Monday, March 11, 2013

Giveaway! Claiming Mariah by Pam Hillman!

Hello, readers! By now you're used to my Monday posts being an interview/giveaway. Today I've still got the giveaway, but in place of the interview, I've got a fun post shared with you today by Pam Hillman. Check it out and be sure to enter to win her latest novel by commenting below. Have a fabulous Monday and I'll see you around the blogosphere. :-))

Wallflower Writer to the Rescue

Have you ever been somewhere where you felt out of place? Maybe in a group setting where it seems like everyone has paired off in groups chatting, connecting, having fun, but you feel left out, maybe even unwanted?

I don’t know about you, but I have. As a matter of fact, when I was younger, I felt like that most of the time. I was a shy, introverted, gangly teenager. I got tongue-tied around strangers and rarely initiated conversation. I preferred solitude and books.

So, what changed?

First, I owe the nudge to actually come out of my shell to my employer of 28 years. I went from office worker, to payroll clerk, to office manager, to purchasing manager where I was forced to talk to salesmen (Strangers. Eeek!!) on the phone and in person
constantly. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

My newfound confidence spilled over into my writing life as well.

I started focusing on others instead of myself. At least once or twice at ACFW conference
meals I look for a table where I know no one. I started this practice at the RWA
conventions years ago. Instead of stressing that I couldn’t find any of my friends among 2000 writers, I found new friends. Okay, at ACFW, it’s getting harder and harder for me to meet a stranger. Just sayin’

In large group settings where people are milling about, I don’t hug the wall, avoiding eye-contact with other people who are avoiding eye-contact with me. I make it a point to mingle. I smile, catch the eye of those standing or sitting alone. I try not to be pushy:
if they’re waiting for someone and their friend shows up, I move on, looking for another vict…uh…lonely-looking person.

I’ve been rescuing wallflower writers for close to fifteen years. But, really, if truth be told, who’s rescuing who?

Connect with Pam online!

Twitter: or @PamHillman

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Pam's book! (winner can pick format of either Nook or Kindle)

Please leave an email address! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on March 22nd
Attn Readers! If you're struggling to leave a comment on my blog, please email your comment entries (in ONE email) and I will submit it for you. But PLEASE only do this after you've failed to leave a comment. My email is: caseym.writer(@) 


  1. HI Casey,

    Thanks for the chance to read this wonderful novel ;)

    I'm a follower & email subscriber, too!

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

    1. Waving at Karen and Lori! \0/ So glad to see you both this morning. We got a gully-washer last night, but it's eased off for now. Glad I didn't have to get out in it though. :)

      So, anybody got any wallflower rescue stories? I remember years ago being at my first small RWA conference in Alabama at a meet-n-greet. All my local RWA chapter-mates were standing around in a huddle against the wall, and I chatted with them for a few minutes, then realized I could either stay in the huddle or I could break out and meet new people. So I broke out, cruised the room and chatted.

      Later I sat by a shy-looking young woman in the lobby with an unusual name. We had a fun time chatting as I got to know her.

      A couple of my fondest memories are when I sat at a table full of strangers at an RWA convention and we all introduced ourselves, then one said she'd judged my Golden Heart finalling ms. in the GH and that she'd loved it. How cool is that? Out of almost 2000 people, I chose that table!

      And...I think it was the same year, but I discovered a little cafe that made a YUMMY breakfast omelet. One morning I ordered my omelet and had my choice of empty tables other than the ONE table where a woman was seated alone. She had an RWA bag, so it wasn't like I was accosting a STRANGER. I intro'd myself, and we had the best time getting to know each other: the Christian writer and the...I'll put this delicately...much, much, much steamier writer.

      Don't be a stranger now!

  2. I am a follower/email subscriber and would love to have a chance at winning a copy of this book. It is on my TBR list. Thank you for offering great Christian books to read and hear about.


  3. Hi Pam & Casey,

    Wonderful post! Pam, I might need you if I go to the ACFW Conference this year! I'll be going solo and the thought terrifies me! I'm the type that likes to have at least one person with me. Otherwise, I might just hide out in the hotel room!

    I must say that I ADORED your book! Mariah & Slade, two wonderful characters.I love the way Slade's heart is changed! If there is ever a print version, I would love to have a copy for my bookshelf.


    1. Susan, you just come on to the ACFW Conference! Me and the Seekers will take good care of you. And THANK YOU so much for the sweet words about Claiming Mariah. I hope and pray you and I both get that print version. :)

  4. I'm a follower and a subscriber and I love winning books! And reading them. :)

    I'm liking the new website look!

    priviesandprims at yahoo dot com

    1. Doreen, isn't Casey's blog too cute? And she's even got blue gingham on in her profile pic. Lovin' it! :)

  5. Claiming Mariah looks very good. Thanks for the nice giveaway.

    I am a follower.

    I am a subscriber.


