Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cute and Sooo Relatable ~ The Homeschool Experiment by Charity Hawkins ~ Review

I think this novel will get a “Yes Ma’am!” fist pump from about every homeschool mom out there. Don’t tell me you can’t pick up this book and not relate to the story just a *little* bit.

            It’s the quirky kind of tell-all story that will give the non-homeschooler a peeping-tom view of that first few years of “experimentation” into the concept called homeschooling. And to those who have walked (and ARE walking) the path called home education just might send the author hate mail at telling their families secrets. Trust me, we already know them! ;-)

            As a homeschool graduate of all twelve years, there is no place I would have rather spent my education, but as also the first child of my parents, I can completely relate to many of the things that had to be tried and retried within the course of the novel. I had to laugh at some parts!

            It’s the kind of novel that doesn’t have a lot of plot depth, but definitely the kind of read a worn out mom can enjoy at the end of the day and feel instant encouragement that she is so not the only one.

            It’s a cute read, quick and funny and more than just a dash of real life.

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Julianne Miller feels God nudging her to homeschool her three children. The only problem is, she has no idea what she’s doing. Julianne was her high school valedictorian, graduated from college with honors, and had a successful career in the business world. How hard could first grade possibly be? 

Her plans and schedules all look so good on paper. But when it comes to avoiding her preschooler’s public meltdowns, keeping her toddler alive and in a clean diaper, and getting through the morning without everyone dissolving in tears, Julianne is thinking she might not be quite up to the task. 

Can her co-op friends help her before she loses her mind or ruins her children for good? Or should she give up this crazy idea and prove her mother-in-law right? 

With refreshing humor and honesty, Charity Hawkins offers moms encouragement in their noble work at home, a chance to laugh at the moments only a mom would understand, and a reminder to cherish those gifts right under their roofs— those wild, irrational, precious people—their own children. Though the book deals with homeschooling, it also addresses the larger question, “What happens when you feel called to do something that seems entirely too big for you?"


  1. This novel sounds really cute! I might have to get it and tuck it away in my library as I plan to homeschool my kids someday - should the Lord's will for my life be marriage and children, we'll see...

    The way the world is today kids NEED to be homeschooled! It's so cool that your mom homeschooled you for your whole education. My parents weren't able to do that but I homeschooled for all of highschool (as did my brother) with the ABeka Book videos. Homeschooling is both a blessing and awesome responsibility. I'm blessed to have done it and hope to do it myself someday :-)


    1. It was cute! I too plan to homeschool someday, it's something that I could not be where I am without my parents homeschooling.

      That is so fantastic that you were able to send even a few years homeschooling. What a blessing!

  2. Ooo, this gives me a great gift idea for a few of my friends. ;) Thanks, Case!

    1. I bet they would appreciate it. Just putting it into life's perspective, the readers might be scared that the story mirrors their life. ;)

  3. Oh, this sounds like a fun read, Casey. Going to have to check it out. I wasn't home-schooled, but I know many people who were...and it makes me want to do the same with my kids someday. My public school experience was great, but even in just the 12 years since I graduated (gulp, I feel old suddenly), it seems like so much has changed...

    Anyway, sounds like a quirky and fun read...adding it to the ever-expanding TBR pile. :)

    1. Oh don't feel old! You're spirit keeps you MORE than young. :D

      It has changed a great deal even just in the few years since I graduated. It's amazing. And scary I think too.

      Anyway, it was cute!

  4. great review. i'll be looking for this!

  5. As a home-schooling mom, I often ask myself what was I thinking? Then oh, yeah, it was that whole God-calling thing. :) I'm sure I can definitely relate to this book. Sounds like a quick, fun read.

    1. LOL, I think ALL homeschooling parents say that. As homeschool students we can think the same thing. Ha! ;)

  6. This sounds like a good book. As a homeschooling mom, I often find myself editing, checking math equations and feeding a baby all at the same time. I can totally relate to the cover! :)

    1. LOL, I think ALL homeschooling families can relate to that cover. Giggle!


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