Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Completely Charming! ~A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California by Keli Gwyn ~ Review

A book for the heart. “A Bride Opens Shop…” has a cast of characters to adore, situations to inspire conflict and a love romance that will blossom in the heart of even the most reticent of participants.
Tildy. Oh. My. Goodness. What a little girl. She had me giggling by the first time I met her and sharing her witty tidbits with my family. Elenora is a very determined woman. Nothing is going to get in her way, especially Miles. Her drive at times got her into trouble, physically and emotionally. Watching her bloom was a pleasure and at times I thought moved too gradually, but read further into the novel and you’ll see as I did that all was preparation for crafting her character.
Elenora and Miles are very proper young people with backstories rich in conflict. Each background played a strong role in the story and how they accepted each other in their romance.
Between Tildy, the romance and the feuding mercantiles, the story was kept lively and enjoyable with something always going to happen. The ending was absolutely charming. I loved it most of all and once you’ve watched these characters grow together, I have no doubt it will be your favorite part of the novel as well!
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the author for my copy to review. 

More about the novel...

An ever-resourceful widow, Elenora Watkins arrives in El Dorado ready to go into partnership with Miles Rutledge. When he refuses, Elenora becomes the competition across the street. Is this town big enough for the two of them? Miles can’t help but stick his well-polished boot in his mouth whenever he comes face-to-face with Elenora. Can he find a way to win her heart while destroying her business? Miles’s mother, Maude, is bent on Elenora becoming her new daughter-in-law while Elenora’s daughter, Tildy, thinks Miles would make a perfect papa. How far will these meddlers go to unite this enterprising pair?


  1. Wonderful review, Casey! Glad you enjoyed this one. :)

    I'm looking forward to reading it, as well!

  2. Yay for Keli! She has encouraged so many along the journey and I'm so glad to see her book coming out!

    1. I know, Julia! Me too! You're going to love meeting her come ACFW. :D

  3. I'm reading it right now and really enjoying it. Tildy is most definitely my favorite. Keli needs to teach a workshop on how to bring child characters to life. She's like this living, breathing little girl.

    1. Oh, I totally agree. I had to read that first section when she introduces herself to Miles, to my family.

  4. I loved Keli's book! I have it on my to-do list tonight to write a review. I've been meaning to for over two weeks now. What I really want to say is simply, "It's awesome!"

    1. It's it hard though to write a review for a book you so love, you struggle to find the right words? That's me right now for Veil of Pearls by MaryLu Tyndall. :)

  5. I've been seeing Keli's book all over blogs and FB. It's one I'll have to pick up and read, huh?
    Aloha! --Cheryl

    1. If you like a good historical, I'd say go with this one. It's light, but emotionally solid. I really liked that about it.

  6. I loved it, too, Casey! Great review!

    1. Yay! Not for Keli's sophomore novel, hopefully!

  7. Casey!
    Again another great review!
    I am just dying to read this... Can't wait!


    1. Thanks Ganise! Hope you get a copy to enjoy soon. :)

  8. I loved this book. Keli does an excellent job writing historical romance!

  9. Thanks for the great review, Casey. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story.


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