    1. Ruby-n-reba, so glad you stopped by. Casey's such a sweet-heart to invite us all in for a nice, cozy visit.

  6. Lost my first post??? Guess I need to sign in first. I'd love to win the book! I'm a follower and a subscriber and I love the new look for your blog!

    priviesandprims at yahoo dot com

  7. Thanks for the lovely guest post. For me, I became more confident when I got a job working in retail because of all the talking to people I had to do!


    crazi.swans @ gmail dot com

  8. I love the cover of your book - that's the first thing I check, then read the back. I've never been a wallflower though love to find those folks and just ask them questions about themselves.

    I am a follower.

    I am a subscriber.

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Melody, you are a Wallflower Rescuer Master then! :)

  9. I can't wait to read this book! The cover is absolutely stunning!


    1. Thank you, Marissa. Tyndale did an awesome job with it. I blogged about the cover on Nora St. Laurent's blog last week about how the design is almost perfect if you use the "Z" method of reading left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

  10. I'm a follower!


  11. I'm a subscriber!!


  12. I enjoyed your post, Pam. I've been in many awkward situations in my lifetime. It is difficult, when you don't know anyone and no one seems interested in knowing you.
    may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Kay, I know exactly where you're coming from, and I still feel awkward in a lot of situations. But, a good host/hostess should make sure to include everyone in some or all of the conversations.

      As a matter of fact, I'll go so far as to say that when giving a party, the host/hostess should enlist at least one outgoing friend/relative for every 6-8 guests that invite. Said friends job should be to mingle and make sure there are no wallflowers feeling left out.

      Some of my most enjoyable conversations have been where I stopped, dropped my own agenda, and just listened.

  13. I forgot to mention. I am a follower and an email subscriber (different address).

  14. Thank you for giving me a chance to win your book. It is so good that you came out of your shell, thanks to your employer of 28 with working in office work, and working up. God bless you.
    follower and email subscriber
    Norma S.

    1. Norma, it was a blessing that I didn't even know I needed. Very thankful for the opportunities I've been given.

  15. I can really relate to this post. I'm an introvert who still struggles at times in large groups.
    I'd love to win a copy of Claiming Mariah.
    I'm a follower and an email subscriber.
    Thanks for giving away this book.


    1. Pam K, you are not alone! :) What works for me is to start thinking about others and not about me. If I can get my mind off of me, and walk around as an ambassador of goodwill, then it's much easier to start conversations.

      Oh, this is kinda funny...last year at the ACFW conference, I was doing my usual rescuing before the banquet and sorta roped in 2 people standing there looking lonely. I got the ball rolling with what they both wrote, where they were from, their scars and tattoos (okay, not THAT!) and then left chatting with each other while I went on my merry way. I hope they become lifelong friends!

  16. Pam,
    I had the same experience when I starting working as a teller at a bank several years ago. Meeting new people everyday, and becoming familiar with local business owners and workers forced me out of my shell. :)

    I have to say, I'm a lover of book covers, and Claiming Mariah is GORGEOUS! I read the description on Amazon, and I'm intrigued. Mariah and Slade have a hard road ahead. :)

    Please enter me in the giveaway. I'm itching to read this!

    I'm a follower: Cheryl Hart
    I'm a subscriber: nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Cheryl, one of those public-people jobs worked for you too, huh? :) You know, I'm reminded of the charm schools of days gone by, the dances in Pride & Prejudice, the huge parties in London's "Seasons" and even the hoe-downs, square dances, and church socials all across America years ago.

      These activities helped young women come develop confidence. Or at least they should have. I can see myself still sitting in the corner when I was 16. Sigh. These activities probably wouldn't have helped me until I was FORCED to interact. A good job and money is a HUGE motivator! lol

    2. Pride & Prejudice, the huge parties in London's "Seasons" and even the hoe-downs, square dances, and church socials all across America years ago.

      These activities helped young women come develop confidence. Or at least they should have. I can see myself still sitting in the corner when I was 16. Sigh. So it probably wouldn't have helped me until I was FORCED to interact. A good job and money is a HUGE motivator! lol

  17. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I have always been shy too and felt out of place since I was younger. I still do.

    1. Victoria, you know there is nothing wrong with being shy. Sometimes shy just means you enjoy your solitude, sitting back and people-watching, learning and listening. You probably remember more of conversations than some of the ones doing all the talking!

      Hope you get a chance to read Claiming Mariah. :)

  18. Claiming Mariah sounds great and I would love to read it. Would love to pass it along to my book club buddies as well!

  19. Covers attract my attention first, and then entices me to read the blurb. I love the cover of Claiming Mariah! Thank you for offering the give away!

  20. I forgot to leave my email. So much for remembering the rules of the giveaway! Here it is! authorjmpowers AT hotmailDOT com

    1. J.M., thanks so much for stopping by! Like you, covers catch my attention first. Also, like you, I was thrilled with this cover. Hope you get a chance to read the story inside. :) God bless!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)