Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Excited for Book 2! ~ Submerged by Dani Pattrey ~ Review

What a start to what is sure to be a great series!

            “Submerged” blends a wonderful array of great characters, gripping suspense and a romance that will the most hopeless of hearts at a near sigh.

            One would think from the cover that the inside of the novel would be as chilling as the outside, but actually beginning to end, this novel has to be on the easiest, smoothest romantic suspense I believe I have read. Perfect balance in story and tension, romance and suspense. Character portrayals are deep and rise to the challenge of entertaining me as a reader, but also leaving me fulfilled in their journey. The setting is fantastic and I loved how it became a character in this story.

            Secondary characters are great! I truly loved how they started their story in this novel, great story angle and perfect for keeping the reader hooked.

            Definitely a high concept novel there was so much brought into this story. Russian history. Deep-sea diving. A swallowed city? Russian mafia/bad guys dudes? I admit to getting a little lost in some of the “minutia” of historical facts, but ignore me, I tend to get that way anyway.

            I was thoroughly pleased with this new find. A stellar debut novel and I look forward to returning to these characters (especially secondary characters!!) in coming novels. Hope it’s not too long a wait!

            This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author and publisher for my copy to review. 

More about the novel...

"Submerged" is romantic suspense that will keep you up at night "
--Bestselling Author Dee Henderson
A sabotaged plane. Two dead deep-water divers.
Yancey, Alaska was a quiet town . . . until the truth of what was hidden in the depths off the coast began to appear. 

Bailey Craig vowed never to set foot in Yancey again. She has a past, and a reputation--and Yancey's a small town. She's returned to bury a loved one killed in the plane crash and is determined not to stay even an hour more than necessary. But then dark evidence emerges and Bailey's own expertise becomes invaluable for the case. 

Cole McKenna can handle the deep-sea dives and helping the police recover evidence. He can even handle the fact that a murderer has settled in his town and doesn't appear to be moving on. But dealing with the reality of Bailey's reappearance is a tougher challenge.

She broke his heart, but she is not the same girl who left Yancey. He let her down, but he's not the same guy she left behind. Can they move beyond the hurts of their pasts and find a future together?


  1. This is on my TBR pile! I'm hearing such great things and can't wait to dive into it, pardon the pun...or not. LOL

    1. Or not! It's a good pun for this novel. ;)

    2. Love the pun, Jessica :) Hope you'll love Submerged!

  2. I loved Dani's book and I LOVE Dani!

    1. She is a very promising author!!

    2. Awww. Thanks, Katie girl. Love ya right back :))

  3. Loved this book! Looking forward to Piper's story in the next one. Also, I loaned it to a friend and she immediately asked, "When the next one come out?" :D Another fan gained!

    1. That's what I thought! I LOVED Piper's subplot. Wonderful incentive to grab her second one the second it comes out.

    2. Thanks so much Lindsay and Casey! I'm smiling from ear to ear :) Hope you'll both love Piper's story too.

  4. Ooh, ooh, this book is sitting on my kitchen table waiting to be read. Can't wait!

    1. Really hope you enjoy Cole and Bailey's adventure, Melissa :)

  5. Awesome review, Casey! I recently won a copy of this, and I can't wait to read it! Sounds very intriguing!: )


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