Tuesday, May 15, 2012

SCORE!! Winner, winner!!! ~ My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade ~ Review

You know that book you fall in love with and don’t want it to end, each page should NOT bring you closer to the ending and even though you have a dozen other books demanding a review, you keep dragging your feet on finishing this one, because you just don’t want it to end? That is more than just a long run-on sentence; THAT is my unadulterated emotion about “My Stubborn Heart.” I flat. Out. Loved. It.

            Fitting into this novel was like stepping into a Cinderella fairy tale…and the glass slipper didn’t pinch a bit. What reader wouldn’t adore Kate? She’s tiny, but mighty, with a sense of humor and a persistence that grates on Matt, but boy did I love her! She is a simply endearing heroine.

            Ladies, be still your beating heart, because Matt is the perfect, tall, dark and brooding hero we all seem to gravitate to in fiction. Why the tortured ones anyway?? Matt has got SO many dimensions to him. Not just a world-class athlete, he’s gentle, sweet and loving. I loved watching his faith transform him.

            What else? Hmm, humor. STELLAR writing quality. Vivid emotions and descriptions. I wanted the book to go on and on and on…

            I will admit to being disappointed in a couple crass word choices. Not something I was expecting and it cringed my heart.

            Overall, five star read! Emotionally evocative in SO many ways. And yes, call caps just isn’t good enough this time around. Totally awesome. Sigh.

            This review is my honest opinion (I mean come on, why ELSE would I use so many words or ALL CAPS???). Thanks to the publishers and Litfuse for my copy to review.

More about the novel...and contest info!!

Kate Donovan is burned out on work, worn down by her dating relationships, and in need of an adventure. When her grandmother asks her to accompany her to Redbud, Pennsylvania, to restore the grand old house she grew up in, Kate jumps at the chance.

Upon her arrival in Redbud, Kate meets Matt Jarreau, the man hired to renovate the house. Kate can't help being attracted to him, drawn by both his good looks and something else she can't quite put her finger on. He's clearly wounded--hiding from people, from God, and from his past. Yet Kate sets her stubborn heart on bringing him out of the dark and back into the light...whether he likes it or not. 

When the stilted, uncomfortable interactions between Kate and Matt slowly shift into something more, is God finally answering the longing of her heart? Or will Kate be required to give up more than she ever dreamed?


Win a Nook Simple Touch™ with GlowLight™ in Becky Wade's My Stubborn Heart Giveaway and RSVP for FB Party {5/24}! Celebrate with Becky by entering her My Stubborn Heart Giveaway and connecting with her during the Author Chat Party on 5/24!

One fortunate winner will receive:
  • A Brand New Nook Simple Touch™ with GlowLight™
  • A $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Certificate
  • A copy of My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends at noon on May 24th. Winner will be announced at the "My Stubborn Heart" Author Chat Facebook Party on 5/24. Becky will be hosting an book chat, testing your trivia skills and giving away some great prizes!

So grab your copy of My Stubborn Heart and join Becky on the evening of the May 24th for a chance to meet Becky and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)

Enter via E-mail Enter via Facebook Enter via Twitter

Don't miss a moment of the fun.
RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 24th!


  1. I love the graphics on your blog, Casey! And also the title - I often remind myself when I get sidetracked that I'm truly writing for an audience of One. Thank you for reading My Stubborn Heart and taking the time to review it. I'm DELIGHTED to hear that you enjoyed it. We must be like-minded readers. :) Thank you thank you thank you.

    1. Hello Becky! I'm so honored you stopped by. I can't even BEGIN to tell you how much I loved this book. You did an absolutely fantastic job crafting characters and story. I can't wait for your second novel!

  2. My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade is a debut sure to thrill the hearts of Christian romance fans. Kate Donovan has been waiting thirty-one years for the man of her dreams. She's kissed a few frogs, and is trying to hold tightly to the knowledge that God has good in mind for her; she just hopes that part of the good is a husband. After losing her heart for her job as a social worker, she jumps at the chance to renovate the family home of Chapel Bluff in Redbud, Pennsylvania with her quirky grandmother. Matt Jarreau has known more than his share of heartache in his life, and it has caused him to retreat from the world, from his career, family, and friends to work as a small town contractor. His life has been reduced to work, eating alone and watching television to keep him from ever having to hurt or feel again. Kate is immediately drawn to the pain she sees in Matt's eyes, and despite his best intentions, he can't seem to keep away from the charming redhead. Wade has written a romance populated by thoroughly compelling and enjoyable characters. Kate's loving nature makes her reach out to Matt again and again when most would retreat, and when he intentionally pulls away from her, her education allows her to help the reader understand just how deeply hurt he is, making him even more sympathetic. What really makes the book sing is Wade's ability to climb into her characters' heads. When Kate and Matt touch for the first time, Kate's thoughts rush and tumble in her head, and Wade manages to portray that intoxicating fear and joy. She does just as well with Matt who comes across as a real man, not the watered down romanticized version in most romances.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)