Monday, March 5, 2012

Special Giveaway ~ Not Your Usual Fare...

I love Julie Lessman. 

I'm not gonna lie.

But that's old news and you already know that.

But see the thing of it is, it's not just enough that I love her.

I want ALL readers to love her.

(we won't go into the logistics of that, because frankly not all readers will, but I digress)

I remember when I first saw her books. Passion? Sorry, not going to go there. It'll be too "steamy" for my tastes. (I'm very conservative)

See the thing of it is, I saw my fellow bloggers falling over this new author. Posting excerpts from her books and I caught the JL bug.

I did the UNTHINKABLE nowadays with options to win and books to request for review and bought A Passion Most Pure. I had been in contact a little bit with Julie and she wanted me to email her when I finished and let her know what I thought.

And I thought, great I'm not going to like it and feel obligated to to tell her, because now she expects an email when I'm done.

Oh I ATE those words.

Ate. Ate. ATE.

Because once I gobbled up APMP, I was dead gone (in the voice of Velvet from National Velvet).

Quickly ordered A Passion Redeemed and THEN went and bought (without a coupon mind you, and I hardly ever buy a book without a coupon) A Passion Denied.

Worth. Every. Single. Penny.

Baby, those books were (in JL's words: ) To die for!

And I would have too. Don't you dare TOUCH my JL collection. You might not come out alive.

With this love for both author AND her books, comes a desire to spread the news far and wide about how much I love her books.

So I give you the chance today. (Because I had a scheduling snafu, and you get to benefit, since I have no regular guest today).

How many of you have NEVER read a Julie Lessman book before?

Shame on you!

But I will forgive you this once and give you the chance to WIN a copy of her very first book, A Passion Most Pure.

Please don't enter if you have already read her fiction, this contest is for those fans, who haven't had the chance to become fans yet. Line up, because here is YOUR chance!

Standard rules apply (but I have an extra entry opportunity for you, so keep reading...)

Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 16th.
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 

Would you like ANOTHER chance to win Julie's amazing debut novel?? 
I thought you might, you wouldn't be here, unless you were a mass of people with eager fingers for her book.
Visit this link and rate my latest book review. It's painless, will take less than five minutes of your time and I will be eternally grateful.
Or pretty close to it, since I'm not sure how long "eternally grateful" would last. 
Just know I'll be giddy with gratitude.
Here is your chance! The dream moment you've been waiting for!
And it won't last forever, so don't wait around!


  1. Well, I guess I've been missing out! I've not read a Julie Lessman book...yet! Thanks for the great recommendation and chance to win.

  2. I am a blog follower.

  3. I am an email subscriber.

  4. Rated your Scent of Cherry Blossoms review!

  5. I am a follower and I have never read any of Julie Lessman's books, but I would like to try one!

    Also, I rated you book review.

    hannahelizaw(@)comcast . net

  6. Would love to win her book, these all sound like great stories.


  7. I rated your review on The Scent of Cherry Blossoms.


  8. I have never had the opportunity to read Julie Lessman. I have always really wanted to, but never found the time, so now after your review Casey, I know I must read her soon! So I would really love to win her book!

    Also I thought I was tired of reading Amish books, but Casey, after your review of Cindy Woodsmall's book, I would really love to try it again. Both authors sound REALLY good ! ! !

    I am a follower and subscriber

  9. I also rated your book review

  10. I haven't read any of her books yet. They do look very good!

  11. Email subscriber

  12. GFC Follower

  13. I've never read anything from Julie...been meaning to for some time. Thanks for the giveaway!


  14. Shame on me, I've never read them.

    I am a follower

  15. I'm a subscriber too!


  16. Never read her before, but I'm looking forward to getting a chance. Thanks for the oppertunity!


  17. Never even heard of her, but I know a few people who might enjoy her books.


  18. I ranked your review a 5 star, because you do such a beautiful job.

    Oh, could you email me, and help me with how to put the rating on my reviews? Ive tried and tried, and I just can't get it!

  19. I have not read Julie Lessman either. It does look like I am missing out. I love finding new authors.


  20. I am a GFC follower-judy


  21. I am an email subscriber.


  22. I also rated and commented on your review. It was great!!

    Thanks for this great giveaway.


  23. I LOVE Julie Lessman!!!! She is aces! :)

  24. Don't enter me even though I have yet to read one of Julie's books. She sent me APMP but I haven't had time to read it yet...I know. My bad :/

    I just had to say it's such a lovely post and I know her books must be extraordinary since you recommend them!

    1. Shame on you Anne! Make hast for your TBR pile and pick thee up your copy! You'll be forever changed. ;-))

  25. I have never read anything by Julie, but her books look really good! I've been wanting to read them for a while, but for some reason I haven't gotten to it yet. Thanks for the chance to win it!


  26. I'm a follower!


  27. I'm also a subscriber.


  28. Julie's books look great! I've never read her before, but I'm looking forward to reading them sometime in the future. Great giveaway!


  29. I haven't read anything by Julie and I've never heard of her, but my daughter (who hasn't read her either) would like her books, I think.


