Friday, April 5, 2013

Catch-All Friday

I found some pretty fun news on the 'net this week.

CONGRATS Gabrielle!!


Katie Ganshert's adoption puzzle only needs 55 more pieces and it'll be completed!! Have you taken part in their awesome (and inspiring!) journey to bring their little one home?

Bethany House debuted Becky Wade's video book trailer for Undeniably Yours. It's hitting the presses now...can't wait to get this one in my hands. ;-)

One of my FAVORITE bloggers ever came out of blogging hiatus for a review of Serena Chase's debut novel. 

I hope we'll be seeing lots more of you Joy!

Joanne Bischof's sophmore novel released yesterday! 

Such a sweet prairie romance.

I found Jessica Dotta's debut novel cover first on Pinterest

And followed up with it on Rel's blog. Stunner from Tyndale!

What was your favorite part of your week?


  1. You're right! So many fun things on the web this week. Joanne's book releasing was definitely one of my faves. Both hers and Jody Hedlund's latest. Yay! And Gabe signing with an agent!!!! Cindy too! So much happiness! (And so many exclamation marks!)

  2. Thanks for rounding up so many reasons to celebrate, Casey! I did a huge HaPpY dAnCe when I saw Gabe's post about signing with an agent!

  3. Ooh ... I love all of this fun news! There's always a reason to celebrate! And I can NOT wait to read Becky's new book!

  4. What a wonderful week it's been. I whooped and hollered for Gabrielle and Cindy.

  5. Awww, Casey you make me smile, my friend! I'm so glad you posted a picture of Serena's book (which is an awesome read!), but me coming out of retirement is not nearly as cool as your writer friends finding agents. Yay them! Congrats to Gabrielle and Cindy!

  6. Thank you so much for mentions my debut Born of Persuasion! I look forward to returning the favor!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)