Friday, September 14, 2012

Unending Grace? For Me?

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Do you ever feel like you just might run of God's grace? 

That He's only got a certain saved amount just for you and--oops--if you've used it all up, sorry chester, you're oughta luck?

Of course, as Christians, we know that isn't true. We know where we stand before the throne of Grace, that no matter what we do we will always be forgiven.

But have you ever doubted that...just a little tiny bit? I know I have. Surely, this is the last time God's going to say He loves and forgives me, after I've done this for the thousandth time. Surely God's grace has a depth to it, one that I'm sure to reach--and hit with a resounding smack.

But have you ever thought that when we reach that point of believing God's grace is no longer good enough, it gives the devil that much more room to step in?

Go ahead, just do it. God's grace is all used up on you anyway. How could He love someone who's made so many mistakes?

In those moments of weakness, of being sure that we have done something so drastically awful that God can never forgive us, that we allow Satan an open door to our heart. We might as well hand over the key as well.

God is all loving. All forgiving. His mercies are always new. That isn't to excuse the fact that He expects us to learn and mature from our mistakes, but like the loving Father He is, His love knows absolutely no bounds.

For His child--a child of the King--what freedom we have in His love. Not freedom to do whatever we want, but freedom to love with complete and utter abandon, striving to honor Him in His presence and to those we come in contact with.

This week I made such a mistake, one I regretted and wished to take back. I know God was disappointed with me in the state of my heart...does that give me permission to act that way all over again, because I know God will always forgive me? No. Absolutely no

What it does do is make me fight all the harder to honor and please my Heavenly Father. And praise Him for the grace He freely gives each of us.


  1. Awesome stuff, Casey.

    Yes, I've gotten to those points where I wonder if His grace is reeally enough? I mean, really, for everything I've done--every bad attitude, every mean thought? And then I've had other times when I've totally taken it for granted.

    Something I've been thinking about lately is maybe it's not so much about trying, but more about loving. Sometimes I feel like I try so hard to be this awesome Christian...but what God really wants is my heart. Yes, I want to do the right thing...but focusing on that puts all the onus on me. Instead, when I focus on basking in his love, soaking it up, just "being" in him, I believe the "doing" will follow...when my heart's in the right place, my actions will echo that. Does that make sense?

    Anyway, that's what your post made me think of... :) Thanks for getting me thinking today!

  2. Loved this.

    Yep, I've messed up and messed up until I literally started saying, "1John 1:9, Lord." And then I got to where I wanted to NOT ask forgiveness, even though I was repentant because I felt like God was sick of hearing me ask. But then 1 John 1:9!

    It was at that moment I knew God wasn't saying, "This is the 500th time you've done this, Jess, when will you get it right?" He was actually saying, "Hey, 500 times! You know what that means? We're X amount closer to freedom! I'm going around this mountain with you every time. I'm patient. Abounding in grace and mercy...and I love you."

    Thanks for reminding me of that today, Casey!!

  3. Praise the Lord, Casey!

    Thank you for the reminder. It spoke to me today.


  4. Thank you for this post :)

    Having only just come back to Him in the last couple of months, after many years 'absence' (mine obviously), I really appreciate reading posts such as these.
    There are so many posts written where people talk as though they are the 'perfect Christian' and others not like them are not good enough. Reading them can make a person feel down and doubtful about themselves, especially if they are like myself and taking the journey of coming back to Him.

    It's heartening to read a post where someone discusses this feeling of 'what if it His Grace runs out', which I think is really the fear that "maybe God will give up on me". Acknowledging that everyone has those doubts and fears at least once in their life is important, and opens up the opportunity to have that conversation with others going through the same thing, rather than feeling isolated or that they are a 'bad Christian'.

    Thank you :)

  5. God's lavish grace -- LAVISH grace -- that's what he offers us. There were times I acted as if all he offered me was a tiny trickle of grace.
    That's not God's nature at all.
    "There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus ..."
    No condemnation ...
    Romans 8:1

  6. Your grace is sufficient for me,
    Your strength is made perfect when I am weak
    All that I cling to I lay at your feet
    Your grace is sufficient for me.

    Sometimes it's all I can do to get the words out - this song is my mantra - but it's so true.

    Love your vulnerability and authenticity, Casey. Thank you for being you.



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