Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pulse-Pounding! ~ Trauma Plan by Candace Calvert ~ Review

From the medical details, to the romance, to the romantic balcony dinner and even the skies for a quick dive, this book packs more than one wallop.
Sooo smooth – the only word I can think of to describe the writing. There isn’t a single stuttering moment, the story uber-comfortable to slip into and hard to leave.
Jack is the quintessential rugged hero. Not afraid to tackle any challenge, determined to climb any mountain that gets in his way, he’s the character that is driven and in turn drives.
To watch the romance between Jack and Riley is a wonderful thing. Riley in her cautiousness and fears, but with strength to her core, just begging to be discovered. Opposites that bring out the good in the other.
I wanted Riley to see her dream realized, she longed to get back into the ER so badly, but sometimes where we are is right where God wants us to be.
Having a part-time job in the medical field, I had to smile at the new details I now know and can appreciate, but don’t let that “scare” the unknown from such a novel topic. It’s written in such a way (again, gotta go back to *smooth*) that the reader is smack in the middle of the action.
Being a lover of those ER scenes, I wanted a few more, but top to bottom the novel is a great one. Secondary characters that I look forward to seeing again in coming novels, plot that is thick with layers and main characters that rise to every challenge. Again…smooth.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Netgalley for my advance copy to review.

More about the novel...

Sidelined by injuries from a vicious assault, chaplain Riley Hale is determined to return to her former duties as an ER nurse. But how can she show she's competent when the hospital won't let her attempt even simple tasks? Determined to prove herself, Riley volunteers at a controversial urban free clinic despite her fears about the maverick doctor in charge.

Dr. Jack Travis defends his clinic like he's commander of the Alamo. He'll fight the community's efforts to shut its doors, even if he must use Riley Hale's influential family name to make it happen.As Riley strives to regain her skills, Jack finds that she shares his compassion--and stirs his lonely heart. Riley senses that beneath Jack's rough exterior is a man she can believe in. 

But when clinic protests escalate and questions surface about his past, Jack goes into battle mode and Riley wonders if it's dangerous to trust him with her heart.


  1. Yay! I love Candace Calvert and I have this book! I can't wait to read it!
    I love Medical Drama!

    1. I'm going to get a couple copies for the gals I work for at the Doctor's office. Here's to hoping they like the story setting. ;-)

  2. Sounds like such an good read. I'm married to a doc, so I let him handle the medical side of life, but I still like to read about it!

    1. I never thought I would like to read medical drama. But oh baby, if Candace writes it, I'm there!

  3. Great review, Casey. I'm thinking this is definitely one I need to add to the TBR pile. Loved this line from your review, too:

    "...sometimes where we are is right where God wants us to be." So true!

    1. My favorite of her books is still Disaster Status, but she knows how to write a well rounded book. Romance and adventure. Goes well together. ;-)

  4. CASE SAID: "the story uber-comfortable to slip into and hard to leave."

    A common problem with Candy's books, I find, but OH, what a problem to have!! :) LOVE this woman and LOVE her work!!


    1. I know! I have that problem with a lot of good books actually. I love it. ;-)

  5. When it comes to page-turners, Candy knows how to write 'em. I read my first Candace Calvert book non-stop, finishing at 6 a.m. after having stayed up all night. The story was that good!

    1. That is exactly what happened to me, Keli when I read Disaster Status. Started it early afternoon and finished it that night. I LOVED that book. :D

  6. i love Candy Calvert's novels! So many novels, so little money! Thanks for sharing your review. i love that, too

  7. Casey! I'm thrilled to have you read and review my newest medical drama--thank you so much for the kind words. And thank you all for leaving comments, oh SO familiar folks and new readers, too. You guys are great--and "just what the doctor ordered" for this author gal. Easter blessings, friends!


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