Friday, December 14, 2012

Bear With Me?

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I realized something about myself this year that I didn't put in my 12 Things I Learned About Myself post. 

Order and scheduling are important to me. I like to know what I'm doing when I'm doing it. But I also discovered...I get tired of order and scheduling and want to do something completely different and off the wall.

It's probably why I've taken to chair dancing in the past. ;-)

"Spontaneous" hasn't always been something I've been good at. If it doesn't fit in the schedule I'm sorry, than it's going to have to wait. And I realized I didn't want to be so rigid anymore. 

You might be able to take the girl away from the schedule, but you can't take the schedule out of the girl. 

But I want to be more spontaneous. Figure out the meaning of the word and enjoy the promise it holds for a bit of fun once in a while. Like staying out until midnight dancing. Or joining friends even though it might go late and be past my bedtime. ;-) 

LOL, I'm really not that much of a homebody. (well, yes, I actually am. ;-)

So, then I ask you to give something a try with me...just to see if it would work. My blog is feeling a bit stale (at least to me) and I want to shake things up a bit. I'll still blog three times a week, but I want to change my schedule. Right now it's every Monday, Wednesday Friday.

I'll still have my giveaways, reviews and devotionals...but would you notice too much if I changed the pattern? Maybe even the days I posted? Just for the pure fun of it? I'm hoping to rattle the popular M/W/F posting and do something unique for this blog.

What are your thoughts? Would you still come by to visit with me? :-))


  1. Have some fun, Casey! Shake things up a bit.
    Go on, I double-dog dare you!!!

    1. You don't have to double-dog for too long, Beth. This is going to be FUN!

  2. Well, I probably wouldn't notice a change in days. I get new posts by email and just read them when they come. I'd say go for what works for you!

  3. I love this blog and would come no matter which days you post. :)

    When I read about your spontaneous chair dancing - I got a visual of Snoopy doing his happy dance. haha

    Spontaneity is fun! Enjoy!

    1. Ah, you're sweet! I love your comments/visits too. Haha, that's pretty much that dancing looked like!

  4. Casey, change it up all you like! I always find your posts so refreshing that I make time to read them, even if it is a couple of days late on my end :)


    1. Visit now or later, either way you are more than welcome, thank you Beth!

  5. I'm pretty sure we'll all ride the wave with you. ;)

    1. I'll count on that. I think I'm going have to have fun with this...until reality sets in. ;-)

  6. You're in my Google Reader friend, which means you're stuck with me.

    1. Hey, I'll stick to you. Hey news on a referral?

  7. I'll keep coming! Have some fun with this!

  8. To be honest, I didn't even notice that you posted every Monday, Wednesday, Friday!! So it wouldn't bother me at all if you changed things up! :)

    1. That works for me! Have a great evening, Marissa.

  9. I'm with you, Case! Have FUN and do what you think is right, schedule or no schedule :) Keep things fresh because it's no fun otherwise and blogging should always be fun :)
    Thanks for always being yourself, that's the girl I love reading about.
    Have a great weekend and big hugs to you!!
    Blessings, Kara

  10. I love you and your blog, and whatever you want to do is fine with me. I'll still be here. : )

    Merry Christmas!
    Love and Hugs,


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)