Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh I'm Hooked ~ A Heartbeat Away by Dr. Harry Kraus ~ Review

I’m hooked.
  I almost didn’t request this title when it came up for review, but something about the plot had me coming back…and let me just say now: in absolutely no way was I disappointed.
In a brand new novel straight from the pen of a medical doctor, comes the thrills of a mystery centered around a woman’s new heart transplant…and the memories that have arrived with it.
The style in which this novel was written was different for me. I almost expected it to keep me, as the reader, at a distance, but instead I had the exact opposite invitation. The characters are fascinating, the plot gripping and the twines of mystery that braid the story together kept me turning pages as quickly as I could read.
  I fully expected to dislike the heroine Tori, every other character in the book did, so why should I? But she quickly became the character to love. When strange and mysterious things start happening to her, each one ties into the plot in a larger manner, until I was so taken with solving this mystery I didn’t want to stop reading.
There wasn’t a single angle of the story I didn’t enjoy. A taste of romance…more than layer of well thought out suspense and characters that ultimately change…combinations of a great novel.
I’m a new fan. Can’t say it better than this: hooked.
This review is my honest opinion. My copy was a free ebook as the review copy from the publishers didn’t happen to arrive in time and I was too eager to wait. ;-)

More about the novel and author...
This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
A Heartbeat Away
David C. Cook (September 1, 2012)
Harry Kraus


A Word from Harry:

I started writing my first novel during my last year of surgery training at UK. I was a chief resident, and started writing Stainless Steal Hearts in a call room at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Lexington. It was a crazy time to write! I had a very demanding schedule, often spending days and nights in the hospital. I had two sons at that time, and I recognized the wisdom in my wife's urging: "Now doesn't seem the right time for this dream."

My experience as a writer is far from typical. Having received my formal training in biology and chemistry and medicine, my only preparation for a writing career was a love for reading. The longest thing I'd written before my first novel was a term paper in undergraduate school. My first novel was accepted by Crossway Books and published in 1994, and it wasn't until after I had FOUR published novels that I even opened a book of instruction about the craft of writing fiction. This is not what I recommend to others! Yes, I was successful, but I was bending the "rules" without knowing it. I had a natural talent for plotting, but I realize my initial success may have stunted my growth as a writer. I'd have made faster progress if I'd have gone to the fiction teachers sooner.

I have three sons: Joel, Evan, and Samuel. Look closely in all of my books and you'll see them there. My lovely wife, Kris, provides the basic composition for all those beautiful, athletic, dedicated women in my novels.


When a brilliant surgeon undergoes a heart transplant, her life transforms as she begins experiencing memories of a murder she never witnessed.

The residents worship her. Nurses step out of her way. Her colleagues respect and sometimes even fear her. But surgeon Tori Taylor never expected to end up on this side of the operating table.

Now she has a new heart. This life that was formerly controlled and predictable is now chaotic. Dr. Taylor had famously protected herself from love or commitment, but her walls are beginning to crumble.

And strangest of all, memories surface that will take her on a journey out of the operating room and into a murder investigation.

Where there once was a heart of stone, there is a heart of flesh. And there is no going back.

If you'd like to read the first chapter excerpt of A Heartbeat Away, go HERE.


  1. Sounds great and I enjoyed reading about the author also.

    1. This book was AWESOME. I'm excited for more. :-)

  2. I only read a little of your review Casey cause I'm about halfway through the book and don't wanna know what happens but I am like you, I am blown away. I love medical fiction and this one is tops. My first read of Harry Kraus but not the last. Amazing story.....hadn't read one like it before.
    Thanks for your review!

    1. Hopefully I didn't divulge any teasers, I don't like those in reviews either. :) I'm really enjoying these medical novels, excited to see them coming into their own here in Christian fiction. :)

  3. Great review, Casey! I picked this one up recently when it was free on Kindle. Can't wait to read it!


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