Saturday, June 30, 2012

Five Miles South of Peculiar by Angela Hunt ~ Review

From title to the town, “Peculiar” is a cozy place to visit with quirky characters and a friend on every corner. It’s what happens outside the town of Peculiar – five miles away to be exact that can get interesting…
The novel is set in the lives of three sisters, one being a set of twins who have just turned fifty. Nothing about those fifty years have been easy and when the sisters all come home to roost…things don’t get pretty.
There is a very intriguing backstory for Darlene and Carlene and well, actually Nolie too. It’s what kept me reading. I will say I had an extremely difficult time liking Darlene. About half way through the story her griping and whining against Carlene became too much. I struggled to understand the justification behind her bad feelings, even when it was explained in more detail later.
Nolie’s story was actually the one I kept going through the story to read. Her view of life, paired with a subtle romance with the new hired man Erik was sweet and enjoyable. She was the rudder to the story and the backbone for her sisters.
  Overall, I will admit to this book not being my favorite. Frustration with character attitudes and at times a slow plot are my reasons, but I know other readers have been entertained by this novel.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.

More about the novel....

If these three sisters don't change direction, they'll end up where they're going.

Darlene Caldwell has spent a lifetime tending Sycamores, an estate located five miles south of a small town called Peculiar. She raised a family in the spacious home that was her grandfather's legacy, and she enjoys being a pillar of the community. Sycamores is the kingdom where she reigns as queen . . . until her limelight-stealing twin sister unexpectedly returns.

Carlene Caldwell, veteran of the Broadway stage, is devastated when she realizes that an unsuccessful throat surgery has spelled the end of her musical career. Searching for a new purpose in life, she retreats to Sycamores, her childhood home. She may not be able to sing, but she hopes to use her knowledge and experience to fashion a new life in Peculiar, the little town she left behind.

Haunted by a tragic romance, Magnolia Caldwell is the youngest of the Caldwell girls. Nolie has never wanted to live anywhere but Sycamores. She spends her days caring for her dogs and the magnificent gardens she's created on the estate, but when she meets a man haunted by his own tragedy, she must find the courage to either deny her heart or cut the apron strings that tie her to a dear and familiar place.

Can these sisters discover who they are meant to be when life takes an unforeseen detour? In a season of destiny, three unique women reunite and take unexpected journeys of the heart.


  1. Awesome Review! I love reading your reviews!

  2. I really like Angela Hunt's work - been a while since I read one of her books and I saw this one discussed on another review site and fell in love with it - added it to my t-read lists. I love the way Angela works with relationships - she just seems to understand them on a very intuitive level that I really relate to.

    Thanks for this great review.

    1. I recently read The Elevator, WOW, what a book! To think it was written within the time frame of a day. That book gave chills, to think it might happen to anybody. She is very good with relationships.


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