Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Rich Tapestry of Story ~ Love Finds You in New Orleans, Louisiana by Christ Allan ~ Review

"Love Finds You in New Orleans, Louisiana" has one of those love stories that charmed its way into my heart.
Set in a period and history of setting that is rich in culture, both of the main characters have much going against them. It's a time corroded with prejudice and bad feelings just because someone has a different color skin.
The research is thick and rich through the entire story. The city and all its richness definitely became a character. I especially enjoyed how the backstory of the characters were woven through their present lives. Giving little teases and tidbits before the surprise ending.
At times the romance literally felt as though it could not succeed. That is so hard to make feel real in a romance and through the entire story I was kept wondering and guessing.            There were a few "little" things that distracted me from the story. Most of the chapter breaks or endings, felt a bit abrupt and at times the story felt lost in all the secondary details.
  Over all I enjoyed this novel. It has that great blend of mystery, likeable characters, and a romance that actually led me to believe it might not succeed. Love triangles and corrupt lives hurting our hero and heroine. A rich tapestry of story.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

Unlocking the past could open the door to a new future. 

Ever since her parents died of yellow fever when she was two years old, Adelaide LeClerc has lived with her grandparents, who rarely speak of their son and his wife. They are on the verge of negotiating a contract with a suitor, a man Adelaide dreads, when they discover that she enjoys the company of Etienne Girod, a young Creole man. 

Adelaide's future hangs in the balance as her grandparents consider whether to stop keeping secrets and reveal the truth that they've known since before Adelaide's birth, a truth that will make the difference between a life of obligation and a life of choice for Adelaide.


  1. Ooh, this sounds really mysterious! Thanks Casey.

  2. Casey, Thank you for the Review. Happy 4th of July.

  3. I love novels set in the Old South. And New Orleans to boot! WOW


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