Friday, November 2, 2012

The Power of A Touched Life

More days than not, I wish I didn't live hundreds of miles from the people who have touched my lives in the greatest of ways. I wish I lived right next door so I could run over when the urge presented itself and wrap them in a tighter than tight squeeze. 

It's people like this that have become the reason I continue writing. People who have selflessly given and given without asking for anything in return. Sometimes it's hard saying 'yes' to these dear people, knowing you're probably taking them from something they should be doing, but still they offer. And bless. And give the gift of Christ here on earth.

These people become brothers and sisters of the heart. The people you cherish seeing and cling to those moments of connection for as long as God grants them. 

You have them in your life. People that when you hear, see or say their name, a smile blooms across your face. People that shine Christ's love simply by being them.

I can think of so many names of people that are this in my life. And several of them are throughout my post today. 

I can only hope and pray you have such people in your life. People that pray the grace of God upon your life simply by being them.

I've done this once in the past and wanted to do it again. Tell me in the comments of someone who is the ultimate blessing in your life. Next week I will draw one person from the pool and send a  set of matching bracelets: one to you. One to the person who has so richly blessed your life.

As we come into the month of Thanksgiving, I know I give thanks for those who have touched my life and maybe don't even know it.

Challenge: go and be a blessing in someone's life today. Even if it means smiling for the grouchy grocery clerk...then thank God for the people who smile at you when you're grouchy! 


  1. I posted on Facebook today that I intended to make Friday a good day ... and there you went and made it good for me.
    You are a blessing, Casey. Truly.

    1. You Beth, were a big inspiration for me doing this post. Love you. Bunches.

  2. Oh that's easy! My sister. We have shared so much through the years. Even though we live thousands of miles apart, we are always there for each other. Through bad times, sad times and of course when there's cause for celebration. We are supportive and love each other unconditionally. In many ways we are opposites--our temperament, how we see the world, why we do the things we do. She is an extrovert and I'm an introvert. But we have a connection...we're kindred spirits. My sister is a huge blessing in my life.

    In the month of thanks, I want to tell Writing For Christ that you have been and continue to be a blessing to me. :D

    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

    1. I pray my sister and I are that close someday. We're getting there, but I hope more than anything we only grow closer!!

  3. My friend Deanna is truly a God-send. And she is a prayer warrior and listens to the Holy Spirit with action. On the day of my mother's memorial she sent a quick email "Sharon - God has laid you on my heart to pray, call me...." Wow, what a great conversation and prayer time we had long distance. She upholds me, my marriage and our friendship in her prayers. And when we get to see each other a long hug starts every session.
    Thanks for the great post.
    smoore at tcq dot net

    1. Friends like that don't come around often. I have been so blessed to have the kind I can just pick up the phone and ask for prayer. I did it this week! God knew what He was doing when He put those people in our lives and on this earth.

  4. Mirriam Neal has been SUCH a blessing in my life. We've never met, as of yet, but she is one of my closest friends. She opened my eyes to so much, writing wise, and life wise. Without her, my life would be a great bit duller.

    And, her blog, because, I want to:

    1. Oh don't you love people like that, Ashley! When I first started blogging, I never would have thought I'd find the awesome people I did. We might never meet, but in spirit they are some of my closest relationships.

  5. I hope you realize that you're one of "those" people too, that touch others, are a blessing to others, who bring joy to others. :)

    Thanks for being one of "those" people in my life.

    1. Thank you, Erica. Thank you. This week has been rough and I was going to reschedule this post for another time, but it seemed in light of what's happened this week to keep it up. And I'm glad I did. If only to remind others to make sure these people know how much they mean!

  6. Erica is absolutely correct, my friend. YOU, Casey Herringshaw, have been one of the BIGGEST blessings in my life ... as an author, as a friend and as a member of the Body of Christ. I have felt His love through you in dark times and light, and I rejoice that His love flows so easily through your heart to others.

    Love you and appreciate YOU!!


    1. I love you, Julie. Please be at ACFW this year. Or at the least fly out to Oregon and spend a week or two with me. We'll make it a writing retreat. ;)

  7. Dear Casey,
    I have 2 Blessings in my life and they hold a special place in my heart. They are my sisters, my flesh and blood sisters. Almost 2 years ago we three siblings started on a journey with our mother who has Alzheimer's.
    During all this my husband broke his neck and I had to have gall bladder surgery, my middle sister's husband died 5 months ago, and my baby sister has four children, 2 of whom were married during those 2 years.
    The braclets would be for my sisters to let them know how much I love and appreciate them.
    Thanks !

    1. I love, absolutely love this. You're sisters are blessed to have you, Janet!

  8. Casey - you've been such a blessing and prayer warrior to me and our family! Love ya, sister! So happy we have an eternity to celebrate together!

  9. Casey,
    The list of people who have blessed me is too long for this post.
    Top on the list is God who has given and helped me so much more than I deserve.
    I am also compelled to say the group of teens, who when they give their testimony say Mrs. Mary's Bible story is what led me to Christ. Wow talk about a heart stopper.
    But as for a lovely bracelet gift, I'd have to say my older sister who has way more wisdom than I do.
    How long can I make my list. Because second to my biological sister are my Alley Cat sisters...all of them.
    Fine, I'll stop...but know the list is MUCH longer.
    I am so blessed.

  10. Casey, you are a blessing in my life, one that I'm so grateful for, especially after moving so far away. Watch out - come Christmas, you'll be getting one very exuberant hug. Miss you!! <3


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)