  30. I haven't read a Julie Lessman book yet but I would really love to, I have heard so much about them being wonderfully written. I stay away from books that say "Passion" or look steamy on the cover but I would love to read any book that made you eat your words. It must not be the run of the mill passion, it must be a great book.


  31. I am an e-mail subscriber of your blog.


  32. I am a long time follower of your blog.


  33. I have seen Julie Lessmans book in our local libary but have yet to read one. I would love to start at the first of her books and read them all.

  34. I rated your review of Cindy Woodsmall's book, The Scent of Cherry Blossoms. I love her books but have not read this one yet.

  35. I subscribe by email to Writing for Christ.

  36. I follow you on Google Friend Connect. Thanks for all the extra entries. ybutler@oppcatv,com

  37. So, so, so many readers who have NEVER read a JL book! My goodness, trying to not pass out over here...

    Which it's good I held this contest. You need to be educated in wonderful fiction, the lot of yous!


  38. SWEET MOTHER OF JOB, CASE, making me cry first thing Monday morning!!! Literally just cleaned my contacts and now I have to clean them again for the fog from my tears!!

    I am SO very grateful to you, not just for your shameless promotion of my books or your incredible encouragement in my life, but because my life is just SO much richer with you in it. That someone I love and admire SO much has been captured by my books just wrings the tears right out of this old gal, so THANK YOU, BLESS YOU and may your day be touched with the same joy with which you have touched mine.

    Hugs and more hugs,

    1. I love you, Julie! How can I NOT shout it from the rooftops??

  39. I just want to add that Casey is not exaggerating. You will be HOOKED! I'm not particularly a romance reader, but Julie is the TOP of romance writing. And Julie knows that I wasn't so sure when I won her first couple of books. I simply can't wait for A Love Surrendered!!!

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  40. I have heard of Julie through another friend, but have yet to read any of her books. I write blog reviews and would love to review any and all of her books. My site is Hosanna's Journey (
    I'd love to win this book. I am a follower.
    cllane2 at liberty dot edu

  41. Good Morning, Casey. Loved your blog today about Julie. I love Julie, too. I've read every one of her books and can't wait for the next one. I started reading Julie's books because of the comments that I was reading, and the excerpts she would leave on different blogs. That convinced me. I'm so glad that I did, because now, she is one of my favorite authors. Please don't enter me in the contest. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate Julie. If you've never read a Julie Lessman book, give her a try. You'll be glad you did.

    Waving big to Julie! :)


  42. The covers of Julie's books always strike me. Read one of her first a long time ago. Looking forward to reading another.

  43. i am so thrilled i found your blog! i am now following you via email. mitzi underscore wanham at yahoo dot com

  44. How thrilled am i to have found your blog? i follow you via Goodreads!

  45. And i'm still thrilled to have found your blog...i am now a GFC follower mitzi underscore wanham at yahoo dot com

  46. and i loved your Scent of Cherry Blossoms... and gave it 5 stars.

  47. i have read a few of Julie's novels, and love them. Thanks for the opportunity to win this one.

    mitzi underscore wanham at yahoo dot com

  48. I have read all of Julie's books and loved---
    ---loved---loved them. I met her at a writer's conference and when I read them I felt like she was telling me the stories. I'm waiting patiently for the next one.
    Don't be afraid of the titles--they get you interested and are not at all off color--very appropriate for the Christian reader. Like real life.

    1. Right on Wanda. And once you're read APMP, you can see how PERFECTLY that title fits the book.

  49. I still cannot believe the whole Christian reading world does not know about Julie Lessman yet! I am shocked when I mention her (all the time!) and people tell me they've never heard of her... have their heads been stuck in the sand somewhere? Have they not heard me shouting her praises from the mountaintops? I cannot wait to read this next one! And the one after that, and the one after that! :D

    1. LOL, Dawn! I remember being SOOOOO excited when I asked a local friend of mine if she had ever read JL and she squealed and said YES! Made my night. :D

      You and I have GOT to convert more readers!

    2. I remember the first time I saw A Passion Most Pure on an end cap in the bookstore! The cover... The back cover... The size of the book... All of it won me over from first sight. ;D I'm hoping to start a library at my church... So I can personally display all her books there... If they're ever not checked out, that is. :)

    3. LOL! There you go, Dawn! Our library has ALL FIVE of her books, and I'm pretty sure one of them is almost gone lately. Makes my heart happy. :D

  50. I live in Canada and am not eligible for the draw, but even if I were, I'd say not to enter me because I've read and love Julie's books. I'm a fan for life.

    I only came over to support Julie and to let you know Casey, that you have excellent taste. :)

    Anita Mae.

    1. Hello Anita! I'm so glad you did stop by. :) I have to say I have good taste too. ;-) Fan club, here we come!!

  51. Would LOVE to win one of her books. I haven't read one of hers yet although I do have a coupld of them on wishlist. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pick me!!! I am totaly currious about this author and her books after I read your blog post today.

  52. I"m a follower Oh, and I forgot to put my email address in the post above. :(

  53. I'm also a subscriber! That's how I found out about your giveaway today! :)

  54. Have seen her books and always wanted to read one!! julie(dot)nadaud(at)gmail(dot)com :)

  55. WOW, ERICA, LINDA, ANGI, WANDA, DAWN and ANITA MAE -- I cannot thank you enough for even taking the time to pop over and leave a comment -- I am BEYOND blessed by your kind words AND your wonderful friendship!!

