Friday, March 22, 2013

Pinterest Challenge: March...What Did You Create?

The pinterest wars are ON with favorite authors Katie Ganshert and Becky Wade...have you checked out their boards yet? Join their challenge...they are actually giving away a copy of their novels. Becky's board. Katie's board.

 (My challenge, you just get the satisfaction of a job well done. Now tell me, don't you like my challenge better? ;-)

Last weekend I put together my first Pinterest project. Surprise, surprise, I actually LIKE doing crafts! ;-) Now, I'm excited to do something crafty next month, but before I get too far ahead of myself, I need to share what I DID this month!

Link to original you can try it too!

I wanted to do something that wouldn't break my bank. 

I found these knobs at Home Depot for less than $3 a piece. 

And purchased this Behr paint sample from Home Depot for about $2.97. (Though I about had a heart attack, when the checker rang my total up and it came to just under $30. Thank goodness, that wasn't correct! ;-)

The wood? Just a piece of scrap (most likely pallet wood) that I found in our salvage pile. I cut it down to the correct dimensions and my dad helped me with the beveling and stressing. I wanted it to have the antique, "chic" look and I think I got it pretty close!

The big different thing I did with this project, was instead of a paintbrush, I used a bit of old towel to apply the paint. It gave it a completely different texture and not quite such a "finished" look when I was done. Neat idea! (again all my Dad. ;-)

Next day I stressed the project with a sander and let it sit in front of our wood stove to cure and seal the paint in place. 

While that cured, we put together the glass jars I was going to hang from the knobs. (sorry the pictures are so crummy, I'm really not a DIY photographer. ;-)

We're almost done!! And I'm loving how it's all coming together. Final step? Install it in my bunkhouse. 

And that's that! Loving this first attempt, not too shabby and I might as well tack on the "chic" while I'm at it. :-)

No excuses! What did you create this month? (and btw, the family has totally become addicted to this pinterest snickerdoodle muffin recipe. Yummy!) 


  1. CUTE!!!! Great job Casey! I actually like yours better.

  2. Awwwww, that is sooo cute! I love it! Spring break was last week and I used it to do some crafting. I redid a chair here:

    I also tried this slow cooker gingerbread pudding cake. It is kinda like a lava cake and soooo yummy. Here is a picture of mine on pinterest:

    I just love Pinterest!!!!

    1. I saw that! IMPRESSIVE, Sherrinda! Where did you end up using it?

  3. Very nice, Casey! The only think I "make" off of Pinterest is an occasional recipe. But because of Pinterest I've learned to make Pins and have had so much fun doing that!

    1. You find the best recipes, Anne. I pinned a couple of yours last night.

    2. Lol! Yes, I've pinned hundreds and made maybe a dozen. :)

    3. I know, that's me too! That's why I decided on this challenge. :)

  4. Very fun, Casey -- and I am not at all surprised that you are crafty!

    1. LOL, I had help. I'm usually NOT this crafty.

  5. Great job! I really like it! I'm a fan of mason jars, so this is super cute. :)

    I'm not really into crafts, but I did bake a chocolate cake that I pinned from Robyn @ Add a Pinch. I showcased it on my blog yesterday. It's amazing, and definitely a keeper! :)

    By the way, I like your pink and white baseball style shirt, too. Very cute!

    1. Oh, then you are going to love the project I'm doing next month, Michelle. Can't wait to do that one and show it off. I didn't think I was into crafts either...until I made something. Very empowering. Look out world, I'm takin' over. ;-)

  6. That is so cute, Casey! :) I love the pics, and I love how your project turned out! Nice job!!


    1. BTW, you should totally get on pinterest. You'd really like it!!

  7. Pinterest gets us into trouble, doesn't it? Oh, what haven't I made from there? That would be the question. Come visit my blog on Wednesday, I plan to post my latest "finished" project that I originally saw on Pinterest!!
    How's that for a shameless plug? Ha!

    1. LOL, I will! I bet it was something quilting related. Am I right? You've always got such pretty pins with quilting, etc. That is one thing I'm NOT! But I greatly admire those who are. :)

    2. It was but I changed my mind and did something else instead. :) HA! However, I do give you a shout out tomorrow!! ;)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)