Welcome to
Writing for Christ JoAnn Durgin, it is great to have you here! Do you have an
interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?
I’ve shared a number of quirky and fun (or maybe
just plain weird) facts with readers on my website. One of my mottos is, “I’ve
been around in the nicest sense of the word.” Meaning I’ve lived in several
states and traveled a fair bit. But, if you’ll indulge me a minute, here’s an
interesting tidbit I haven’t shared before (so, it’s a Casey Herringshaw world
exclusive—stop rolling your eyes, please, and cue the drumroll!): I love to
wrap packages, and make them a work of art—especially wedding gifts. I’ve had
brides tell me they didn’t want to open the gift because the box was so
beautiful! It’s all in the presentation, dahling (Martha Stewart would be very
proud). I buy really good quality paper and ribbon, but the most important element?
Silk flowers. If I know the bride’s choice of colors and/or flowers for the
wedding, I try to keep with the same theme. Then I create a unique design with
the ribbon and silk flowers, arranging them along with some greenery on the top
of the package and trailing (or even cascading) them down the sides of the box.
you have a favorite genre to read/write?
I much
prefer reading Christian romance, either contemporary or historical. In order to
be soul-satisfying, I need a good dose of humor to go along with the conflict
and emotional upheaval. Think about it. The movies most romance lovers adore
are the ones that touch their hearts and evoke a response so that we remember
the characters and their journey. Sure, we might shed a tear along the way, but
we’ll also laugh and share their triumphs. Some mystery and suspense thrown
into the mix works for me, too, both to read and write. Just give me a great,
involving story!
you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view
A very wise, multi-published author friend
(and favorite of this blog) told me recently not to compare my work to other
writers or I’d go crazy. The good Lord gave us all unique and individual
talents and gifts. My focus needs to be to utilize those gifts to the best of
my ability and shine the light He’s given me for His glory, not my own (thus my theme verse of Matthew 5:16). Through
my characters and their stories, I try to plant a seed of truth from God’s Word.
The second, equally-important part of the equation is this: when I sit down to
write, I always need to pray first, and then write the kind of book I
personally like to read, from my heart and the passion I have for my
characters. If I honor the Lord with my story, write it the best way I know how,
and can hold my head up high at the finished work, then I’ve done my part. In
other words, He gives the inspiration, I write the books, and then I move on to
the next one and allow Him to open
the right doors and get my books into the hands of His choosing. It’s a great partnership!
things you love?
Seeing the A+
grades in biology and algebra on my 16-year-old son’s report cards (he’s
diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome). Even better? The well-deserved look of
pride and accomplishment on his face when he shows his report cards to Mom and
The smell of
fresh-brewed coffee in the morning. I’m spoiled, and I admit it since my
husband, Jim, makes it and even brings it upstairs to me before I get out of
bed. What a wonderful, thoughtful way to put his love into action on a daily
Climbing into bed
at the end of a long day and relaxing with a good, satisfying Christian
Days when I can
stay in my jammies all the livelong day (it’s rare, but does happen on
Movie theater
popcorn—with layered butter. Is there any other way? I’ve been known to go to
the theater for the express purpose of buying a big old bucket and then taking
it home (without even seeing a movie!). It even tastes good day-old, too. Don’t
worry; I don’t do this often.
do you enjoy most about being a published author?
Fan mail! Who knew? I don’t mean to sound
boastful, and I give the Lord all
the credit, trust me, but I will never ever
tire of getting sweet messages of encouragement from readers. One of my newest
readers is in Australia! One thing I love about e-books is the immediacy;
someone across the continent or in another country can download and start
reading a book immediately instead of waiting for a book to ship from the
States. Now I ask you, how cool is that?
for readers to learn more about you?
My website at www.joanndurgin.com,
and I’m on Facebook. Feel free to stop by anytime and leave me a message. I
love getting acquainted with readers of Christian fiction.
Thank you for being with us today!
It was my honor. Thank you, Casey, for your wonderful blog; it’s
such a ministry and a work of heart.
blessings, my friends.
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Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on April 6th.
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@)gmail.com