Friday, September 28, 2012

Recap: ACFW 2012 In Retrospect

I didn't get near enough hugs from dearest Beth Vogt
Sometimes God gives us divine appointments. The kind of opportunities that can only be given from the hand of a loving God. 

From the travel arrangements that almost looked as though they would never work out to traveling mercies over every single leg of our journey to the people God guided me too the entire time I attended the conference, this trip was Christ-ordained.

Sometimes we simply have to trust that God's timing is perfect. It's hard to accept that we might not get what we want when we want it, but He knows the desires of our hearts. He knows the important and unnecessary. He knows our future.

Meeting Cindy Woodsmall..what a gift!
Maybe you couldn't go because God has said isn't the end. No just might the doorway to a completely different kind of the blessing. The kind that you might not see right away, but the kind that is so completely and wonderfully God. 

Fellow Alley Cat, Ashley Clark
I spent the last week and a half traveling to and from and attending the ACFW conference in Dallas, Texas. Never would have I have expected the response I found waiting for me there. And I'm so, so, so completely humbled. 

"Our best" is not often God's best, but trust, dear friends, that He knows our heart's deepest desires and is patiently waiting at your side for you to see a glimpse of our world and future through His eyes. Turn over your longings and desires to an understanding God...He, after all, gave up His Son for our salvation--He understands the ultimate of sacrifice. 
Katie Ganshert, Rosslyn Elliott, Me, Becky Wade

Alley Cat, Julia and friend Renee Ann Smith--My roomies!

Genesis winner Amy Matayo!

Sweetheart Lindsay Harrel

My sister of the heart, Pepper Basham.
Love, love, love this woman!

My Alley Cats, Gala style!! These women make my world complete and I love them so very much!


  1. Love your blog redesign, Casey! And I LOVE that I got to see you at ACFW. So. Much. Fun!!

    1. Thanks, Tagg. I love that too! Love our pic with of my favorites from the weekend!

  2. I adored meeting you, Casey! You're as sunshiny in person as online! Hugs!

    1. And YOUR twang is even better. You're the sweetest!!

  3. Love all these photos -- and yes, I could use several more hugs from you too, Casey.
    I know meeting you was a highlight for many people (me included) and it was a joy to see God opening doors for you.

    1. God's doors are amazing me. Even if they close after I step through, I'm so incredibly blessed by a glimpse at His coming promises.

  4. Great post, Casey! Loved all the pics and the reminder of God's goodness!

    1. I agree! Joining you and the team in worship every day made my conference so special. Glad I got to meet you, Amy!

  5. I love your new blog design!!! Soooo cute. And so you. :)

    I had such an awesome time at ACFW and was sooo glad to meet you. Yay!

    1. Ah, thanks! These colors felt so right. Yay! Plan on next year, now. ;)

  6. I love the new look of your blog, Casey. Great job!

    Seeing you at the conference was wonderful. I hope your trip home went well.

    1. It did go well, God was protective and blessed us with traveling mercies and we're already planning next year. ;-) Seeing you was wonderful as well!

  7. thanks for sharing, casey. loved seeing all of your pictures, too.


  8. It's wonderful to read about your adventure Casey.

  9. Love your new blog layout! So glad you have had a wonderful week in person with all those words floating like music (authors in a melody together!). Kathleen

    1. What a lovely way to put it, Kathleen! You'd be so welcome and such a blessing to so might have to come to a Gala sometime when it's near you!

  10. Oh so fun, Casey! What a great thing to see this morning.

    Thanks for sharing! Glad everything went well.


    1. So glad you enjoyed it, Ganise! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  11. Love your new design, girl! Soooo pretty! It was sooo good to meet you and sit by you at the Gala! You are one awesome gal, I'm so excited to see what God has in store for you.

    1. I loved sitting by you too! I just felt like I had known you forever. So wish I lived closer...start savin' now, because we've got more laughter to share next year. :D


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)