Saturday, July 21, 2012

Chilling Start ~ Eyes of Elisha by Brandilyn Collins ~ Review

The novel has a chilling start. And a surprising finish. With an interesting mystery novel twist. Because the “eye-witness” didn’t witness the crime. She saw it through a God-given vision.
The premise was enough to give me chills and the opening of the novel quickly maintains that edgy quality. Chelsea is an incredibly likeable and sympathetic heroine. She doesn’t want these visions, but because of her faith is convicted to make sure the proper people know what she has seen.
 Now, I’m not usually the terribly bright reader that spots the villain before he/she is revealed and this book did leave me in the dark to who did it. But by the time the book closed, every doubt I might have had about this twist being pulled out at a desperate last minute, was completely erased.
Middle to end of the book slowed a bit for a murder mystery I thought and became more wordy. The ending didn’t hold that gripping suspense that I’ve become used too, but I will say one of the last scenes was especially well written. I was right there…but I dare not say more for spoilers.  
I did like the courtroom scene, though a bit wordy, the back and forth dialogue fling was like I was watching the lawyer shout, “objection!”
Often chilling word pictures, likeable main character and deep spiritual truths. “Eyes of Elisha” is a well-rounded suspense novel.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publisher for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

The murder was ugly.The killer was sure no one saw him.Someone did.In a horrifying vision, Chelsea Adams has relived the victim's last moments. But who will believe her? Certainly not the police, who must rely on hard evidence. Nor her husband, who barely tolerates Chelsea's newfound Christian faith. Besides, he's about to hire the man who Chelsea is certain is the killer to be a vice president in his company.Torn between what she knows and the burden of proof, Chelsea must follow God's leading and trust him for protection. Meanwhile, the murderer is at liberty. And he's not about to take Chelsea's involvement lying down.


  1. Casey,

    I love Brandilyn's voice and the premise of this novel sounds like a perfect late night read!!!!

    Thanks for the review - I'm adding this to my TR list for sure.

    1. I'm not sure about "late night" Becky... ;-)

  2. Wow, this book sounds like quite a read. I agree with you Casey that I wouldn't want it as a late night read but definitely a day read. I've added it to my list as well.


  3. I've read a number of Brandilyn's novels--LOVE them!!

    Aloha! --Cheryl


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