Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wishing on Wednesday!

So my "Wishing on Wednesday" post first featured just one book, but then several other Bethany House covers hit the mainstream social medial eye and I had to share them with you as well in case you've had the misfortune of not spotting them yet. I'll be reading these stories this fall!!


Sadie Sillsby works as the assistant to the matron at the Raystown Home for Orphan and Friendless Children and dreams of the day she’ll marry her beau, Blaine. But when the matron surprises everyone by announcing her own engagement, Sadie is suddenly next in line for the job. For a young woman who was once an orphan herself, a shot at such an esteemed position is a wish come true.

But the matron of the Home cannot be married. Is Sadie willing to give up her dreams of a life with Blaine and a family of her own? Is she prepared to forego daily involvement with the children as she manages the finances and logistics of the ministry? And when it’s revealed that the Home is spending a lot more money than it’s taking in, can Sadie turn things around before the place is forced to close forever?


The minute I saw this cover on Laura Frantz's blog, my heart gave a sigh. The little red-headed girl is a heart breaker and reminds me so very much of Sarah, Plain and Tall. When I was a young teen I read those books several times over and we own the movies. Combine that with the rockstar talent of Anne Mateer and you've got a novel that I'll be ever so eager to get my hands on.

And it's not even available for preorder yet! 

Release date: September 2013


Made to Last is about a homebuilding TV show host out to save her career while juggling a fake husband, former fiance and nosy reporter...all under the roof of the one house she can't bring herself to finish building. It releases in September

That's all the info we've got on this story at this time, but I couldn't WAIT to share the cover for a book I'm uber-eager for!


A desperate homesteader longs for a wife to share his burdens, but three failed attempts at mail order brides lead him to believe God wants him single. When the prettiest woman he’s ever seen agrees to become his wife, his joy turns to distress when her past keeps her from desiring anything but a marriage in name only.When a near-fatal wound shoves them closer to each other than either one can stand, will his bride cave to love or will fear keep her armored against his affections?
Release Date: October 2013 with Bethany House Publishers

I'm not sure where I have been to not know Melissa had sold to Bethany House! But I love mail order bride stories and this one is unique for it's genre. Fall will be rich with reading!!
What do you think??


  1. I haven't read too many mail order bride books, but the ones I have I enjoyed. I'm beyond excited to read Melissa Tagg's book and you're right, that little girl just grabbed my heart and hung on! :)

    1. Have you read Dani's book yet, Jess? I've heard really good things about it, it's on my shelf to read, but wanted to know your thoughts. :)

  2. Such a lovely morning to see my cover pop up on your blog, Casey! And your sweet, sweet words made me smile. :) I'm looking forward to both Melissas' books too! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm stilling needing to read With Every Turn! I haven't forgotten about it, just no time with all the reviews right now. I'll get caught up. ;)

    2. Lol! I know the feeling! I have some in my TBR that I feel terrible I haven't gotten to yet! Too bad I can't put books under my pillow and absorb them while I sleep! :)

    3. Oh wouldn't that be nice? But on the other hand...would we love them as much if we read them in our dreams? You might have something there. ;-)

  3. WHOA, I'm batting two for two on these covers, meaning I've had the privilege of reading two of these books and LOVED them!!

    Absolutely LOVED Anne Mateer's new book, and Casey, I think you turned me on to Anne with your initial suggestion of Wings of a Dream.

    Also had the privilege of reading A Bride for Keeps, and that's a beautiful love story that possesses the gentleness of a Jeannette Oke novel.

    LOVE all the covers, but have to say that the publishers nailed it on Anne's and Melissa J.'s!!


    1. I KNEW I would make a fan of Anne out of you, Julie! I love the remakes of as an avid Janette Oke fan. I'll be eager to read Melissa's book. Expect it to show up in my review offer emails. :)

  4. So excited about Melissa Tagg's book in particular! The others look fascinating as well. :)

  5. Cool titles-I hadn't seen any of them before but now I have some things to look forward to this fall!

    1. Then welcome to a whole new season of great fiction!! :D

  6. Those do look good! Especially the mail-order-bride one. I don't know what it is about those sorts of stories, but I love them too.

    1. Have you read A Bride for Donnigan? It's an older book by Janette Oke, but one of my FAVORITE Mail Order Bride stories.

  7. Yay, thanks for including my cover, Casey. I'm still giddy about it. And oh how I love Anne's and Melissa J's too!!

  8. All three books sound so great! I'll definitely be keeping my eyes out for them. Thanks for the suggestions, Casey! Have you read Julie Klassen's latest book yet? I just got a copy of The Tutor's Daughter and put it in my to-be-read pile. One more book between it and my hands...

    Have a blessed day!


    1. I have Julie's latest book to read! I haven't had the chance yet, but preordered it on Amazon, so hoping to get to it soon. :)

  9. Sounds like some good reads. Anne is the only author listed that I am familiar with her work. I know this one will be as good as her other works. I look forward to getting to know the other authors.
    Thanks for the heads-up on the new releases.

    1. Oh I have no doubt on Anne's books! She just had that quality that sticks with you. :)

  10. All three are definitely going on my list! Thanks for sharing! :))


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