Friday, November 30, 2012

NaNoWriMo Celebration!!

It's the last day of the month!!

I've been watching my fellow writer friends on Facebook and seen many of them nearly down to the wire, but pushing forward strong.

It was a daunting goal.

50,000 words in ONE month.

A month with a major holiday.

Did we survive with the same amount of hair and family members as when we went in?

Do we even recognize ourselves in the mirror after pushing hard 'til midnight to make. that. goal?

Did ya make it?

It was a lot. Yes siree, no two ways about was a HUGE task. 

But we're done. You've got just a few more hours and this month will be over

Don't look back on what you DIDN'T accomplish, face forward and celebrate with you DID. 

Can't edit an empty page!

How'd you do? 

It's time to CHEER!!!!


  1. 56K at the moment. Finished a draft of one MS at 53K and started another :).

    Love you, Casey, dear.

  2. I didn't participate, though I think I did add about 35K-40K to my wip this month. I was hoping to finish but sick dogs and some freelance work popped up and pushed my goal out a few weeks.

    Congrats to all those who made it!

  3. I'm almost there! Scrambling like crazy to finish TODAY! EEK!

  4. Woohoo and congrats to everyone who participated!!

  5. Casey,

    Yes! My family is the superdiduperdi-uber-best family in the world! They still love me. They really, really love me!

    Congratulations, Woman!


  6. I won, too! Had been busy the early part of the month with some revisions and synopses, so I ended up spending ALL of yesterday finishing. It's amazing how much you can write when you have a deadline! :)
    Congratulations to all the NaNo winners out there!

    Marion AKA Hope


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)