Friday, December 7, 2012

12 Things I've Learned About Myself in 2012

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One: I much more patient than I originally gave myself credit for. I'm actually more patient than the people  who know what I'm waiting for. ;-)

Two: I DO have the courage to hit send.  

Three: Sometimes the hardest things in life are the things that grow us the most.

Four: I have a very low threshold for pain. So...don'

Five: On that same note: don't hurt someone I love. You'll probably end up hurting too. In all Christian love, of course. ;-)

Six: I love to give and share and find that fun little something I can give to someone, just because today is today.

Seven: I thought I could only do friendship through a computer, that I couldn't find the balance in real life...but I can. And I love it.

Eight: I learned to text. No jokes.

Nine: I've learned to adapt. Move forward. Figure things out. Do it anyway. Pull up my big-girls boots and say I'm playin' in this puddle whether you like it or not. ;-) 

Ten: I've learned I wear my emotions on my sleeve for the entire world to see...and sometimes I just want to hide me and my emotions under a blanket.

Eleven: I can't flirt and that is really, really okay with me.

Twelve: I don't always fit into people's neat and tidy boxes. I'm not the perfect figure for everyone's perfect idea. And I had to learn to accept that...or become a miserable people pleasure. It wasn't easy--still isn't. But each day I discover more if me. And that makes the pain worth it.


  1. Girl, if you have learned all that, then you are well on the road to greatness. Seriously, those are such awesome things to learn at such a young age. Wish I was smart like you. :)

    1. LearnING I think is the key here, Sherrinda...and most days it feels like I'm learning them all over again. But I love discovering who I AM. It's freeing.

  2. Replies
    1. :-) Love you, Amy. Expecting great things from YOU in 2013.

  3. Now those are some awesome things to learn about yourself. I love that last one. It's easy to try to fit into other people's expectations or assumptions...but it's no way to live, is it. Awesome post, Casey!

    1. Oh ever so much. People can either except or deny me for who I am in Christ.

  4. Love it! On number three: "The roots grow deep when the winds are strong." I love that quote. I remember it often on those difficult days, or seasons.
    I'm at
    Thank you.

    1. I hadn't heard that one, Annette, but I would definitely agree with you.

  5. I love you the way you are, so much wisdom at such a young age.

    And #7 still makes me smile super big :)

    Still want to have that phone conversation, let me know what your work schedule is, K?

    1. LOL, figured that one would for several friends. :) Yes, I'll do that! Is your family doing anything special for you tomorrow for your b'day? :)

  6. I like your list Casey, and I like you(you are such a likeable young woman!). Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Oh, thank you, Julie! I always appreciate your awesome support and stopping by. :-))

  7. I love reflecting like this. You're awesome and I'm so blessed to know you, Case!

  8. Love these, Casey! So fun and endearing to read. :)

    1. I realized after I wrote the post there was more I could have added, but 12 is more than enough to know about me. ;-)

  9. I learned this about you in 2012, Casey: You are willing to work hard at pursuing your dream of writing. Really, really hard.

    1. I hope so, Beth. I truly hope so. Some days it feels more like it than others. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)