    And, ANNE -- what Casey said, girl!! "Make haste for your TBR pile and pick thee up your copy!"

    Hugs and more hugs,

  56. I am so embarrassed to say that I haven't read a Julie Lessman book yet. I am a longtime follower of yours and so I know how much you love her work. It's hard for me to purchase new books right now and I would love to win a copy of Julie's book A Passion Most Pure. Thank you so very, very much for the chance to win a copy. If I don't win, I'll start saving my nickels and dimes so I can buy a copy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  57. I am a long time follower.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  58. I am an email subscriber.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  59. I rated your review of The Scent of Cherry Blossoms.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  60. Casey, don't enter me in the contest since I have read all of Julie's books and absolutely loved them. I'm glad you are having this giveaway for people who haven't read Julie's books; these people are missing out on some really good reading. To them, I say: start with A Passion Most Pure, then read all the rest. It is well worth your time!

    1. YES! Start at the top and work your way down!

  61. I'm a follower too...totally forgot to add that!


  62. And I just rated your review on Cindy Woodsmall's new book! Nice job!


  63. Oh, you don't know how much I've been wanting to read APMP! Thank you for the chance to win. Please enter me!

  64. Oh, I have been wanting so badly to read APMP... and all of Julie's books! I have not read even one of them (shocking;-). Thank you for this giveaway and for the chance to win. Please enter me!

  65. I am a GFC follower.

  66. I rated your review for "The Scent of Cherry Blossoms." By the way, I read it and it was simply wonderful! I read it in one sitting also.

  67. No need to enter me, Casey, since I'm already a huge Julie fan. But I just wanted to stop in and share in the Julie love! :) How fun to hear your story of how you reluctantly read her first book and then became hooked. :)

  68. Ohh wow! I've never had the opportunity to read a JL. Iwould love to.


  69. OHH! I am a follower as well.


  70. I thought surely I was the last never-read-Julie reader when I won APMP here last spring.

    I'm shocked to pieces there are so many!

    Casey, you have such a sweet generous heart, and I'm so jealous that Carol got to meet at ACFW last fall and I did not.

    I love Julie's books, but I loved her before I read her books because she is an amazing Godly inspiration for me as a Christian, as a wife, and as a writer. She's awesome! Make room on that rooftop, Girl!

    1. Andrea, let's remember to meet the next time we both end up in the same place. ;-)

      I KNOW! I thought I MIGHT get a dozen entries, but not so many! Shame on all these non-believers. ;-)


  71. Casey,

    Someone who loves Julie's books as much as me!! And look at all the potential new readers you've drummed up! YAY! Way to go!

    I know one day we'll be promoting your books the same way!


  72. PAM, SARAH AND ANDREA ... you know, one of the absolute BEST things about writing for God is the incredible people you meet who go out of their way to bless you ... like Casey did with this incredible blog ... and like you guys have done in coming by JUST to encourage!! Thank you for your kind words and I pray God blesses you as much as you have blessed me.


  73. SUE, you sweetheart you!! Thanks for the kind words and your incredible friendship!

    And I TOTALLY agree with you about Casey -- we WILL be promoting Casey's books some day because I've read her work and I KNOW that as sure as I'm writing this. And you, TOO, my friend!!


  74. Hey Casey,
    I wasn"t going to comment, BUT I decided to.
    ;-)BTW, please DO NOT enter me. I have Julie's books, so someone else who hasn't won deserves to.
    I so can not wait to read A Love Surrendered!!

    Julie, I saw the book signing ad on FB. Wish I could go! Maybe I will eventually get the blessing of meeting both you and Casey in person.
    I have to say to everyone else, If you have never read Julie's books, you should! You will be hooked from the 1st sentence. Good luck and God bless, everyone!!

  75. Aw, Ash, thank you SO much for coming by, my friend -- I've missed you!! At least with the contest, I got to talk to you regularly!!

    And, OH, how I wish I could meet you, too, sweetie, but there will come a day -- you mark my words!!

    I guess you heard that A Love Surrendered is not releasing until Oct. 1st instead of September 1st, so one extra month to wait, but hopefully you will think it's worth the wait ... ESPECIALLY since there will be an Ashley Roberts in it!! ;)


  76. Thanks for this opportunity, Casey! I haven't read anything by Julie yet. :-)


  77. I am a blog follower.


  78. I am an email subscriber.


  79. I have never read any Julie's book but I would like to. Please enter me in contest. I am a follower and email subscriber.

  80. I love the book covers! Especially of A Passion Most Pure. I've never read any of Julie's books but would love too! I wonder if my library has them...searches...sadness, they don't.
    I'm also a new follower! (Lovely page design!)
    kentiapalm a g mail address

  81. Am I tooooo late??? I would love to be added in the mix for the drawing for Julie Lessman's books!!!

  82. Love to win a copy of Julie Lessman's book..'A Passion Most Pure'....sounds really


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)