Friday, March 30, 2012

Cold Call Friday with Jessica Nelson!!!

Welcome Jessica, to your “Cold Call” interview!! For those of you who don’t know what the “Cold Call” feature is, at the beginning of the month I have a poll, the winning author YOU then get to interview!! Jessica Nelson won this month’s vote and I am thrilled to present her here with YOUR questions. Without any further ado, heeeerrrre’s Jessica!

Okay, I gotta take the first question: what made you set a book in Harney County, Oregon??

I was researching the path of the influenza and saw that it didn’t quite hit as hard in certain areas. When I googled Oregon, I somehow came across pictures of Harney County and thought it was so gorgeous that I wanted to set my story there. J

You've taken some way cool trips with your adventure-lovin' hubby. Which was the most fun so far, and why?

 I haven’t been able to go with him as much as I’d like but Costa Rica is definitely my highlight. I love practicing my Spanish and the people there are very friendly.

Friend Katie Ganshert asked this question on her blog a while back and I loved it: if you could relive one day of your life, which day would you revisit and why?

Oh boy…wow. That’s a good one. I think the day after I had each of my sons was pretty awesome. Holding them and stuff…having kids really opened my eyes to how I think God must feel for us. It’s an amazing kind of love, completely unconditional and unexpected.

I read in Jessica’s bio she got married almost immediately after she graduated high school. Since I’m getting married while studying for my university degree, I have to ask—what was it like planning a wedding while still in high school? I can imagine it’s just as crazy as planning one at college. : )

Uh-oh. Well, let me say right now that I’m not much of a planner and I never dreamed of my wedding so I did whatever was easiest. Thankfully a lady from church helped plan things and showed me what I was supposed to do. I do remember crying in church one day when they started asking me a bunch of questions about what I wanted. LOL My advice to you is be flexible and don’t overly worry about it. The day passes SO quickly and you’ll probably barely remember most of it. Enjoy yourself. J

A quicky fun one: how do you like your days: served with coffee and ice cream… or M&M’s with Iced tea?

Oh my goodness, DEFINITELY coffee and ice cream!!

And allll the places the wealth of new readers can stalk you:

Heeheee! Here they are:

Friday/ Saturday's Note:
The winner of Vannetta Chapman's A Perfect Square is...


Congratulations! Be watching for an email from me!


  1. Thank you so much for having me, Casey! I have to head to work but will pop by tonight. Have a great day!!

    1. I'm super excited to have you! Always a pleasure. :-))

  2. Jessica, I totally had a break-down the day before my wedding too! My friends kept pestering me about what I wanted the arch to look like. I didn't know. They couldn't believe I didn't know. I'm not artistic! Hello! Just make it look pretty! Yeah, emotions can run high...after that I was good, though. :D

    1. I've heard so many times that when the day is done, no one really remembers what anything looked like, they only remember how wonderful (or not) a celebration it was. Am I way off base here? LOL!

  3. The day after having a baby is definitely one of the best days ever! Can I have coffee and m&m's? :)

    1. Put in your chocolate IN your coffee. I bet you don't do that, do you Anne? ;)

  4. I've seen Jessica and her book featured on several blogs lately! I can't wait to read her book!

    1. AND have I neglected to mention it's set in my hometown? I might be just a *wee* bit of a broken record with that one. ;)

  5. Replies
    1. I can't wait to read it. It looks so sweet!

  6. Case and Jessica ... FUN cold call with one of my favorite people ... BY one of my favorite people!!

    And I'm with you, Jessica -- ice cream and coffee definitely!!

    Can't wait to read the book, girl!


    1. Julie, I think everyone is your favorite person. ;) LOL!

      Thanks so much for stopping by today!

  7. Hi Casey & Jessica,

    Just wanted to pop by and say I ordered your book yesterday from Harlequin, plus a few others! Can't wait to read it!

    Best of luck with your debut!


  8. Jessica, great interview. Having my babies to cuddle was definitely a huge highlight in my life too. :)

    I'm looking forward to reading your book soon!

  9. Thank you, Susan!! I hope you like it.

    LOL Casey, I agree about Julie. Heehee!

    Hey Melissa! I keep seeing you too. lol

    Oh Lindsay, that was SO me! I didn't care about details, just make it look good. Thank goodness that day is over right? And may we never do it again! Ha!

    Casey, I tried to use the "reply" function but my computer is persnickety, so here I am. :-) Thank you again for the fab interview!

  10. Fun, fun interview!
    Reading it right before I go to bed.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)