Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Well Done Story ~ Sweet Sanctuary by Kim Vogel Sawyer ~ Review

I think I might have found a new World War II historical favorite. Known for her prairie romances, Sawyer has taken a step into a new direction and I completely love it. The novel takes the reader into the heart of the war, the lives it touched and hurt. But it plays more as a backdrop instead for the foreplay of the story and that in and of itself gives the novel a different flavor from similar titles in its genre.
A beloved household favorite, Sawyer keeps the reader engaged in her latest title. Typical sweet romance with spurts of humor and combed with genuine concern for what will come of these characters. Some non-Christian readers might find the theology overt and cliché, but as a Christian fan I very much liked how God and His perfect plans were woven through the story.
The kids stole the show that is for sure. Nic is definitely a hard character to like, but I liked what became of him through the story. Misunderstandings abound in romance, it’s enough to make the hopeless romantic (and the realist) in me roll my eyes, but it provided a bit of comic relief toward the end of a serious story. And the ending…aw, definitely a sweet one.
I’ll be adding this title to my collection and most likely enjoying it again in the future. Loved the change in direction from the norm; well done!
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through Litfuse Publicity for my copy to review.

More about the novel...

A Story of Hope and Love from Bestselling Author Kim Vogel Sawyer 

Lydia Eldredge longs to provide a sanctuary for her son, Nicky. But a constant threat comes from Nicky's drug-addicted father, who wants the boy and seems willing to do whatever it takes to get him. 

Dr. Micah Hatcher serves the immigrant population in Queens, but under cover of darkness he provides another service that must not be discovered lest his and his brother's lives be in danger. 

When Lydia and Micah's paths cross, they are suddenly wrapped up in each other's callings. Through unforeseen twists and turns, they seek a refuge of safety--for Nicky, for themselves, and for the needy people God unexpectedly puts in their lives.

*~*Contest Info*~*

To celebrate the release of  Sweet Sanctuary Kim Vogel Sawyer is giving away a Cupcake Club membership (monthly cupcake delivery!) from the amazing Magnolia Bakery in New York and hosting a Facebook Author Chat party {4/30}!


One "sweet" winner will receive:
    • Cupcakes from NYC’s Magnolia Bakery delivered to your door every month. (Eat them all yourself or share!)
    • Sweet Sanctuary by Kim Vogel Sawyer for you and four of your friends. (Start a book group — cupcakes and a "sweet" read!)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 29th. Winner will be announced at the "Sweet Sanctuary" Author Chat Party on 4/30. Connect with Kim, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and chat with readers just like yourself. There will also be fun giveaways - gift certificates, books, and more!

So grab your copy of Sweet Sanctuary and join Kim on the evening of April 30th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 30th!


  1. This sounds like a great book - and author chats are always fun!

    1. I wish I could attend more of them! I don't get to many since they fall during my working hours. :(

  2. I love WW2 stories! Must. Read. :)

    1. Yes! Hers and Cara Putman's WWII stories. Fantastic tales!

  3. Oh I would love to come but I have puppy preschool that night.
    I love her books and I bet my Mom would love this book. Thanks for
    the review :)

    1. Kim is a talented author! Have you seen the cover for her next Waterbrook release? I'm excited to see where this new publisher takes her. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)