiting on my desk for that reminder of the gift of friendship and encouragement that arrived in the mail with it).

This friend? Also a debut author.

I'm sure you know my friend. Not many people in this industry don't know her, because I bet at some point, you have been blessed by the heart and spirit of this lovely lady.

I can't tell you how many times I have left a comment on Facebook or Twitter, such as: "I'm almost to 'The End'"...or "boy I could use another dose of chocolate because this day is kicking my hind end." 

Releases July 2012!
Cover used by permission
And she would leave a comment or send me a private message with a smile and a bit of cheer that would warm my day...much as that tea by my desk has warmed my insides.

She doesn't do it to be self-serving or draw attention to herself. She doesn't do it because she wants those of us, whose lives she has touched, to feel as though we need to turn around and give it back to her. 

She does it because that is the person she is. And Jesus fills her up, spilling over until she glows the gift of His love everywhere she goes and in everything she does.

I bet you know my friend and if you do, I hope you might leave a message here for her. Each one will be carefully copied and sent to her, for her to pull up again and again (and again) for those days when she needs just that right dose of encouragement.

And the next time you meet...give Keli Gwyn a hug for me. You're hugging a piece of Jesus.

Casey and Keli at the 2011 ACFW convention

Friday's Note:
The winner of Julie Lessman's A Passion Most Pure is...


I hope you get hooked, Candy. ;-)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meet the Mountain People ~ Hazel Creek by Walt Larimore ~ Review

Many of the endorsements for “Hazel Creek” said this novel was much the same as the infamous “Christy” novels and while I never read “Christy”, only saw the movie, I can say I add my agreement to theirs.
Set in the back hills, the story has all the intricacies of how the people thought, talked and lived their lives. Tension and drama crowd the pages, but what I loved most about the story is how I as a reader, got to taste and experience these characters’ lives. Their struggles and desires.
The novel is a bit of a tear-jerker and provoked some wild swings of emotion from me. From fear (what. a. villain) to anger (at what the lumber company was doing to the mountain people). It has just about a bit of everything for every reading taste.
I do think in that “bit of everything for every reader” some of the story elements got lost. More focus was given to the lumber company at the beginning and end of the book, but I felt we lost that in the middle.
  There were times I got a bit lost in all the setting and description, and towards the end I hurried the story just a bit to finish, but it has that quality about it, a quality rich in character and their lives. It’s a well-portrayed novel.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

More about the novel....

In the Hazel Creek Valley of the Great Smoky Mountains, Nathan and Callie Randolph, with their five unique daughters, wrestle to maintain their farm, forests, family, and faith against an unforgiving wilderness. 

An evil lumber company manager is seeking by every means possible to pilfer their land and clear-cut their virgin forest. A cast of colorful characters, including a menacing stranger, gypsy siblings, a granny midwife, and a world-famous writer—even a flesh-and-blood Haint—collide in a gripping struggle of good and evil amid eruptions of violence and tragedy. 

Our heroine, fifteen-year-old Abbie Randolph, has to help save her family’s farm and raise her sisters while preserving her faith. This important story, based on almost ten years of research and four years of living in the area, captures the speech, ways, and beliefs of these unique pioneers at a crucial and irreversible turning point in this Smoky Mountains community of the Southern Appalachians. 

With the march of the industrial age, especially commercial lumbering, the traditional life and ways of our southern highlanders in general, and the Randolphs in particular, were about to change forever.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Giveaway! Saving Hope by Margaret Daley

Welcome to Writing for Christ Margaret Daley, (one of my most popular guests!!), it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

I have a learning disability (auditory processing) that I struggled with in school, especially elementary school. By the time I reached high school I had come up with ways to compensate for it.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

Romantic suspense to read and write. Adventure/suspense to read.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

Characters are the most important element of a novel. If readers don't care about your characters, no matter how exciting your plot is it will be hard for them to read the story.

5 things you love?

My husband
My son and granddaughters (and other members of my family)
My friends
My pets

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

To tell a story that others enjoy reading.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

Thank you for being with us today! 

Readers here is your chance to win Margaret's latest book!
Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 23rd.
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@)