Thursday, June 14, 2012

Every Woman's Read ~ Your Heart's Desire by Sheri Rose Shepherd ~ Nonfiction Review

During a month where I have been talking about “not settling” for less than God’s best in your life, I feel privileged to have had the chance to read this nonfiction book.

            I don’t read much else but fiction, so to tear me away from my beloved novels takes some doing. This book was full of so much to offer and I’m so glad I read a chapter a night in addition to my devotions.

            Sheri Rose has an honest, humble way of teaching, making you feel as though you might be sharing stories over a plate of cookies and lemonade. Her wisdom and candor are a welcome breath of fresh air and the 14 truths for how you love are a powerful new way to look at how we as women so often act.

            In a time where women settle for less than best or fight their man to become who “they” think he needs to become to fit “their” needs, this book shows that often the best thing we can do is love with God’s love, because His romance is the ultimate love story.

            I would definitely encourage single, married, young and old to read this book. The prayers and words from God at the end of the chapters were a special blessing to me. And I found myself wanting to apply this not just to married life someday, but to my days right now.

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

More about the book....

Hope and healing for every woman who has ever loved a man

Bestselling author and Bible life coach Sheri Rose Shepherd shares 14 truths that will forever change the way you love and are loved. This book is written for the married woman who loves her man but struggles in her marriage. It’s for the single woman who wants to find a godly man to love and for the divorced woman who believed in her marriage until her man walked out.

Each chapter has life-challenging love stories, love coaching, powerful prayers, inspiring scriptural love letters, and a Transforming Truth.

If you’re ready for a refreshing perspective on love, men, and marriage, this book is for you.


  1. This looks like a great book! Thanks for introducing it to us, Case.

    1. I really learned and enjoyed it. She has a wonderful way of writing her faith onto the page.

  2. Sounds like something I might have to get! Thanks Casey!


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