Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Achingly Beautiful Story ~ Covenant Child by Terri Blackstock ~ Review

From the way this novel was written, to the characters filling to the pages, to the story that grabbed my heart, “Covenant Child” is a novel to be cherished and shared.

            I can’t honestly say I “enjoyed” this story as a means of pure entertainment. The story is exceptional, don’t get me wrong, but because of the strong subject matter, it quickly becomes a story that I wanted to see redeemed.

            The main character of Kara is a bitter young woman and if the story weren’t written from her perspective, as one who stands back and looks back on her life, I think I would have become fatigued with her. But to see the struggles of Kara and Lizzie and not have your heart wrenched is an impossibility.

            The story is gripping from one chapter to the next moving on a swift emotional roller coaster. My heart was jerked more than one time.

            I loved that the story was first person, it truly came alive. Though I would have loved to experience the story from Amanda’s point of view.

            I believe this is a rerelease from a previous edition, but the story is timeless. A stirring story from a masterful story teller and a wonderful allegory for God’s unending grace and love.

            This review is my honest opinion. My thanks to the publisher for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Beautiful, three-year-old twins Kara and Lizzie Holbrooke live a charmed life with their widowed but doting father, Jack. When Jack finds love and marries again, it seems all their lives will finally be "happy ever after." That new life shatters when Jack and his wealthy parents are killed in a plane crash. Jack's new wife, Amanda, inherits the family's estate but fails to gain custody of the twins.
Devastated but bound by her covenant to care for the girls, Amanda manages the estate, hopeful she'll be able to return it to Kara and Lizzie one day. Meanwhile, the twins grow up in an abysmal home environment with distant family members and become hard-drinking, shoplifting, promiscuous teenagers.
After years of trying to reach them, Amanda is finally able to offer them love, comfort, wealth--the life they have always wanted. But when all you've known is deprivation, how can you believe a gift of grace? When you've been lied to for so long, how can you ever know the truth?
Intensely involving, emotionally charged, and infused with hope, "Covenant Child" is an inspiring story that challenges us to embrace the life God holds out to us.


  1. I read her "Cape Refuge" series and loved it. I haven't read anything else by her. I have been wanting to though. She writes a lot of mysteries and I don't really read mysteries. So maybe I would like this one too.

    1. That was another series I read too. Good books all the way through, I agree. This one isn't as "mystery" orriented at her previous books, so you very well might enjoy it. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Great review, Casey!

    1. Thanks for coming by! Always enjoy "seeing" you. ;)

  3. Hhhhm. Interesting plot line here, Casey. I wonder how Teri Blackstock came up with it. She must have played the "What if?" game.

    1. The "what if" game is favorite among all writers I think! ;)

  4. I will read anything by Terri Blackstock if for no other reason than her writing testimony. BUT it certainly helps that she is ALWAYS a good read. I always enjoy picking up a TB book and this one has just been added to my Goodreads. Thanks for the heads up!

    1. Becky, she does have a great testimony and very few of her books I haven't enjoyed. This one is moving to the top of some of my favorites by Terri.

  5. This book sounds intense, Casey, and I so appreciate reading your honest opinion.

    I LOVE first person--it makes me connect so much more with the character. Since I write for the 8-12 year-old crew, first person is really important so the kids will truly connect.

    Aloha! --Cheryl

    1. The characters and their emotions could get very intense, even in the straight forward way that Terri wrote the book. I do too! I used to write first person and now have fallen back to third, but I LOVE to read a well-written first person. :)

  6. Hey, I think this story is already on my Kindle waiting to be read. Better get to it, from the sounds of it. Sounds awesome!

    1. It was/is a good story, Melissa! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :)

  7. I have not read anything by Terri Blackstock that I didn't like! What a great author!


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