Friday, November 23, 2012

To The Ones Who Inspire Me

This post is inspired by this beautiful post by Rachelle Rea...

Yes, it's the day after Thankgiving.

Yes, I know most people are probably out braving the mad shoppers (I won't go there...)

But I'm not. I'm actually heading across my fair state to spend a late Thanksgiving with some dear family friends.

And I'm thankful. Oh, so thankful for the people in my life (and this post doesn't begin to do them justice) that I raise my eyes and hands to heaven and say thank You.

This is my feeble attempt and to those this post doesn't do justice, I thank you.

Photo Credit
To the women who I get to "hang out with" each and every inspire me.

To the author who responded to an excited girl's fan letter and became a life-long friend.

To the mentor I asked God for and He blessed me beyond my wildest imagines.

To the coworker who walks into the office every day and asks if I've heard from the agent.

To the husband and wife who are fighting for their child half a world away and praising God every step of the journey.

Photo Credit
To the friend who makes me laugh, simply by talking and the writer I met at ACFW who I'm sure Chip MacGregor will be selling a novel for very, very soon. 

For the love and heart and sweet, sweet encouragement of an author who motivates and inspires me to higher greatness.

To the blogger who came out of nowhere and encourages me every time her name lands in my inbox or blogger feed.

To the fellow writer who stopped me at the MBT pizza party and blessed me with encouragement she didn't know I needed.

Photo Credit
To the author who invited me to ACFW and then became the easiest person to hug and a dear friend in the process.

To the critique partner who writers better than I could dream of attaining and pushes me hard to reach the same level.

To a dear friend I didn't expect to find in my backyard. The artist that challenges and blesses me with her love and friendship. Countin' the days until Christmas Break!!

To the people who are reading this post and some that probably never will. To the love of family and friends and supporters that I would be lost without. You make my world a better place. So I say, thank you, and praise God every. single. day with gratitude that He has put me here. To know and love all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Casey.
    And for you I the sparky, driven future authoress who seeks to please God in her work and has proven a kindred friend.

    1. Mary, you were one of my very FIRST encouragers on this writing journey. You'll never know what your kind emails meant to me in a time where I was trying to figure out if this writing thing was for me. Love and hugs!!

  2. I'm excited for the last item on this list. It is an answer to a prayer on my heart. Hope she lives really close for you and you can have lots of wonderful get-togethers.

    We need to set up another time for a phone chat. Next week?

    1. Oh, thank you Julia! She doesn't live close anymore since she moved to New York for school, but she's coming home for Christmas break and I seriously can't wait.

      YES on the phone chat and YES to next week!! :D

    2. Aw, I wish she was closer, but I'm so glad you can see her on Christmas. I want the full report :)

      Definitely. Are Friday evenings still good for you? Can't wait to catch up :)

      P.S. Now you have 2 people to visit in NY...maybe a visit is in order?? :) we live right near the Finger Lakes, an absolutely gorgeous would love it. There is even a writer's retreat center right on the lake about 20 minutes from us :)

  3. CASE!!! Three a.m.??? You wrote this at three a.m.??? That's a LOT of gratitude, my friend, but I certainly understand because those in the writing community who touch us on this journey overwhelm me with gratitude as well, and YOU, my sweet friend, would DEFINITELY be at the top of my list as a person who has blessed my heart beyond measure. Life-long friend, indeed, and more!! I am beyond blessed that I am on your list because it's nice to know that in some, small way, I have impacted you at least a fraction of how much your bone-deep kindness, tender heart for God and effervescent personality has impacted me!! Cliche or no, you are one in a million, kiddo, and I thank God for you in my life!!

    Love you!!


    1. LOL, no I actually wrote this last night in a cold-induced fog, and scheduled it for 3am. ;) I realized after I wrote this post that everyone I'm grateful for are the wonderful friends I've made in this community and I wouldn't trade them for the WORLD. I can't begin to express my immense gratitude. SMALL way? NO way. Talk about a BIG way!!

  4. Happy Day after Thanksgiving, sweet Casey.
    I know I am only one of many, many people who are thankful for you, friend. You bring a radiant burst of sunshine into many people's lives.

    1. And the same can be exactly ditto'd for you. Your love and kindness make a world of difference in this one life and I know there are a multitude more that also agree with me. :)

  5. To my sweet, lovely friend! Thank you for the shout out! I'm so thankful we meet and am incredibly excited about what God has for your writing. can't wait to see you next year!

    1. I'm so grateful we did too!! I love how God keeps putting me in the path of new and beloved friends. EXCITED to celebrate with you soon...I can just feel it. :D

  6. Awww, sweet Casey, you are a treasure and I love you! You are definitely the daughter-in-law I wish I could have. :)

    1. And you're a friend I wished I lived closer too. Next year, dear friend, please plan on next year. Even just to play the part of tourist. :)

  7. Thankful for you, sweet Casey! Funny how God works! Needed this today as things have been deteriorating in the Congo as of late and this Mama's bear claws are coming out, only there's no way for me to use them. It was an encouraging reminder that God's in control.

    Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, friend!

  8. Hugs, friend. So grateful to have you in my life. God blessed me when He connected us!

  9. Love you, Casey! I am so blessed to walk this journey alongside you! Can't wait for an Alley retreat!

  10. Casey, your sweet spirit is so refreshing! I loved seeing many familiar faces on this blog post - and some I've yet to meet or connect with. Before I clicked on "For the love and heart and sweet, sweet encouragement of an author who motivates and inspires me to higher greatness." I knew who you meant, and couldn't agree with you more! This is such an incredible community of people and I thank God every day for everyone I've met and befriended - including you!

  11. Oh you are SUCH a sweetie! Love you BIG TIME! You are SUCH a blessing to my life, little sis

  12. Wonderful post, Casey! Thanks for reminding us all of the special people in our lives! Keep up the great job!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to YOU, Casey! My heart is so thankful God brought us together, and I can't wait to see where He leads you next!

  14. Beautiful.
    I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving. :)

  15. What a lovely post, Casey, so full of your joyful spirit. There's nothing like reflecting on those who have enriched our lives, is there? You're one who has blessed mine in so many ways. Thanks for that.

  16. Thanks, Casey! I have so enjoyed getting to know you. Your quick smile and generous spirit encourage me. I am honored to be included in this post. Happy Thanksgiving week.

  17. Beautiful post and photos, Casey! You're such a blessing, and I'm thankful for you! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend. : )


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)