Friday, January 25, 2013

Make That a FUN Author Interview! My Guest? Becky Wade!

It's a new feature on Writing for Christ!

Sometimes we just gotta let loose. Have a little fun.  Thus I had this crazy idea…and I’m pretty excited about it. Hope you love it and if you have suggestions for questions, leave them in the comments! :- )

The Basics:

Name: Becky Wade
Home State (complete with address so we can stalk you): Texas
Occupation: Mom and Author
Height: 5'6"
Order here
Hair Color: Blond, thanks only to my colorist.

Goin’ Deeper:

Celebrity crush: Ryan Gosling
#1 favorite pastime: Getting a pedicure.  A pedicure offers me four big benefits.  1) Pampering.  2) I read the whole time I'm there.  3) I get to escape my kids.  4) For three weeks afterward I have cute toes to enjoy!
Best book of your childhood: Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Go to comfort food: Dark chocolate
Worst job you ever had: I worked at the Estee Lauder counter in a department store once.  I'm a terrible saleswoman.

Preorder here
In Ten Words or Less:

Happiest moment of your life: The first time my husband said, "I love you."
One thing on your bucket list: A trip to Paris.  The croissants, crepes, scenery, coffee, art!
Quirkiest aspect that annoys your spouse: I call my husband His Highness on facebook. (It's fitting!)
Greatest dream: To fulfill God's plans and purposes for my life.
Biggest fear: Dust mites!  I'm highly allergic.

And there ya have it! Watch for another FUN author interview next month with Nancy Herriman!


  1. Love this!

    And can I just say, I'm seriously impatient for Becky's next book. Ahhhh... :)

  2. Fun to read more about Becky! I loved My Stubborn Heart and have already preordered Undeniably Yours. The cover is BEAUTIFUL...but I'm rather partial to pink myself. ;)

    1. I preordered mine in October...I SERIOUSLY can't wait. :D

    2. I can't say enough about the cover for Undeniably Yours. When I received it via email from my editor I paused before I opened it to wish -- as hard as I could -- for a wonderful cover. Then I opened the attachment and saw THAT. I just sat there for 5 minutes straight, staring at it, grinning, as thrilled as I could be. I really think it captures the story and the romance and the tone of the book beautifully. It's my hope that it will attract the kind of reader that might like it.

    3. I pretty much did the same thing, Becky when I first saw it on Facebook. It's one of those covers that make you stop and go...WOW.

  3. Oh, CASE, what a FABULOUS idea!!! Short and sweet and FUN!!! Count me in!!!

    Becky, I have heard SO many good things about My Stubborn Heart that I fully intend to read it once I'm done judging Rita books, Carol Award books, and endorsement books. It is on my "fun list" of books I've been dying to read. :)


    1. I know, right?? We'll have to get you on here once your deadlines are slowed down a bit. And hey, this is the contemporary equivalent of what you love to read, so don't let it wait too much longer! :)

    2. Ditto, Julie! I've heard the most wonderful things about your books and have been wanting to get my hands on one. I believe we're both romantics, yes?

      And ditto on the RITA books, I'm judging at the moment, too. Would love to meet you sometime!

  4. Ooo, this IS fun, Casey!!
    Becky, I love your FB name for the hubs--too funny! And if you ever need a partner for Paris, I think everyone here would gladly join you!!

  5. This was fun! Can't wait for your next book!

    1. May is going to make me do the happy dance with beloved authors churning out new titles!

  6. I've been following Becky Wade around the blog-o-sphere -- not in a creepy, stalkish kind of way, really! How fun to get to know more about her. (I love me a good pedicure too!) And her book "My Stubborn Heart" is at the top of my To Be Read Pile.

    1. LOL, you too? ;-) Don't let it sit there long!! I keep telling everyone that...soon enough people are going to catch on and read it before I ask. Ha! ;-)

    2. Beth, you and I really do travel in the same circles, don't we?! I think we were separated at birth.

      At the next conference, I want to sit down and get to know you over coffee and/or something chocolatey! We contemporary romance types need to band together.

  7. SO FUN, Casey! I like the idea and I enjoyed reading about Becky today. *Waving*

    1. Glad you had fun too, Ganise!! Haven't seen you in ages, how are ya??

    2. Waving, Ganise! Thank you for coming by.

  8. What a FUN interview!! I have Becky's MY STUBBORN HEART on my shelf here and I am so eager to read it. It's next on the pile! :)

    1. YOUR novel is by my computer, Joanne. How in the WORLD are you going to get Gid and Lonnie out of this predicament!?

  9. Just started her book last night and I'm loving it so far!


    1. :D <-- that's me hearing you're reading her book. :D

    2. Thanks, Susan Anne Mason! Hope you enjoy it.

  10. Thank you so much for having me here on your delightful blog, Casey! I love it here. I feel right at home. :)

    1. Thank you for saying yes!! I absolutely love having you here. Glad it felt like the warm welcome I wanted to make it!

  11. My Stubborn Heart was one of my most favorite books last year, so I'm so glad that you interviewed Becky! I didn't see her new book until your post (I hope authors and publishers appreciate you bloggers!) and went and pre-ordered it. Super cute interview. You can see why her book was so great. Thanks!

    1. Woo-hoooo!! It's one of those books that just make you want to immediately grab it off the shelf, doesn't it?!

    2. Wow, Tressa! Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and for pre-ordering Undeniably Yours. I appreciate it.

  12. Hi Becky,

    You can call me Sue! Just had to pop back and say I obsessively read your book until I finished it. What a wonderful, wonderful book! You had me so depressed at one point, I had to finish to cheer myself up!

    Talk about evoking emotion... you are a master! Congratulations!! A keeper for my shelf for sure.



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)